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  • Originally posted by Svensson View Post

    Where do you see evidence if this happening? Personally after living in the UK for 29 years I did not notice this beyond a healthy acknowledgement of what problens do exist and that they need solutions. Every country in the world has problems and someone's willingness to accept their existence is not automatically a sign of "self-hate"
    Svensson were never going to agree on this but one point that I’d make is that there is a huge percentage of the population that feel exactly the same as I do. Are they all either ‘imagining it’ or are they all one of the varying ‘phobes’ that are the current weapon of choice . I don’t know what kind of area you live in and it’s none of my business but I live in a very working class area. I’m not saying that to try and play the working class hero card but just to illustrate that I live among what we might call ordinary, working class people. It’s not an enclave of complainers or racists, it’s a very normal cross section of our society and I honestly don’t know anyone that doesn’t agree with my view of our country today. Not one. Whether my white family and friends or my Asian immigrant friends or my Caribbean immigrant friends or the Asian taxi drivers and shopkeepers or the young Nigerian bloke I talked to at the hospital last week or the Somalian couple that live next to my ex-girlfriend. It can’t simply be a freak occurrence that I only manage to speak to a certain ‘type.’

    We have issues of cowardice. Fear of being called names that allow issues to go without being dealt with. I’m not exactly known for holding my tongue or being diplomatic but even I’m wary of broaching certain subjects on here in case I get labelled. Most legal immigrants are fine. They’ve mixed. Some less so and there are sufficiently high numbers to strongly suggest that problems will increase rather than go away. Some of them want the country to change to their way of life and beliefs. It’s simply a fact. They are quite open and vocal about this but no one does anything accept pretend it’s not happening. They can stand in the High Street saying this and the police will do nothing but if someone makes a comment from the other side then you can expect the Thought Police to come knocking. We’ve actually seen protesters calling for murder in the street and the police do…..absolutely nothing. We can have alternate courts set up at known locations across this country which often lead to the absolutely appalling treatment of women and what happens? Nothing. We have certain faith schools preaching violence, hatred and separatism and what is done….nothing. Try setting up your own court Svensson, see how far you get. We have supermarkets and shops now sneaking in food killed in the most brutal way in line with religious rules and what is the response….Silence. We get JK Rowling, an absolute role model for women and feminists treated by some like a murderer. We get people cancelled and watch spineless publishers and companies stand silent before issuing weasley apologies for some ludicrous, imagined ‘offence.’ People are demonised because they don’t accept that there are 4000 genders or because they won’t use certain pronouns. Memorials to the dead are defaced, statues smashed….nothing. Crimes committed over and over again and what…a piece of paper and a fine that the ‘criminal’ will be allowed to pay off at £5 a week because the only job he’s ever had was as a prefect at school. Look at knife crime. Look at gun crime and gang culture. Look at feral kids who have no respect for the police or the law because their parents also had none. What will their kids be like do you think? These are the future.

    Maybe the fact that I’m closing in on 60 Svensson and that as you get older you become more pessimistic and more prone to nostalgia? I acknowledge that….guilty as charged. But I’m not imagining things or saying things because I dislike anyone. I just cant see anything to be optimistic about with the way that things are going (or have gone) I genuinely feel sorry for the younger generations. My advice….emigrate if you can.


    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


    • Having to handle a huge upcoming "ELECTION'

      A hard one, if you happen to be dyslexic.

      "Great minds, don't think alike"


      • Originally posted by Ms Diddles View Post

        Hi Wick,

        I'm not sure how things work in Canada but here anyone who can't prove their status has no recourse to public funds so they get zero hand-outs from the tax payer. No benefits, no housing entitlement, let alone smart phones or bicycles.
        If you make enquiries you will find just what the migrants are getting, at your expense.

        Regards, Jon S.


        • Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post

          Back in the 60's we had Enoch Powell, I can't remember what kind of following he had, but up north where I grew up he was considered to be more of a comical character.
          I don't remember anyone who took him serious, I really think the ideas promoted by the old National Front have matured in the past half century, at least I hope so.
          And so you made a connection between two statements?
          Is there a point to be made here?
          Regards, Jon S.


          • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

            There’s an agenda driven section of society that treats Churchill like a serial killer. It’s an example of what I mean about a culture of self-loathing. Of course we should acknowledge failings as well as the achievements but I have to say it’s a bit of a bugbear with me. If it was down to me, and they found the person that defaced Churchill’s statue, i’d have sent them to prison. Only for 5 years though….on bread and water….with a weekly flogging.
            We have had our statue of Queen Victoria dowsed in red paint, I think four times by those same type of uncultured ignorant layabouts who don't even know their history.
            They are all about blaming Britain for slavery, yet the biggest slave trader was Portugal, what do they do about the Portuguese? - Nothing.
            Who put an end to slavery? - Britain, do these ignorant layabouts express any appreciation for that often overlooked fact? - No.
            Do these ignorant protestors have anything to say about the African countries who sold their own people into slavery? No.
            The British Navy even hunted down slave ships across the Empire - world wide, followed by France, then the U.S., to enforce the abolition of slavery
            Yet it's all Britain's fault.

