The matter of the Abberline photograph is quite different, in that we had a well-known drawing of Abberline in "Toby" magazine which, if overlaid onto the Leman Street station group photo, pointed strongly to the magazine artist basing his sketch on an actual photograph of Abberline. To that extent, questioning the source material becomes somewhat irrelevant. At the very least, the "Toby" sketch may be corroborated in some way by an existing, near-contemporary photograph.
The only problem being, Sam, is that there exists considerable uncertainty as to which member of the Leman Street assemblage was actually Abberline – if indeed he was present at all.
I hardly think that the Penny Illustrated and its ilk can be considered as containing faithful sketches of the protagonists, Garry.
In which case, Sam, if you’d care to check the following image, you’ll find the sketch of Hutchinson is situated almost directly beneath a pen portrait that you accept to have constituted a good likeness of Abberline.
As a point of clarification, Sam, I have never argued that the illustrated newspapers presented ‘faithful sketches of the protagonists’. I have merely stated it as my belief that the Hutchinson image was liable to have been a reasonable likeness of the man. If, on the other hand, there is evidence to support the notion of generic representations of witnesses, policemen or ‘East End geezers’, I would welcome the opportunity to evaluate it.
Best wishes.
Garry Wroe.