Single-O-Seven: If his wife knew or suspected him to be JTR and was prepared to out him, could this have not been a driving force to make him snap and do her in, regardless how commonly serial killers turn on their spouses?
"Could"? Those questions should always be answered by a yes. But itīs about likelihoods and credibilitites, not about "coulds"...
The minor, Ripper-esque mutilations came about for the simple reason that he now had a dead woman and an urge to fill, and so filled it as little as he could allow himself. His reasons for not going all-out with the mutilations could be simply that he felt some fear or guilt for having killed his wife, or knew that he would likely be pegged as the Ripper if her murder looked too much like a Ripper crime, something he wanted to avoid by killing her in the first place. Just some idle speculations...
So he was able to stop himself from further mutilation, but not able to stop himself from cutting her open? Able to stop himself from cutting her neck but not able to leave the abdomen uncut?
Once he noticed that he had gone half-Ripper style on the body, why go to the police and tell them? Why not dump the body in the Thames?
It takes a lot of effort to squeeze him into the Rippers shoes, I feel. And once you try, they do not fit anyway.
"Could"? Those questions should always be answered by a yes. But itīs about likelihoods and credibilitites, not about "coulds"...
The minor, Ripper-esque mutilations came about for the simple reason that he now had a dead woman and an urge to fill, and so filled it as little as he could allow himself. His reasons for not going all-out with the mutilations could be simply that he felt some fear or guilt for having killed his wife, or knew that he would likely be pegged as the Ripper if her murder looked too much like a Ripper crime, something he wanted to avoid by killing her in the first place. Just some idle speculations...
So he was able to stop himself from further mutilation, but not able to stop himself from cutting her open? Able to stop himself from cutting her neck but not able to leave the abdomen uncut?
Once he noticed that he had gone half-Ripper style on the body, why go to the police and tell them? Why not dump the body in the Thames?
It takes a lot of effort to squeeze him into the Rippers shoes, I feel. And once you try, they do not fit anyway.
