Originally posted by Victor
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My serial masturbator analogy was meant to suggest similar compulsion to perform the acts, but it was always meant to suggest that the person in question wouldnt participate in something that would likely only offer him foreplay. Its in the the culmination of the act that his/her compulsion is satisfied...like Jack....he kills so he can cut....killing is a step. Not a standalone thrill. He doesnt show that he is interested in the killing specifically at all....he just does it.
Pragmatically....we have a pony with horseshoes and a cart with wooden wheels or steel rim ones that are trotting along on cobblestones at almost 1am towards the killer. How early might he have heard the cart and horse turning onto Berner Street? Diemshutz pulls in at 1am.....so, perhaps 2-3 minutes before his arrival he might be audible? Thats 12:57am. According to Dr Blackwell, its possible she was cut as early as 12:46am, and likely by 12:56am,....so that means she is being or already is cut when the cart and horse can be heard. Yet no-one is seen leaving out the gates...the only exit from that site to Berner Street other than the front door...which Eagle says was locked by 12:40am. So he sits in the yard with the dying woman waiting for......? An opening to flee? Isnt he risking Diemshutz closing the gates when he finds Liz? Without the cart, its clear that many people are just upstairs singing and drunk, there is light on in some of the cottages and the kitchen door is open and he cannot see into the house from close to that wall with Liz. Light is shone out the second floor club window, and from cottage windows. That may still not allow for good visibility, but they could be seen as shapes.
If... as the senior medical authorities for Mary Ann and Annie suggest, that the killer was likely stopped from completing his extractions that he later completes with Annie because he was interrupted....sSince she is 3/4 of the way along that extraction road, and the sensitive nature of the venue, thats a fair guess I would think......then why would he risk that failure again?
Suggesting an interruption with free time on the clock for the killer, no signs of said interruption, and no indication that any further interest in the dead woman was expressed by the killer, isnt so "fair".
Cheers Victor