Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes
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1. We know one period when she was at her door, and its right up to the time Louis says he arrived. She was at her door a few minutes saw Goldstein at around 12:55, then at 1 went in. She didnt see or hear Louis or a cart at 1am. A sound is not a visual id. But you still espouse he invisibly, I imagine, sneaks past Fanny AND the young couple. Remarkable fella that anarchist.
2. Again, you make a stand on miniscule points that mean nothing and ignore the most salient ones.
3. See answer 1....we do, she told us in her statement.
4. Unbiased, clear view of the street and of the gated entrance, at her door, and inside, during those most critical 30 minutes,.. saw and validated the young couple that Brown ends up seeing, her claimed location is validated at 12:55 when she sees Goldstein and he later admits it was him, and most relevantly....she did NOT see any cart and horse just before and up to 1am. Louis would have been entering the street from the far end ri9ght about when she saw Goldstein. So yeah, she has value.
Now your virtuous, accurately timed witnesses;
No one saw Eagle return to the club
No one saw Louis return to the club
Lave didnt see Eagle when they occupied the same space at the same time.
Eagle couldnt be sure Liz wasnt lying there at 12:40
Louis's stated arrival time is directly contradicted by 3 witnesses, and the timing Lamb gave for his sighting of Eagle.
Louis quite simply could not have arrived at the same time Lamb and Eagle return to the club, why you dont understand that is a head shaker. You cant have someone arrive at 1, and at the same time have a search party for police, initiated by the discovery, end up arriving at the same time Louis first arrives. Why would anyone claim that makes sense...but you did and do.
To say you dont get it falls so short of the truth, youve had the same errors you repetitively state pointed out to you over and over and yet still repeat them.
I dont mind debate, I do mind when the least capable person to engage in one wants to engage in it with me. Because I can argue the evidence, just not whats concocted by you. You defy reason, one wonders if its intentional. I hope for your sake it is.
I believe its time now for you to tell me that the entire UK and most of the free world agrees with you, not me...or did I steal your thunder?

When you can tell time, both read and comprehend, and understand what logic, reason and precedents are, then we can take this up again. But save this repetitive nonsense please.
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