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Favorite Films (lists up to participating site members)
Elephant Man
Barry Lyndon
Mean Streets
Fanny and Alexander
La Collectioneuse
Murmurs from the Heart
The 39 Steps
The Birds
The Shining
Devil in the Flesh
Streetcar Named Desire
4 months 3 weeks and 2 days
The Seventh Seal
etc. etc.
Originally posted by robhouse View PostElephant Man
Barry Lyndon
Mean Streets
Fanny and Alexander
La Collectioneuse
Murmurs from the Heart
The 39 Steps
The Birds
The Shining
Devil in the Flesh
Streetcar Named Desire
4 months 3 weeks and 2 days
The Seventh Seal
etc. etc.)
for instance Elephant Man- David Lynch- I would put Eraserhead, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, Wild At Heart, Blue Velvet and Fire Walk with me over Elephant Man.
Barry Lyndon (which is a very underrated and almost forgotten film!!) By Stanley Kubrick- i would have put Killers Kiss, Dr. Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange, and Full Metal Jacket above it though.
Fanny And Alexander- Again, great film, and I am a Bergman Freak...Being an American, I had only seen the "American Theatrical release of this film for years, and thought it was blah, very overrated, then, I bought the box set and got to see the full film.. wow.. it is amazing....but I would put several of his films above F &A- Seventh Seal ( which is there), but also, Wild Strawberries, Sawdust And Tinsel, The Magician, Through a Glass Darkly, Winter Light, The Silence, Persona, Hour of the Wolf ( I'll stop there, see I am a bit of a Bergman fanatic)
and Mean Streets- another great film by Scorsese- But I would put Taxi Driver , Raging Bull and the King Of Comedy higher then Mean streets..
these lists can be great fun..
Steadmund Brand"The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce
I think I'll start a list of my favorite Universal Horror films... for the first " genre list" please folks feel free to comment, or add to the list or name your own.. these will be in order of year...
1- The Cat and The Canary (1927)
2- The Man Who Laughs (1928) - I don't really consider this a Horror film but others do
3- Dracula (1931)
4-Spanish version of Dracula (1931) this film is better than the English version in almost every way....except Carlos Villarias is no Bela Lugosi!!!!
5- Frankenstein (1931)
6- The Old Dark House (1932)
7- The Invisible Man (1933)
8-The Black Cat (1934) may be the best of the Universal horror films!!
8- the Raven (1935)
9- Bride of Frankenstein (1935) If the Black Cat isn't the best.. this may be!!
10-Son Of Frankenstein (1939) last great Frankenstein (Universal) film.. the rest are fun no doubt, but not great.
11-Tower of London (1939)
12- The Wolf Man (1941)
13- Calling Dr. Death (1943) more suspense than horror.. but this is how the shift went
14- Dead Man's Eyes (1944)
15- The Creature Walks Among Us (1956) not often the third in a film series is the best, but in my opinion this time it happened.
again, feel free to criticize the list, or add to it or make your own, or even start a new Genre list....
Steadmund Brand"The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce
My favorite movies are not necessarily what I would consider the best movies, but here are my favorites
1:M. Butterfly
2:Gods and Monsters
3:The Lion in Winter
4:The Dark Crystal
5:The Last Unicorn
6:Fog of War
7:The Empire Strikes Back
8:Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
9:The Princess Bride
10:A Knight's Tale
11: Delovely
12:How to Train Your Dragon
13:Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day
14:Mrs. Henderson Presents
15:The King's Speech
16:The Prophecy
17:Starship Troopers
18:The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra
20:Much Ado About NothingThe early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
Hello Steadman. You might elevate "Son of Frankenstein" to #1 of the Universal horror genre. Where else can you get Basil Rathbone, Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff and Lionel Atwill in the same film?
(OK, I admit "House of Frankenstein" also had George Zucco--but it was all wasted.)
By genre, but some are hard to categorize, or fall into multiple ones, but here goes:
American graffiti
This is spinal tap
Neighbors (ackroyd and belushi)
A Christmas story
Christmas vacation
16 candles
Men in black
Groundhog Day
The hangover
Planes, trains and automobiles
Fast times at ridgemont high
Young Frankenstein
Manhattan murder mystery
Monty pythons holy grail
Gung Ho
Lord of the rings
The wizard of oz
Jason and the argonauts
Spirited away(animated)
Pans labyrinth
The thief of Baghdad
The seventh voyage of sin bad
Clash of the titans
The ant bully(animated)
Company of wolves
The jungle book(animated)
Naked lunch
Beetle juice
Willy wonka and the chocolate factory
Peter pan(animated)
A Christmas carol (Alister sim)
Sante sangre
Other genres to follow...Last edited by Abby Normal; 12-11-2014, 04:57 PM."Is all that we see or seem
but a dream within a dream?"
-Edgar Allan Poe
"...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."
-Frederick G. Abberline