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The meaning of the GSG wording

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  • Tom_Wescott
    Originally posted by Zodiac
    Well, the "Manson Family" spring to mind, scrawling "Death to Pigs" etc. on the walls, with their victims blood, in an attempt to make it appear that the Tate/LaBianca murders were carried out by radical blacks. Part of Manson's insane plan to kickstart off his apocalyptic race war "Helter Skelter".
    That's a very good parallel. And wasnt the Parnell saga occuring at that time in London, which hoaxed letters making the news?

    The graffiti makes no sense outside the murders that night. A woman killed in the yard of a radical Jews club, and another woman killed by the main synogogue. A message about Jews with a victim's apron under it.

    Yours truly,

    Tom Wescott

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  • Wickerman
    The Jews (Juews) are the men that will not be blamed for nothing...'.

    A simple straightforward reading suggests, The Jews will not take blame for anything.
    There is nothing here to indicate a connection to the murders. Simply an expression of disdain towards Jews in general.

    Regards, Jon S.

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  • Zodiac
    Originally posted by Fleetwood Mac View Post
    But, is anyone aware of a killer/rapist chalking/writing messages blaming somone else for the crime/s? I'd imagine that is highly unusual. Surely the idea is to take credit for the work.
    Well, the "Manson Family" spring to mind, scrawling "Death to Pigs" etc. on the walls, with their victims blood, in an attempt to make it appear that the Tate/LaBianca murders were carried out by radical blacks. Part of Manson's insane plan to kickstart off his apocalyptic race war "Helter Skelter".

    As you say though, they are usually more inclined to want to take credit for their crimes! "The Zodiac" wasn't even above taking the credit for a number of other murders that he almost certainly had no involvement in, anything to rack up the numbers, keep people afraid and himself the center of attention in all the newspapers.

    Best wishes,

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  • Ben
    Hi Tom,

    I would argue the opposite - than an ill-educated person would express himself in a more ponderous, wordy fashion than necessary ("the book wot I wrote" etc). I also think that "Juwes" is very much a phonetic misspelling of "Jews". The letter "u", when pronounced, rhymes with the word "Jews". The handwriting only suggests education as far as a schoolboy, which would still place him in the ill-educated category if his schooling didn't go beyond basic instruction in handwriting. There may have been some references to "Jews" in the district, but then many words are displayed all over the place these days, and people still manage to spell them incorrectly.

    All the best,

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  • mariab
    chapter and verse

    By the by, I've remarked on this once already, I don't know if anyone's noticed that the sentence “The Juwes are the men that won't be blamed for nothing“ is actually a VERSE. Which doesn't mean that the person who wrote this was literate, as Victorians and the British generally often use verse-form for talk, also in Cockney.

    PS.: Would Tom allow me to mention the possibility of “IWMES“ vs. “JUWES“? I was thinking about this lately.
    Last edited by mariab; 10-07-2011, 03:35 AM.

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  • Tom_Wescott
    Hi Ben, Juwes is not a phonetic misspelling of 'jews', and besides, the word 'jews' appeared in print ALL OVER that neighborhood. And yes, the handwriting suggests an education, at least above the level of someone who couldn't spell 'jews' correctly, but would still utilize the written word to express himself.

    Semi-literates will write the shortest sentence possible, particularly if trying to wrestle with chalk. Yet our guy didn't say 'the Jews won't be blamed for nothing', or 'Blame the Jews', he specifically wanted to point out a body of men, and that possibly was not Jews.

    Yours truly,

    Tom Wescott

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  • Ben
    Just going back to an earlier point, but the handwriting, spelling, and double negative in the GSG all reflect a lack of education, as far as I'm concerned - "Juwes" being written phonetically. It was reported as having been written in a good schoolboy hand, which some people have taken as an excuse to elevate the social status of the author, whereas all the comment meant was that the writer had been educated to "schoolboy" level at least. A vast number of working class east enders would belong in this category.

    All the best,

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  • Tom_Wescott
    Originally posted by Scott Nelson
    complaining about his/their treatment probably wrote it
    So you've ruled out women and are focusing in on men or conjoined twins as the writer?

    Yours truly,

    Tom Wescott

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  • Scott Nelson
    No, It means the Jews will be blamed for things that happen. And the message has a complaining vein to it - like a Jew would feel. And they are "men" as opposed to a collective group of all Jews. Hence, a kid whose father did a lot of complaining about his/their treatment probably wrote it -- mainly to practice his penmanship.

