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  • One of my irritations is professional Premier League footballers being allowed to wear gloves. Dear me, I doubt it's never below freezing point when they play and they are running around anyway... bunch of softies...


    • Actors on TV eating fish and chips (yes I know, it sounds strange) Fish and chips are one of the greatest meals ever invented and can only be eaten with gusto and enjoyment and I find it really irritating when I see actors eating them on TV. Often it’s the police at night in the incident room. Firstly they tend to use those pointless little wooden forks! What’s wrong with fingers? Fish and chips are best enjoyed using fingers. Next they pick up a chip, a single chip and bite it in half! Why do they have to portray such delicate, tiny-mouthed eating? No one needs to bite a chip in half to eat it…a sausage yes…a chip no! And then they spend about 2 minutes chewing….half a chip! Babies can down a chip faster than that. How delicate is their digestive system? Why don’t they just tip the whole meal into a blender and be done with it! Finally, they eat one chip..spend five minutes talking…then eat another then another five minutes. Worst of all is when they spend 5 minutes talking with a chip in their fingers waving it around and pointing with it! So after half an hour they have eaten around 5 chips and perhaps a tiny mouthful of fish and they have on their desk in front of them a portion of cold fish and chips!

      Sacrilege! A disgraceful way to treat such a wonderful meal!!


      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


      • Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
        One of my irritations is professional Premier League footballers being allowed to wear gloves. Dear me, I doubt it's never below freezing point when they play and they are running around anyway... bunch of softies...
        Totally agree with this one.

        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


        • Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
          One of my irritations is professional Premier League footballers being allowed to wear gloves. Dear me, I doubt it's never below freezing point when they play and they are running around anyway... bunch of softies...
          I use to suffer from cramp in my fingers, quite by accident I found that simply wearing gloves, just thin ones, stopped the cramp.
          Maybe thats the reason for some of them too.
          Regards, Jon S.


          • Useless tools..
            Why have Allen Key sets in both Metric & Imperial? - it's a hexagonal bar of metal for goodness sake's...
            Yes, I know how it came about, but at the end of the day it's just a 6-sided piece of metal, just don't mix them up!
            Regards, Jon S.


            • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
              Actors on TV eating fish and chips (yes I know, it sounds strange) Fish and chips are one of the greatest meals ever invented and can only be eaten with gusto and enjoyment and I find it really irritating when I see actors eating them on TV. Often it’s the police at night in the incident room. Firstly they tend to use those pointless little wooden forks! What’s wrong with fingers? Fish and chips are best enjoyed using fingers. Next they pick up a chip, a single chip and bite it in half! Why do they have to portray such delicate, tiny-mouthed eating? No one needs to bite a chip in half to eat it…a sausage yes…a chip no! And then they spend about 2 minutes chewing….half a chip! Babies can down a chip faster than that. How delicate is their digestive system? Why don’t they just tip the whole meal into a blender and be done with it! Finally, they eat one chip..spend five minutes talking…then eat another then another five minutes. Worst of all is when they spend 5 minutes talking with a chip in their fingers waving it around and pointing with it! So after half an hour they have eaten around 5 chips and perhaps a tiny mouthful of fish and they have on their desk in front of them a portion of cold fish and chips!

              Sacrilege! A disgraceful way to treat such a wonderful meal!!

              On a similar line to this; I can't stand it when actors/actresses try and drink from a cup that's blatantly empty.

              Even some of the best actors somehow can't act the routine of "drinking from a cup."

              The contents of the cup are always usually empty, but because its virtually impossible to gage the altered weight between a cup that is filled, to a cup that's empty; is like the actor forgets how to drink from a cup.

              Acting with cups that are empty but pretending to be filled, is one of the most difficult acting processes to pull off convincingly.

              And that is so frustrating and can often ruin a scene entirely.

              "Great minds, don't think alike"


              • Originally posted by The Rookie Detective View Post

                ...Acting with cups that are empty but pretending to be filled, is one of the most difficult acting processes to pull off convincingly.

                And that is so frustrating and can often ruin a scene entirely.

                Have you also noticed how most of them forget to swallow?
                It's part of the drinking process, but because the cup is empty, they forget to swallow
                Regards, Jon S.


                • Professional soccer players who at the slightest bump fall to the ground like a sack of spuds. Then no matter where the bump was they clutch their shin and writhe around as if in mortal agony. Surprisingly, well hardly surprising, when awarded a free kick they leap to their feet. They deserve a red card for bad acting.
                  Why a four-year-old child could understand this report! Run out and find me a four-year-old child, I can't make head or tail of it.


                  • Originally posted by The Rookie Detective View Post

                    On a similar line to this; I can't stand it when actors/actresses try and drink from a cup that's blatantly empty.

                    Even some of the best actors somehow can't act the routine of "drinking from a cup."

                    The contents of the cup are always usually empty, but because its virtually impossible to gage the altered weight between a cup that is filled, to a cup that's empty; is like the actor forgets how to drink from a cup.

                    Acting with cups that are empty but pretending to be filled, is one of the most difficult acting processes to pull off convincingly.

                    And that is so frustrating and can often ruin a scene entirely.


                    And also when you see them pour a cup of coffee but they don’t do it for anything like long enough so that in reality they would be pouring someone an inch of coffee. How hard can it be to realistically mime pouring a cup of coffee?

