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The Goulston Street Apron

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  • John G
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    The answer is George Hutchinson.

    Hutch is seen attacking Elizabeth stride by a Jew with a "strong Jewish appearance" and yells "lipski"!, a Jewish slur at the man. Later , still pissed off, he drops the apron and writes the GSG. After the murder of Mary Kelly he describes the made up Aman to police as jewish.
    Abby, you haven't borrowed Pierre's Data Analysis machine have you? And have you considered all possible sources, i.e. historical sources which are from the past, and modern sources which are contemporary? Have you also completely ruled out the possibility that George Hurchinson is actually Michael Maybrick in disguise?

    That said, it is far from being the least plausible solution that's been presented-in fact, I think you might be on to something, especially if you amend the argument slightly to make Hutch a Freemason and a secret child of the Commissioner for the Metropolis!
    Last edited by John G; 10-17-2015, 01:52 PM.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    Nobody wants to know how they might all be related??

    Chicken dinner for the first one who gets it.
    The answer is George Hutchinson.

    Hutch is seen attacking Elizabeth stride by a Jew with a "strong Jewish appearance" and yells "lipski"!, a Jewish slur at the man. Later , still pissed off, he drops the apron and writes the GSG. After the murder of Mary Kelly he describes the made up Aman to police as jewish.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by John G View Post
    Heck, Abby, I was sure I was right! Okay second guess: what was actually said or written is disputed:

    The Graffiti:PC Long noted the words as, "The Jews are the men that will not be blamed for nothing", whereas Detective Halse thought the wording was, "The Juews are not the men who will be blamed for nothing."

    Lipski: It has been suggested that BS man might have shouted "Lizzie", directed at the victim, not "Lipski", directed at Schwartz. Alternatively, the official report states that it was BS man, who shouted "Lipski", presumably at Schwartz, whereas the Star version has a second man "shouting out some sort of warning to the man [BS Man] who was with the woman." There is no mention of "Lipski" in this version.

    Hutchinson: in describing Astrachan Man, Hutchinson is variously quoted as referring to the suspect as a 'foreigner" or "Jewish".

    Hopefully I'll be a bit closer to the answer this time!
    Good try. But no. Try again.

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  • John G
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    Nope! Try again
    Heck, Abby, I was sure I was right! Okay second guess: what was actually said or written is disputed:

    The Graffiti:PC Long noted the words as, "The Jews are the men that will not be blamed for nothing", whereas Detective Halse thought the wording was, "The Juews are not the men who will be blamed for nothing."

    Lipski: It has been suggested that BS man might have shouted "Lizzie", directed at the victim, not "Lipski", directed at Schwartz. Alternatively, the official report states that it was BS man, who shouted "Lipski", presumably at Schwartz, whereas the Star version has a second man "shouting out some sort of warning to the man [BS Man] who was with the woman." There is no mention of "Lipski" in this version.

    Hutchinson: in describing Astrachan Man, Hutchinson is variously quoted as referring to the suspect as a 'foreigner" or "Jewish".

    Hopefully I'll be a bit closer to the answer this time!
    Last edited by John G; 10-16-2015, 09:40 AM.

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  • packers stem
    Originally posted by John G View Post
    Here's my guess: they're all unreliable pieces of evidence that should probably be discounted!
    I agree with John on this one.
    No evidence GSG contains misspelt words
    Lipski was shouted at a jew or in relation to a jew in the vicinity
    And Hutch..... Well least said the better

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by Ben View Post
    Ooh, I know! Pick me! Over here!...

    (Actually, that would be cheating!)
    Now, now Ben. Let some of the others students get a chance to answer. : )

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  • Ben
    Ooh, I know! Pick me! Over here!...

    (Actually, that would be cheating!)

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by John G View Post
    Here's my guess: they're all unreliable pieces of evidence that should probably be discounted!
    Nope! Try again

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  • John G
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    Nobody wants to know how they might all be related??

    Chicken dinner for the first one who gets it.
    Here's my guess: they're all unreliable pieces of evidence that should probably be discounted!

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    hi All4one
    welcome. I agree.

    There are only 3 direct links (evidence) between the ripper case and Judaism. The GSG, the shouting of "lipski" and Hutch's description of his suspect as Jewish.

    One can draw there own conclusion if these three bits of evidence are related TO EACH OTHER. personally, I think that there is a good chance they are.
    Nobody wants to know how they might all be related??

    Chicken dinner for the first one who gets it.

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  • IchabodCrane
    School + School + Juwes(GSG) written in chalk in a nice schoolboy hand = , the hint is too subtle for a guy who had the appearance of a sailor
    (Jewish) Club + Synagogue + Juwes(GSG) = Successfully directed suspicion towards the Jews!

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  • DJA
    .....the night before the start of term,in a neat schoolboy hand.

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  • packers stem
    Originally posted by IchabodCrane View Post
    Fair enough. Only that the piece of bloodied apron was not found under a graffito reading 'The schoolteachers are the men who will not be blamed for nothing'...
    ...but it was written in chalk...

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  • IchabodCrane
    Originally posted by All4One View Post
    I'm not sure that one can establish a link between the Ripper and Judaism based on the proximity of some murder scenes to Jewish cemeteries.

    The Nichols, Stride and Eddowes killings all occured remarkably close to schools. You might as well conclude that the killer was a teacher.
    Fair enough. Only that the piece of bloodied apron was not found under a graffito reading 'The schoolteachers are the men who will not be blamed for nothing'...

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  • Michael W Richards
    Originally posted by All4One View Post
    I'm not sure that one can establish a link between the Ripper and Judaism based on the proximity of some murder scenes to Jewish cemeteries.

    The Nichols, Stride and Eddowes killings all occured remarkably close to schools. You might as well conclude that the killer was a teacher.
    Not that this has anything to do with any Ripper, but there is a definitive connection of Liz Strides killer to Judaism..having committed murder on a piece of private property owned, operated and populated that night with Immigrant Jews. Its one reason why I personally feel the grafitto was left by someone aware of the Berner Street murder and the circumstances...perhaps even that the club jews were going into the street that night shouting that "another" murder had been committed, alluding obviously to the prior unsolved "string" of such throat slitting murders. Which, at least during September, were thought by the authorities to have been committed by an insane immigrant Jew, according to Anderson.

    Interesting that this was all readily available news when Israel, alledgedly an unbiased passer-by...(who it appears knew Woolf Wess of the Arbeter Fraint based in the yard office at 40 Berner), suggests a scenario that an aggressive off-property gentile is at the centre of... with the soon to be deceased.

    I think the person that wrote the grafitto thought that the Jews would strive to be seen as blameless in the death of Liz Stride, a thought perhaps later validated by a Jewish witness with a murderous, off site, gentile story.

    I think the apron section is support for that grafitto author, and it was intended to direct suspicion back on the virtue of the location it is placed at, perhaps as much as an hour after Kate Eddowes murder.

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