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Did BS-man murder Liz Stride?

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  • Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
    To pass on something that is neither proven, nor dis proven, isnt the best approach to problem solving Jon. Its still a variable, a posit, a possibility,... until such time as its validity has been thoroughly tested.
    I'm fine with possibilities Michael, so long as they stay that way until proven. What troubles me is when people assume one of several answers is correct (ie; that Schwartz was a member), and then proceeds to create a scenario on that basis.

    Can you say Israel Schwartz did not know any members at that club, or feel any compunction to assist them with his statement? If you can...then based on what?
    No Michael, first things first.
    The proposer is required to establish Schwartz was a member, or personally connected with the Club, before asking others to prove he was not.
    The facts as they stand at present are that we have no indication he was, so on what basis is anyone to believe otherwise?
    Last edited by Wickerman; 08-17-2013, 09:43 PM.
    Regards, Jon S.


    • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
      Hello Jon. Thanks.

      "If you don't mind, I'll pass on that scenario. . ."

      Very well. If you prefer BSM PLUS . . .

      Hello Lynn.

      I prefer to keep the Club independent until good reason (not speculation) is unearthed to indicate otherwise.
      Regards, Jon S.


      • benefit

        Hello Jon. Thanks.

        "I prefer to keep the Club independent until good reason (not speculation) is unearthed to indicate otherwise."

        Very well. But they stood to benefit most by the story.



        • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
          Hello Jon. Thanks.

          "I prefer to keep the Club independent until good reason (not speculation) is unearthed to indicate otherwise."

          Very well. But they stood to benefit most by the story.

          Hello Lynn.
          Are we sure the scenario has not been invented in order suggest a benefit?
          Regards, Jon S.


          • These conspiracy theories...
            surely if Schwartz made it up he would have said he saw a knife being used on Stride - as it is his wishy washy story left considerable uncertainty as to what he had seen.
            There isn't the slightest shred of evidence to suggest any link between Schwartz and the club so any such speculation is in my opinion just fantasy...
            ...and there would have been rather more than one potential translator in the district (this is rather like the suggestion that if anyone used a cab then they must have links to Le Grand).


            • Hello Jon. Thanks.

              By whom?



              • indirect approach

                Hello Edward.

                "So you saw a knife being used, eh? Then why didn't you help her out or call the police?"

                As it was, it was as if saying, "A lady was found dead? Hmm, saw an altercation. Wonder if that was it?"



                • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                  Hello Jon. Thanks.

                  By whom?

                  Not sure what you mean, Lynn.

                  Are you asking 'who first suggested the story?'
                  Regards, Jon S.


                  • Hi Ed

                    Not sure what you mean, Lynn.

                    Are you asking 'who first suggested the story?'
                    I've just listened through Doxastics to worst...I thought we were talking about the Whitechapel Murders but clearly I was mistaken...then we're discussing the Club Independent...well at least that's novel and something a grammar school boy can understand...

                    All the best



                    • Sswedish documentary

                      Originally posted by andy1867 View Post
                      .....I dunno how my documentary would pan out Lynn...
                      I'd obviously do the atmospherics, old coal fire, gaslight just up to the left illuminating my face (just the one side where ive shaved)
                      and then i'd use me Cockney / Sheffield voice..where i say
                      "Ey up...Muvva Brahn, dontcha know , hear all see all say nowt , eat all sup all, pay nowt...doin' the lambef walk"
                      I would then regale them of my knowledge on the Ripper,
                      They would obviously ask me to pan it out out a bit, as it was an half hour documentary and i'd only spoken for 24 seconds
                      So i reckon I'd resort to
                      "This is Mitre Square...."..then I have this really long graphic of Mitre Square..that goes on forever...while you just hear me breathin' and maybe gigglin' a bit
                      Then the Narrator would say..."What actually happened in Mitre Square?"
                      and I obviously would prevaricate cos I'm clueless and don't want to be shown up by such as yer good self, Stewart, Phil H and all the rest...
                      So I would assume an air of "knowingness..."....and say...
                      "What happened in this microcosm of what was Victorian London in in the 1880's... was really not very nice"
                      and the narrator would then ask me to expand on me statement....
                      and i'd look flabbergasted and say
                      "When I say not very nice, I mean really really..beyond the pale"
                      Then the Narrator would say "in what way"
                      and i'd say..
                      "ive studied this case for nearly 3 days, and consider myself an expert, in my considered opinion the murderer was Kaminsky, KOminsky, Maybrick, Deeming, Sickert and Prince Eddie, but not necesarilly in that order,...or Cohen"
                      The Narrator would say "Pardon?"
                      Then I would run off
                      Hallo Andy,

                      In fact you've just described the latest Swedish documentary on JTR lol.



                      • Lyn
                        you saw a woman being attacked in the street - why didn't you call out?
                        'l speaky no Inglish and was much frightened so I run to railway tunnel'

                        same excuse.


                        • clarification

                          Hello Jon. Thanks.

                          Just seeking clarification on your question.



                          • coward

                            Hello Edward. Thanks.

                            "Why did you run off?"

                            "Me big coward."




                            • 'Schwartz covering for club theory - falls to floor like rain falling on Hungarian plain.'


                              • fancy that

                                Hello Edward. Thanks.

                                Luckily, Hungarian dress is fancy not plain.

                                Seriously, the story, forensically speaking, falls flat. And the added racial slur . . .


