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The Goulston Street Apron

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  • hill806
    The fact he diddnt have much blood on him was probably due to the way in which he killed them. I beleve he acted as a paying customer, they lead the killer to a secluded corner, then SUDDENLY he struck, when they diddnt expect it, which in most cases would explain the lack of bruises (aprart from the throat) that would indicated a struggle. He would strangle them, then lay them down gently, then cut their throat, then get to work, he would have avoided alot of blood that way. If the killer was a butcher he MAY have brought his own butchers apron which he quickly got into, and its possible the apron had a front pocket for the organs..though that is just speculating. In most cases the streets were dimly lit and if the killer has simply brough a dark coat with him he may have simply took it off why he did the deed, then put it back on again to cover any bood. An organised inteligent killer wouldnt have needed to waste time cutting up apron for the organs, they would have thought ahead and simply brought their own garments for the organs....that is if the killer was as organised as a possibly ninja. Its possibly the killer may have brought a seperate rag for the organs..wrapped them up..then cut his hand...darn..nothing left for my then he had to cut away at her apron quickly.
    Last edited by hill806; 08-29-2013, 08:43 AM. Reason: typo

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  • Digalittledeeperwatson
    Hullo hill806.

    Originally posted by hill806 View Post
    Yeah id say it is worth the effort and if nothing came from it then at leist it could be ruled out. Now regardless of the fact it was completly dark or just quite dark, he could have still cut himself if he was working quickly and frantically, especially if only an hour ago he had killed stride and wasnt able to finish. He also possibly nearly got caught and he knew police were still out after him. He may have still cut the piece of apron larger because he was hurrying, or just because he would wrap it around his cut a good few times. Anyway i think the killer would have blended in with the shadows, possibly wearing a dark coat, thus the reason no1 saw any blood on him and i personally imagined he would just shove the organs in his pockets of the coat.
    So, a killer who went to the trouble of limiting the amount of blood he had to deal with is just going to stuff bloody, still oozing blood perhaps, organs in his pockets? A killer who avoids blood, kills almost silently, and is always a step ahead, just crams organs in his pockets. Something seems incongruent about that. But hell, I think it a good possibility the guy wore gloves so... It just hit me. "JTR" exhibits many of the same symptoms that ninjas do. Now there's s fresh idea for a book.
    Last edited by Digalittledeeperwatson; 08-29-2013, 04:24 AM.

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  • Wickerman
    Originally posted by Bridewell View Post
    Assuming that both copied the original, rather than one officer copying the note made by the other.
    Hi Colin.

    "...The inspector made the remark that on the wall the word was "Jeuws." Witness entered in his book what he believed was an exact copy of the words."
    The Times.

    What I was meaning was, PC Long saw the original, and while there he made a copy in his notebook, the Inspector who was also present commented on the wording written by PC Long.
    So, this implies the Inspector confirmed what PC Long wrote.

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  • hill806
    I still wonder why he took the organs in the first place..i still wonder if its possible that the killer was an insane cannibal. (possibly Jacob Levy) the insane butcher. If he was a cannibal then i doubt he would wrap them up in a rag with feces on it. However the killer having a cannibalistic motive is meerly a theory that may be true...but probably unlikely. If he was an inteligent killer, then i doubt he would leave the rag near to where he lived or in a jewish community. I also do not beleve the killer wasted time writing pointless scribble on a wall knowing that police were hunting him.

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  • hill806
    Yeah id say it is worth the effort and if nothing came from it then at leist it could be ruled out. Now regardless of the fact it was completly dark or just quite dark, he could have still cut himself if he was working quickly and frantically, especially if only an hour ago he had killed stride and wasnt able to finish. He also possibly nearly got caught and he knew police were still out after him. He may have still cut the piece of apron larger because he was hurrying, or just because he would wrap it around his cut a good few times. Anyway i think the killer would have blended in with the shadows, possibly wearing a dark coat, thus the reason no1 saw any blood on him and i personally imagined he would just shove the organs in his pockets of the coat.

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  • Bridewell
    If this is what could have happened than i believe he would have seeked medical attention soon after, possibly at the London hospital. I then was wondering if any medical records existed of patients coming in with hand lasterations any time after the double event?
    Hi Hill,

    Welcome to the Boards.

    The In-Patient Records of the London Hospital for the relevant time are held in the archives on Prescot Street, but you need to make an appointment to view them. Well worth the effort though.

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  • Bridewell
    It could have been written by the killer or it could be just one of a lot of similar sentiments written by all sorts of people. The knife may or may not have landed underneath by chance.
    Hi Chava,

    Piece of apron surely - not knife?

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  • Bridewell
    Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
    Long's version was also witnessed by the Inspector, so apart from a spelling correction, we also have confirmation.

    Assuming that both copied the original, rather than one officer copying the note made by the other.

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  • Digalittledeeperwatson
    Hullo again hill806.

    If the murderer did indeed cut the apron, transport, and deposit it in Goulston street, I would suggest the possibility that whatever the killer took the bloody organs away in was wrapped up inside the apron. I'd put a little money on that. It's too big for cleaning. Too big for a cut. Just too big. It doesn't exclude them as possibilities but what would you do with a piece of that size? Now it may have not been bloody enough for the organs to have been in directly. So wrap it around your initial carrying device so blood can't seep through and get you bloody(ier) and you don't leave a trail. Just something to think about if you find any merit in it.

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  • Digalittledeeperwatson
    Hullo hill806.

    Originally posted by hill806 View Post
    I suppose there was some light...after all Eddowes did suffer from BRIGHTS desease
    That was beautiful. Keep it up.

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  • hill806
    I suppose there was some light...after all Eddowes did suffer from BRIGHTS desease

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  • lynn cates

    Hello Hill. Thanks.

    It IS true. He said:

    1. I know that corner.

    2. It is the darkest in the square.

    3. Notwithstanding, there was sufficient light.


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  • hill806
    Thanks Lynn, I have however read that PC Holland went immediately to fetch Dr George Sequira from his house on nearby Jewry Street after finding the body.
    Sequira then apparently reached Mitre Square at around 1.55am and later told the inquest that the murder had occurred in what was probably the darkest corner of the Square. Im not sure whats true now. hmm

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  • lynn cates

    Hello Hill. Welcome to the boards.

    Actually, it was NOT as dark as all that. Dr. Sequiera said there was sufficient light without any being added.


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  • hill806
    Oh and thanks for the replies guys. Its good to know theres a place like this where you can discuss these theories with people sharing the same interest in the case.

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