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  • #46
    Originally posted by caz View Post
    Quick, I need a second magpie, or someone will be in for some bad luck.
    OMG - that's like 'being made an offer you can't refuse'!
    Materials: HistoryvsMaybrick – Dropbox


    • #47
      Originally posted by rjpalmer View Post
      Clearly you are too young to remember the days of a certain poster named "Caz Morris" and her "secret squirrel" evidence in Liverpool. A bloke named John Omlor hounded her daily for the better part of 3 years to get off the receptacle, yet it was still another decade before she finally dropped the penny.

      Early days, my son, early days.
      The hound of hell now? I'll have my own zoo 'ere long.

      My Mum often told me [when my 'friend' at school used to slavishly copy all my 60s fashion ideas, and later made a failed attempt to steal my first serious squeeze] that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

      So it's quite sweet to see RJ claim that all Lord O is now doing is his very own Caz Morris Secret Squirrel impression. I hope he pulls it off, but that sounds a wee bit painful.

      At least it should be an improvement on his very own Googie Withers - and what tablets he took for it.

      RIP, Eric Morecambe.



      "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


      • #48
        Originally posted by rjpalmer View Post

        Clearly you are too young to remember the days of a certain poster named "Caz Morris" and her "secret squirrel" evidence in Liverpool. A bloke named John Omlor hounded her daily for the better part of 3 years to get off the receptacle, yet it was still another decade before she finally dropped the penny.

        Early days, my son, early days.
        Seriously though, RJ, I trust you know the difference between apples and oranges and only wrote the above to mislead the unwary.

        It was never 'my' evidence to reveal, as you very well know, and it all came about when Keith Skinner happened to mention it in Liverpool in 2007.

        John Omlor was never interested in the evidence anyway. He began by emailing me sweet nothings about lovely Caz Morris and her equally lovely prose [I still have the email printed out somewhere - it wasn't sturdy enough to use in the smallest room]. When his hotly expressed feelings were not reciprocated, he was astonished, thinking I'd be putty in his hands. Not long afterwards this 'friend' turned, and proceeded to 'hound' me until he fell off the face of the earth, citing personal circumstances to avoid revealing his sources for his own 'secret squirrel' evidence that the real James Maybrick could never have read anything by Richard Crashaw.

        If Lord O's evidence is his own, I see no reason for him sitting, Elvis-like, on his receptacle for any longer than it would take to wipe his bum with it. And then we can wipe the floor with him.


        Last edited by caz; 07-20-2020, 06:03 PM.
        "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


        • #49
          Originally posted by Iconoclast View Post

          Hi Caz,

          I'm not one to dob in a pal but I am tying to avoid a Kray Twin smile after a passing kiss from the Switchblade so - to Hell with friendship - have you read RJ's outrageous attack on your character, above?

          He's gone too far this time and I for one think it's time you sent the boys 'rarn to sort 'im aart. He might be a drinking buddy of mine but there's a code and he's crossed it.
          How so, Ike?

          I merely report the news; character has nothing to do with it. Caz telegraphed her 'Liverpool' provenance by a good decade. It just amuses me that 'Erobitha' is already crying foul less than 48 hours after someone else drops a hint.

          Time Reveals All; or at least it does to those who actually WANT to know the truth.

          By the way, Ike, any plans to finally reveal your identity?

          The rumor mill has it that you are: 1) Robert Smith; 2) Professor William Rubenstein; 3) one of Paul Feldman's grown children; 4) Caz Brown's sock puppet; or, (my favorite) Caroline Barrett.

          Granted, if I believed the Maybrick Diary was genuine, I'd hide behind a pseudonym, too.

          Cheers, RP
          Last edited by rjpalmer; 07-20-2020, 06:12 PM.


          • #50
            Originally posted by rjpalmer View Post

            Granted, if I believed the Maybrick Diary was genuine, I'd hide behind a pseudonym, too.

            Cheers, RP

            I don't think Iconoclast believes the Diary to be genuine, he has no true interest in the case, he just drops here to post whatever the thinks would keep the dying flame of the scrapbook on.

            I dare say, no more than 2 or 3 persons on this green earth believe it is genuine, and Iconclast is not one of them.

            The Baron


            • #51
              Originally posted by The Baron View Post
              I dare say, no more than 2 or 3 persons on this green earth believe it is genuine, and Iconclast is not one of them.
              I tend to agree.

              The psychology of the wind-up artist is a mystery in itself. I suppose sophistry is a way to thumb one's nose at empiricism.


              • #52
                Originally posted by rjpalmer View Post

                I tend to agree.

                The psychology of the wind-up artist is a mystery in itself. I suppose sophistry is a way to thumb one's nose at empiricism.
                Have you ever considered that I might actually be Lord Orsam himself???

                Materials: HistoryvsMaybrick – Dropbox


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Iconoclast View Post

                  Have you ever considered that I might actually be Lord Orsam himself???

                  Or as you called him, Lordshit ?!

                  The Baron


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by The Baron View Post

                    Or as you called him, Lordshit ?!

                    The Baron
                    Has it ever occurred to you that "I" might be having a laugh at myself?