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  • Malcolm X
    [QUOTE=Fleetwood Mac;193648]I.
    But, is anyone aware of a killer/rapist chalking/writing messages blaming somone else for the crime/s? I'd imagine that is highly unusual. Surely the idea is to take credit for the work.


    yes maybe, but our Jack is playing the race card, he's saying ``the JEWS that frequent the Dutfields club, are the men that are to blame for everything that's going wrong around here``
    the Jews are the men that will be blamed for everything...... means literally ``everything that's going wrong``'s chillingly similar to Nazi germany.

    so we have a vicious mutilator who hates prostitutes, but also hates Jews as well, but what he doesn't realise due to total ignorance and jealousy is :- ``it's Anti- Semetic street thugs like him that screw up our society, just like those Brown Shirt bastards that started WW2``.

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  • Tom_Wescott
    Originally posted by Monty

    Not as sexy as Kosminski or as thrilling as Special Branch ledgers Tom.

    No market for it mate.

    If only the journals WERE full of Koz and the Special Branch. It's mostly dogs and toilets and stuff these days. Some Goulston Street and Mitre Square action are just what we need. I seriously doubt ANYTHING you submitted to an editor would get turned down.

    Yours truly,

    Tom Wescott

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  • Fleetwood Mac
    I was watching a programme about the Cambridge rapist the other night (1974 for those unaware).

    This fella raped about 7 women, had a lull where he didn't rape, and then raped another 2 women.

    During his period of abstinence, he scrawled messages around Cambridge along the lines of: "the rapist was here". The idea being to let the locals know he was still around and maintain the fear that had taken hold in the community.

    It brought home to me how these people simply do not think in the same way as most people, and reason, e.g. JTR would not have stopped to chalk a message with the police searching the area, is not always applicable to these people.

    But, is anyone aware of a killer/rapist chalking/writing messages blaming somone else for the crime/s? I'd imagine that is highly unusual. Surely the idea is to take credit for the work.

    A point aside, bizarrely the Cambridge rapist avoided detection due to being dressed as a woman and he wore other disguises, and he used a bike to move from location to location. Apparently in the dark you couldn't tell this fella was actually a man. Oh and he was a petty thief, too, with no history of violence against women.

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  • sleekviper
    If the killer wrote this, then he is connecting kills one and two to himself. These women are like hen's eggs to him; once he has pulled them out, used them in his evil way, he has only the shell remaining, he has nothing. The shell of these women is like the shell of an egg; worthless, meaningless, used. "Nothing" then refers to Stride. This message then puts knifeman in the yard. He knows that he is not seen by others, so he is not lighting a pipe across the street. Basically, BS approaches Stride, Schwartz is close and confused since he doesn't speak English, and hears a voice from the yard, BS assumes the voice is from someone Jewish, yells a slur, and out from the darkness a killer emerges holding a knife. Schwartz just takes off, BS man freezes at first, then starts to turn and run when the killer says, "Don't you move, I will gut you like the dog that you are." Killer gives Schwartz a little head start, tells BS, who has wet himself, "Run fool, before I change my mind." He now knows, or figures to himself, that BS can not say a word, since he is seen roughing up Stride, so to speak. Schwartz is not going to place him in the yard, since that would bring trouble to the Jewish community, and possibly himself. Pipeman is born, and placed across the street, BS goes from running with soggy pants, to remaining while pipe man is fleeing. He has his double, then makes his prediction; The Jews will not be blamed for the death of Stride, knowing that the only person that could possibly know that is the killer, if they ever figure out what he means. Okie dokie, that is my historical stretch for the day...

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  • Monty
    Hi Carol,

    If we are going on height only, which isn't the only gauge, then we are talking about a 5'6/8" guy for a comfortable style. This matches witness description on Lewandes chap.

    However, that's speculation and one I don't encourage.

    Last edited by Monty; 10-05-2011, 08:23 PM.

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  • Carol
    Originally posted by Monty View Post

    This is from memory but I believe above the black bricks the wall was painted white. We must remember the dwellings were spanking new in 1888.

    Hi Monty,
    Thanks for the info regarding the bricks (and the photographs). If the wall above the black bricks was painted white then no-one would have bothered to try to write on them with chalk - waste of time! So the graffiti must have been written on the black bricks and as you remember that the black bricks reached to about 4' 6" then the writer was a little tot (or a child). The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that the murderer didn't write the graffiti.
    Thanks again for the info and the photographs.

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