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  • Originally posted by OneRound View Post

    Hi String - I'm thinking of putting a large wager on the Tories winning. That way, I would at least get some financial compensation if the worst thing happens.

    Best regards,
    Just asked my bookie if I could cash out my bet but he's having none of it.

    Enjoy tonight!



    • Originally posted by Ms Diddles View Post

      How to apply for asylum support if you're waiting to find out if you'll be given asylum in the UK

      There you go.

      £49 per week, NOT £35 per day or anything like it.
      Don't be bashful Ms Diddles, you can admit the whole support structure, you are paying for it after all.

      - You can ask for somewhere to live, a cash allowance or both as an asylum seeker.

      - You’ll be given somewhere to live if you need it. This could be in a flat, house, hostel or bed and breakfast.

      - You’ll usually get £49.18 for each person in your household. This will help you pay for things you need like food, clothing and toiletries.

      - Your allowance will be loaded onto a debit card (ASPEN card) each week. You’ll be able to use the card to get cash from a cash machine.

      - If your accommodation provides your meals, you’ll get £8.86 for each person in your household instead.

      - If you’ve been refused asylum but you’re still eligible for support -
      You’ll be given:
      • somewhere to live
      • £49.18 per person on a payment card for food, clothing and toiletries (or £8.86 per person if your accommodation provides your meals)

      - You may get free National Health Service (NHS) healthcare, such as to see a doctor or get hospital treatment.

      You’ll also get:
      • free prescriptions for medicine
      • free dental care for your teeth
      • free eyesight tests
      • help paying for glasses
      ​- Education
      Your children must attend school if they are aged 5 to 17.
      All state schools are free and your children may be able to get free school meals.

      You told me they get nothing.

      Isn't this exactly what you said?
      "I'm not sure how things work in Canada but here anyone who can't prove their status has no recourse to public funds so they get zero hand-outs from the tax payer. No benefits, no housing entitlement, let alone smart phones or bicycles.​"

      Media reports have long pointed out those who come by boat are throwing away all identification papers, only the legal immigrants keep their papers, yet the boat-people are given financial assistance, regardless of their identity.

      I advised you to look into it, gladly you did follow my advise. So, now you have informed yourself.
      Whether these migrants are approved or not, they get quite a bit of assistance regardless of their intentions for coming to the U.K.
      Regards, Jon S.


      • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

        As predicted, the word ‘Islamophobic’ has surfaced already on here. We have a section of society who can do anything and say anything and are beyond criticism. All minorities should be protected…not just one.
        Did you hear all the racist slurs being shouted by those ignorant Pro-Hamas protestors, yet they don't want to hear any criticism of Islam.
        It is no secret the Islamic voting block have presented Starmer with a list of 18 demands, for their voting support for Labor.
        For those who have voted Labor today, apart from Starmer's Manifesto, you have possibly unwittingly voted for the list below.

        The Muslim Vote, which aims to organise voters against MPs who did not back a ceasefire in the conflict, has called for the Labour leader to apologise for his early stance on Israel’s campaign against Hamas

        We might ask where is the list of Christian demands, or Jewish demands, in the name of equality of course?
        Regards, Jon S.


        • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

          Don't be bashful Ms Diddles, you can admit the whole support structure, you are paying for it after all.

          - You can ask for somewhere to live, a cash allowance or both as an asylum seeker.

          - You’ll be given somewhere to live if you need it. This could be in a flat, house, hostel or bed and breakfast.

          - You’ll usually get £49.18 for each person in your household. This will help you pay for things you need like food, clothing and toiletries.

          - Your allowance will be loaded onto a debit card (ASPEN card) each week. You’ll be able to use the card to get cash from a cash machine.

          - If your accommodation provides your meals, you’ll get £8.86 for each person in your household instead.

          - If you’ve been refused asylum but you’re still eligible for support -
          You’ll be given:
          • somewhere to live
          • £49.18 per person on a payment card for food, clothing and toiletries (or £8.86 per person if your accommodation provides your meals)

          - You may get free National Health Service (NHS) healthcare, such as to see a doctor or get hospital treatment.

          You’ll also get:
          • free prescriptions for medicine
          • free dental care for your teeth
          • free eyesight tests
          • help paying for glasses
          ​- Education
          Your children must attend school if they are aged 5 to 17.
          All state schools are free and your children may be able to get free school meals.

          You told me they get nothing.

          Isn't this exactly what you said?
          "I'm not sure how things work in Canada but here anyone who can't prove their status has no recourse to public funds so they get zero hand-outs from the tax payer. No benefits, no housing entitlement, let alone smart phones or bicycles.​"

          Media reports have long pointed out those who come by boat are throwing away all identification papers, only the legal immigrants keep their papers, yet the boat-people are given financial assistance, regardless of their identity.