                    PS I only suggested he might be Lordshit because Abe had said he'd been disparaging about people in private correspondence. I don't think I actually called him it?
                    Last edited by Iconoclast; 07-20-2020, 07:09 PM.
                    Materials: HistoryvsMaybrick – Dropbox


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Iconoclast View Post

                      Has it ever occurred to you that "I" might be having a laugh at myself?

                      PS I only suggested he might be Lordshit because Abe had said he'd been disparaging about people in private correspondence. I don't think I actually called him it?
                      Woah there Nelly! I meant on his site, not private correspondence, which I wouldn't know about.

                      But seriously folks, 4 pages (and counting), two camps resolute in their support / disdain of this well researched / total bollocks article that no one has any idea what it is or if it's even real.
                      I'm hedging a bet that all Lord O is doing is intentionally kicking off an argument and playing the lot of us like a bongo, knowing full well how people would react and providing endless material for his future blogs.

                      ​​​​​​As for Ike's "true" identity, I heard he's from Sunderland?
                      Last edited by Al Bundy's Eyes; 07-20-2020, 09:59 PM. Reason: Sent unfinished, cos I'm a clumsy bugger.
                      Thems the Vagaries.....


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by rjpalmer View Post
                        I merely report the news; character has nothing to do with it. Caz telegraphed her 'Liverpool' provenance by a good decade. It just amuses me that 'Erobitha' is already crying foul less than 48 hours after someone else drops a hint.
                        Old news is not news, RJ, and this is old fake news you peddle. Once Keith telegraphed his [not her] Liverpool provenance, the cat was out of the bag and speculation around here was rife. I kept my promise to say no more about this evidence, which wasn't mine to reveal at that time, despite the provocation and immature 'secret squirrel' taunts, and I didn't breathe a word about Eddie & The Hot Rods or the 9th March double event until long afterwards, when I was free to do so.

                        In any case, if you are still 100% satisfied, just as you were years before you'd heard of Eddie, that the Barretts created the diary, with a little help from Tony Devereux and Billy Graham, why are you bothered what new revelations will inevitably reach the public domain before the diary author's handwriting is ever identified?


                        "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by rjpalmer View Post
                          The psychology of the wind-up artist is a mystery in itself.
                          Is this why you can't read Bongo Barrett like a book, RJ? Because you find the psychology of the ultimate wind-up artist too much of a mystery to want to delve into?

                          If you actually believe Ike is winding everyone up, and that only 2 or 3 persons on the planet believe JM's handwriting is in that diary, I can only conclude you must enjoy being wound up, and the colossal amount of time and effort you have spent, and are apparently still spending, on trying to produce 'relevant data' is all part of the thrill you get from the likes of Ike [I like that!] pulling your leg.

                          Each to his own, I guess.



                          "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Al Bundy's Eyes View Post
                            And honestly, I'm not "one such believer", or trying to promote David's as yet undisclosed revelation, which might in all fairness be total bullshit and him just pulling the strings, because let's face it, for a guy who voluntarily left the boards, he cares a great deal about the boards.
                            Where did you get this idea from, Al?



                            "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by MrBarnett View Post
                              I should add, that if David has found ‘proof’ that the diary is modern, I shall be the first to congratulate him. It would come as no great surprise to me.
                              Hi Gary.

                              Why doesn't this do it for you?

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Barrett's Blunder.JPG
Views:	714
Size:	18.2 KB
ID:	737813

                              Mike Barrett, who approached a literary agent using an alias, peddles a very dodgy document. He tells numerous lies, including when and why he bought his word processor. (All documented). Meanwhile, the dodgy diary fails an ink solubility test by Dr. David Baxendale, who was able to demonstrate that the ink had not yet fully bonded with the paper. Barrett later confesses to the hoax, and the above advertisement (located by David) proves to any rational person that Barrett was indeed shopping for blank Victorian paper in the weeks before showing up in London with said phony diary.

                              How is this not game, set, and match?

                              I mean, why does a person need at least twenty blank pages of Victorian paper if not to write in them?


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by MrBarnett View Post
                                The equestrian term ‘one-off’ would almost certainly have been known to Maybrick and it could have been used figuratively to describe a regrettable incident of domestic violence.

                                It’s as simple as that
                                This is what I don't get.

                                Maybrick didn't write the diary. It's not in his handwriting.

                                So why should I care what the real Maybrick 'almost certainly' would have known?

                                If a counter-explanation requires that I suspend my disbelief in regards to the basic facts--ie., pretend that Maybrick was the author--- is it really a very good explanation?

                                I guess what I am asking is this. Why analyze each element of a disputed document in isolation? Shouldn't one take a holistic approach, and decide what to believe based on a preponderance of all the evidence?

                                Anyone can parse the 'evidence' into small pieces and then attack them individually. But isn't that what the David Irvings of the world do?

                                There is a mountain of evidence that the Holocaust happened, but Irving instead focuses on small chemical anomalies found in the soil around concentration camps.

                                Voila, he has proved something, at least in his own mind.

                                Focusing on minutia isn't always a good thing, especially when one is being clubbed with the handle of a sledgehammer.

                                Last edited by rjpalmer; 07-21-2020, 02:43 PM.