                    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                    • Originally posted by Enigma View Post
                      Professional soccer players who at the slightest bump fall to the ground like a sack of spuds. Then no matter where the bump was they clutch their shin and writhe around as if in mortal agony. Surprisingly, well hardly surprising, when awarded a free kick they leap to their feet. They deserve a red card for bad acting.
                      Whilst not a football fan this is one of my biggest pet hates. I did put it in my original list:

                      Footballers (Professional Cheats) rolling around on the floor as if they’ve just been punched by Sonny Liston when they’ve actually just made nothing more than mild ‘contact’ with another player.​

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • Guys who wear shorts in the wintertime even when there is snow on the ground. They will have on a winter coat but be wearing shorts. I guess they think it makes them look macho. I think it makes them look like fools.



                        • Women who wear sunglasses on top of their heads even when it is the middle of summer and the sun is super bright. Guess it is style over eye protection.



                          • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
                            I was at a barbecue a while ago and in the early hours we started talking about the different things that annoyed us. As it got to close on to 3.00am and we knew that we were having another barbecue in two weeks time my friend suggested that we all list some things that annoy us for next time, saying that mine would probably be written on a piece of paper the length of the Bayeux Tapestry. I did have quite a few I must admit. Here are a few. I’d like to here everyone else’s.

                            Automated phone systems that ask you if you’ve heard about the existence of a thing called the internet and then proceed to give you masses of information in the hope that it will discourage you from staying on the line to actually speak to someone. They then inform you that you’ve called when they are experiencing a particularly high volume of calls.

                            People who ride bikes in the street with no hands? There’s no reason for it apart from pointless, childish showing off. I saw a guy fall off about a year ago…I still smile at the thought of it.

                            People who begin each sentence with the word ‘so.’ Why this weird trend? …”And what do you do for a living?”….“So I work for my local council….!”

                            People who say ‘pacifically’ instead of ‘specifically.”

                            TV companies giving you pointless trigger warnings about things that ‘might’ upset you before a programme comes on. Are we such sensitive souls these days that we can become traumatised by Coronation Street? Bored…yes. Upset…no.

                            Soap actors who stand there gaping like a fish without saying anything for ages just before the shows ending or before it goes to a break. It’s supposed to create suspense but it’s just irritatingly unrealistic.

                            People who can’t hold a pen normally. What’s wrong with people these days?

                            TV announcers and journalists who refer to Coronation Street as ‘The Cobbles!’

                            Paying for a cup of tea in a café then being given a cup of hot water with a tea bag in it.

                            Alcoholic drinks where the glass is filled almost to the brim with ice.

                            People who go on quiz shows and, when they don’t know the answer to something, say “well, it was before my time!” The Battle of Trafalgar was before my time but I still know when it was!

                            Food that’s too much effort to eat because you have to mess around peeling it or removing stones or spitting bones out.

                            People who spend hours in the bathroom. Mainly women I’m afraid but not solely. How can anyone be in there so long? There should be a timer. For a shower 15 minutes at the most.

                            People who spend hours on a cash machine acting as if they’ve never seen one before.

                            Shop assistants who serve you while they are on their phones and look at you as if you’re being ill-mannered by requiring serving.

                            Footballers (Professional Cheats) rolling around on the floor as if they’ve just been punched by Sonny Liston when they’ve actually just made nothing more than mild ‘contact’ with another player.

                            Reality TV - there’s absolutely nothing ‘real’ about it.

                            People who don’t say please or thank you. A couple of months ago I was sitting outside of a café with a friend when I saw a couple get up and leave. My friend noticed that the woman had left her phone on the table so she called her back. The woman said “oh, right. I don’t know how I forgot that.” No ‘thank you.’ Nothing. And it was one of those £1000+ flip phones.

                            Lying taxi firms who tell you that the taxi is ‘just around the corner’ when it’s not.

                            Dustbin men who insist that you place your bins in the correct position, facing the correct way and not even slightly overfilled. But after they’ve emptied them you have to walk around the street to find your own because the lazy b******s can’t be bothered to return them to the house that they took them from.

                            People that walk along the street staring at their phones relying on everyone else avoiding walking into them.

                            People that intentionally make their cars/motorbikes louder than they need to be.

                            People that wear jeans/trousers as if they’re about to fall down.

                            Young men who walk around with their hand down their trousers. (This one is a case for the return of the death penalty imo)

                            People who keep spitting. Why? I never spit.

                            People who make a deafening noise when they blow their nose.

                            Vapers who blow out more steam than The Flying Scotsman.

                            Politicians of all parties who simply cannot answer a straight question when they are asked it.

                            GP’s who appear to be still using COVID to avoid actually seeing patients (when Dentists and Opticians have gone back to how it was before COVID). The same Doctors who say that they are struggling to cope with the amount of patients that they have to deal with while at the same time they are advertising that they are willing to accept new patients!

                            So what really annoys you?
                            Folks wearing crocks with socks in the rain!!!


                            • This is going to alienate 50% of the board, but when the lady of the house chooses to pretty things up, it drives me round the bend.

                              A bookcase is for books, not vases of flowers, not picture frames, not trinkets, if you want to display your nicknacks we can get you a cabinet, or a few of those small triangular shelves you install in the corner of a room that have no usefull practical purpose except to put some kind of ornament on. Bookshelves are for books.

                              Its the same in the kitchen, though I admit the kitchen is more often the woman's domain, but shelves and cabinets in a kitchen are for plates, saucers, cups, not ornaments, not vases or candlesticks, not a miniature display of porcelain rabbits.
                              Yes, I understand pots & pans are not as aesthetically pleasing, but a kitchen is a place of work, it has a practical purpose.

                              It's like my outdoor shed, I bought a tool shed for the mower, the snowblower, table saw, tools of all kinds, but then I overheard some insidious suggestion that the windows needed a set of curtains......
                              Regards, Jon S.


                              • From what you said, it is almost as if men and women are different.