          I advised you to look into it, gladly you did follow my advise. So, now you have informed yourself.
          Whether these migrants are approved or not, they get quite a bit of assistance regardless of their intentions for coming to the U.K.
          Hi Wick,

          Yes that is exactly what I said.

          The above refers to statutory support for Asylum Seekers.

          You talked about people failing to stand in line saying "I want my money" and stating that they get £35 per day.

          These will have been Asylum Seekers and from that I can conclude that £35 per day is gonna be incorrect.

          In #133 you stated that illegal immigrants get hand outs from the tax payers, and bicycles and brand new smart phones.

          They don't.

          They get hee-haw.

          No recourse to public funds = no benefits, no housing entitlement.

          Asylum Seeker = someone supported by the Home Office while their claim is heard. Their support is as posted above. They are not allowed to work until they are granted LTR.

          Refugee = Someone with status having been through the asylum process, or on a family visa or where there is a special agreement with the government (Ukraine being an example of this, but also in some cases Afghanis, Iraqis and Kurds where guys who had supported the allies in combat or worked as interpreters or medics with our forces were granted a special dispensation which circumnavigated the asylum progress). Refugees have the same benefit entitlement as the rest of us. No more. No less.

          Illegal immigrants = someone who is neither part of the asylum process nor a refugee. They do not have LTR.

          They quite rightly get nothing.

          They do NOT get handouts from the tax payer or accommodation or smart phones or bicycles......

          I hope that clears things up.

          Last edited by Ms Diddles; 07-04-2024, 05:53 PM.


          • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

            Take Ukraine, they sent women & children out of harms way, many came to the UK, the MEN stay & fight the oppression.
            Open your eyes!
            Well, yes they did because things were put in place for Ukraine as soon as things kicked off.

            As refugee journeys go it was as tough, but relatively safe.

            Visa's were quickly granted and once you were out of Ukraine into Poland or wherever border controls were relaxed to allow Ukrainians to flee to safety.

            Government money was put into this and hotels were commandeered specifically for this purpose.

            If you know your wife and kids have the correct paperwork and can travel freely to their destination country and then be given safe emergency accommodation (with full support to navigate the benefit system, education, job seeking) followed by their own tenancy, of course you're going to do it.

            If however you want to get your wife and daughters out of say Somalia (to give just one example) to escape FGM and your only option is trusting unscrupulous traffickers or hiding in the back of a lorry etc and then navigate the whole asylum process, you may be considerably more reluctant.


            • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

              Did you hear all the racist slurs being shouted by those ignorant Pro-Hamas protestors, yet they don't want to hear any criticism of Islam.
              It is no secret the Islamic voting block have presented Starmer with a list of 18 demands, for their voting support for Labor.
              For those who have voted Labor today, apart from Starmer's Manifesto, you have possibly unwittingly voted for the list below.

              The Muslim Vote, which aims to organise voters against MPs who did not back a ceasefire in the conflict, has called for the Labour leader to apologise for his early stance on Israel’s campaign against Hamas

              We might ask where is the list of Christian demands, or Jewish demands, in the name of equality of course?
              We’re just sleepwalking into an utter catastrophe Wick. But hey, most people aren’t bothered. The issues have been happening in front of our eyes for years. A few voices have spoken out but it’s not enough. So we get people like this here….with huge followings:

              This thread is depressing me Wick. I’m bailing out.


              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


              • This thread...

                The irony is not lost on the fact that the various press sources and newspapers at the time of the Ripper crimes were partly responsible for pedalling anti semitic rhetoric, that the Police seemed to use as their fundermental basis for investigating the Ripper crimes.
                One of the reasons why the Ripper was never caught was because those in power at the time lacked the courage, capacity and adaptability to look past their inner prejudice and consider that the real killer may just as easily have been a mild mannered middle-class white non- Jewish gentile.

                They instead focused on the stereotypical Jew and random individuals suffering from lunacy.

                When we look at the various views expressed on this thread, it makes me realise and understand why things will never really change; no matter what anyone strives to do about it.

                Unless we can accept balance, moderation, humililty and have the willingness to open our eyes and see the human race for what it really is...the most wondrous ever- evolving virus of the earth, then we will never progress further as a species.

                The world is up the creek without a paddle, but at least eventually a rather large object will plummet into the earth from outer space and obliterate us.

                In the meantime, we just have to keep trying to ice skate up that mountain of life.

                An Impossible Mission that even Mr Hunt would fail to win.

                Always be kind

                "Great minds, don't think alike"


                • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post


                  This thread is depressing me Wick. I’m bailing out.

                  Hi Herlock,

                  Come back at 10 o'clock tonight whilst enjoying the tv. Hopefully, a few Portillo moments!

