I'm sure you do, but it will be wrong . Wilkes and Bettany,s Biographical History of Guy's Hospital
"Sir william gull had two or three short illnesses before the one which was the commencement of his fatal malady, but at this time he was well and enjoying himself in Scotland, near killiecrankie, when he was seized with slight paralysis on the right side of and aphasia. this was in October 1887. he recovered in great measure and returned to London, where he remained for some months comparatively well. friends who then saw him did not discern much difference in his looks and manner but he said he felt another man and gave up his practice. he subsequently had three epileptiform attacks, from which he rapidly recovered, but on January the 29th 1890 he was suddenly seized with a apoplectic attack, fell into a coma , and gradually passed away.''
so serious .... i dont think so notice the word recovered........... and just for good measure sir Winston Churchill who was 8 years older than gull had a major stroke in 1949 and was elected prime minster in 1951 suffered two more strokes in 52 and 53 and went on to run the country and the foreign office . so please spare me the dribble how gull was to sick and in incapacitated to have been jtr. the biggest mistake Gladstone bag theorist like yourself make is that gull was so sick and to old to have had any part in the murders , but then your still looking arent you .
now for those who really would like to know the truth about gulls stroke see above. and as for every other persons or events or places that sherlock has mention the same thing can also be done . so just remember sherlock you have your source of information i have mine everytime you want to post your narrative ill be right back with mine so keep rinsing and repeating that post 2771 , you can object to knight theory all you like but you can not disprove it based on an article or someones book that said so .
ive now showed you gull was certainly capable and that sickert retracted his'' i made it all up statement'' . dont make me find that hospital you say doesn't exit . that would be to easy.
"Sir william gull had two or three short illnesses before the one which was the commencement of his fatal malady, but at this time he was well and enjoying himself in Scotland, near killiecrankie, when he was seized with slight paralysis on the right side of and aphasia. this was in October 1887. he recovered in great measure and returned to London, where he remained for some months comparatively well. friends who then saw him did not discern much difference in his looks and manner but he said he felt another man and gave up his practice. he subsequently had three epileptiform attacks, from which he rapidly recovered, but on January the 29th 1890 he was suddenly seized with a apoplectic attack, fell into a coma , and gradually passed away.''
so serious .... i dont think so notice the word recovered........... and just for good measure sir Winston Churchill who was 8 years older than gull had a major stroke in 1949 and was elected prime minster in 1951 suffered two more strokes in 52 and 53 and went on to run the country and the foreign office . so please spare me the dribble how gull was to sick and in incapacitated to have been jtr. the biggest mistake Gladstone bag theorist like yourself make is that gull was so sick and to old to have had any part in the murders , but then your still looking arent you .
now for those who really would like to know the truth about gulls stroke see above. and as for every other persons or events or places that sherlock has mention the same thing can also be done . so just remember sherlock you have your source of information i have mine everytime you want to post your narrative ill be right back with mine so keep rinsing and repeating that post 2771 , you can object to knight theory all you like but you can not disprove it based on an article or someones book that said so .
ive now showed you gull was certainly capable and that sickert retracted his'' i made it all up statement'' . dont make me find that hospital you say doesn't exit . that would be to easy.