                  Best wishes,


                  • Originally posted by OneRound View Post

                    Hi Herlock,

                    Come back at 10 o'clock tonight whilst enjoying the tv. Hopefully, a few Portillo moments!

                    Best wishes,

                    Whatever stance one takes on this emotive subject I'm sure we can all unite for one night in the simple pleasure of watching Tory heads roll.

                    I'm hoping for a Hunt, Rees Mogg, Shapps hat-trick.

                    I'm up at 6.30 tomorrow or I'd be trying to instigate some kind of drinking game!
                    Last edited by Ms Diddles; 07-04-2024, 07:28 PM.


                    • Looks like the exit poll is predicting a huge swing to Labour and our new PM is Keir Starmer.


                      • The result is in, not unexpected but stunning in its scale nevertheless. The big Portillo-moment came right at the end when Liz Truss was defeated, losing 43 percent of her vote share compared to 4 years ago. Amongest the big scalps, I am actually disappointed that Penny Mordaunt lost her seat scuppering any realistic ambition for a leadership challenge. Not becasue I'm a big fan of hers but I thought she was clearly sane and it opens the door to the toxic survivors like Suella Braverman and Kemi Badenoch


                        • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                          Did you hear all the racist slurs being shouted by those ignorant Pro-Hamas protestors, yet they don't want to hear any criticism of Islam.
                          It is no secret the Islamic voting block have presented Starmer with a list of 18 demands, for their voting support for Labor.
                          For those who have voted Labor today, apart from Starmer's Manifesto, you have possibly unwittingly voted for the list below.

                          The Muslim Vote, which aims to organise voters against MPs who did not back a ceasefire in the conflict, has called for the Labour leader to apologise for his early stance on Israel’s campaign against Hamas

                          We might ask where is the list of Christian demands, or Jewish demands, in the name of equality of course?
                          Citizens have the right to petition thier government. You think that Rupert Murdoch or Dave and Fred Barclay never sent a list of demands to Cameron/Truss/Johnson?

                          Besides, Starmer has clearly not given them what they wanted which is why we have the Labour losses in Leicester in particular.


                          • Originally posted by The Rookie Detective View Post
                            This thread...
                            Unless we can accept balance, moderation, humility and have the willingness to open our eyes and see the human race for what it really is...the most wondrous ever- evolving virus of the earth, then we will never progress further as a species.
                            100% agree, however that has to be everyone involved, not just one or two races, religions or creeds. Everyone, and unless everyone plays their part no matter how much 'one side' pushes for it will unfortunately never work without the other side conforming.


                            • Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

                              Hi, surely that is incorrect. The more people in a given country will increase it's needs on all services, police, fire, schools, NHS etc etc. Surely that is common sense.
                              Hi Geddy, apologies for the delayed reply.

                              The situation you proposition is a problem for tomorrow, indeed a larger population will require a larger demand on our resources.

                              The situation I refer to is the current here and now, the demand isn't created by immigration, we could blame post war baby booming, world leading health care and a desire to include the disadvantaged in general society. The need for personalised care exists today, and it requires a massive work force. It wasn't caused by immigration, and it won't be met without it. We could blame the folly of successive governments for wanting to move away from institutions...if we wanted to view that as a bad thing.

                              Thing is Geddy, I have and value many migrants in my own work force, hard working, compassionate, damn fine people who I'd trust with my own family. Ignore the legal or illegal argument, and ask yourself this:

                              If they were walking down Whitechapel High Street the day you were there, would you be able to tell?

                              For clarity, I sure as hell don't approve of illegal immigration. Unskilled immigration needs addressing. But a blind eye can be turned to Health and Social Care, it generally is. We need legal immigrants, we benefit from them, they serve an ageing gentile population, today, now.

                              I work with Nigerians, Indians, Pakistani and British Nationals of varying descent, decent folk, honest and true. Different mother tongues, different food, different religions, but again I ask:

                              If you saw them walking down the street, how could you know they're a detriment to British society?

                              I totally get your argument about the place we call home changing, I see it myself, I consider myself a typical Brit, and I see little Africa's and little Poland's around where I live. I'm not hand wringing about it, it's change, as it was when these were typically Indian areas and yet they're now complaining about the Eastern European immigrants. It's a bizarre full circle. There's a Polski Sklep in every minor town. Took over local pub. Admittedly, it did piss poor business as a pub, but "oh the heritage"

                              It's a shame that your walk down Whitechapel High Street involved so many brown faces, and the foreign language too, that's insult to injury. Maybe stick to an ethnic safe space in future.

                              Sadly, I thought that the level of idioscy that would lead to me leaving casebook would come from a psychic or some wank theory. It's come from pub talk. More shame me I guess...
                              Thems the Vagaries.....


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