            We should never judge the past by the standards of today, just like some Casebook members who try judge the police, witnesses, and the press, in the Ripper case by modern standards which are obviously not applicable.
            Regards, Jon S.


            • Originally posted by Tab View Post

              Yes, as that is all we have been discussing thus far.
              Which I suspect is the core of confusion.
              Why talk about them who no-one has a problem with?

              If anyone is complaining about immigration, by default most people might think the conversation is about illegal immigration.
              The debate often centers around whether they are legitimate Asylum seekers, or opportunistic migrants, looking for a handout.
              We know a small percentage are legitimate Asylum seekers.
              Many of them come by plane and enter through airport customs & immigration. The controversy is over those who come by boat, from SAFE countries like; France, Germany, Italy, Greece, etc., Clearly they are not asylum seekers, they can seek asylum in any one of those European countries.
              They are coming to the U.K. because of the financial handouts the govt. give them. The UK is like a flashing red light in the fog.
              If the govt. want to stop the boats, stop giving out millions of tax payers money to anyone who makes the crossing.

              I'm sure giving a few million to the Scottish govt. instead of France, for the use of a few islands in the Orkneys for offshore processing, will be more profitable than the status quo.
              Regards, Jon S.


              • Originally posted by Tab View Post
                ... The majority of immigrants tend to be young adults, which rely less on social care and health services....
                Where are the women & children?
                The vast majority of those who come by boat are 'young adult males', granted a few have been female & children, but those are not the concern. Its the thousands of young adult males that are the problem.
                They hang around the offices in town waiting for their handouts, while British pensioners are afraid to go collect their pensions. These gangs of foreigners, standing around in groups are staring at them, they feel like they are being sized up for a mugging.
                None of them stand in lines, its not their culture, they just push others aside to get in, and waste time shouting things like "wheres my money" or words to that effect. They say they get £35 per day, some say a bit more, others a bit less.

                Why are they getting housed in hotels the ordinary people can't afford, while British homeless are sleeping on the streets?

                Something is going on at a higher level that is being kept very quiet.
                Not long ago some Labor party officers attended a meeting in Sweden, also in attendance were some Arabian donors to the Labor party.
                There's some serious Muslim finances going into Labor party coffers at some point, you can only expect it will materialize in Labor party policy at some point.
                And, don't think it is intended to make the average British worker's life any easier.

                Regards, Jon S.


                • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                  If you make enquiries you will find just what the migrants are getting, at your expense.
                  Hi Wick,

                  With all due respect I have spent the last thirteen or so years working with immigrants in a variety of different contexts.

                  That's three years housing asylum seekers on behalf of the Home Office, eight years of general homelessness / social housing provision and two years working exclusively with refugees in a housing context.

                  I know EXACTLY what the entitlements are in respect of home office support for asylum seekers, and benefits and social housing for refugees because I have spent over a decade advising on precisely this (with all the requisite training and qualifications).

                  Not a tax payer funded bicycle or a smartphone in sight I can assure you.

                  And no enquiries necessary.


                  • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                    None of them stand in lines, its not their culture, they just push others aside to get in, and waste time shouting things like "wheres my money" or words to that effect. They say they get £35 per day, some say a bit more, others a bit less.
                    Well, if these people you speak of are going somewhere to collect their money I would be pretty sure that they are Asylum Seekers collecting their Home Office support from a Post Office?

                    The rate for that was £5 per day per person, so I'm guessing they were actually talking about £35 PER WEEK.

                    I believe it has gone up slightly since I worked in the asylum process, but only by a couple of quid.

                    The exact amount these days will be in the public domain.


                    • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                      And so you made a connection between two statements?
                      Is there a point to be made here?
                      Most people would have.
                      Point is, use a full stop !!


                      • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                        Where are the women & children?
                        The vast majority of those who come by boat are 'young adult males', granted a few have been female & children, but those are not the concern. Its the thousands of young adult males that are the problem.
                        They hang around the offices in town waiting for their handouts, while British pensioners are afraid to go collect their pensions. These gangs of foreigners, standing around in groups are staring at them, they feel like they are being sized up for a mugging.
                        None of them stand in lines, its not their culture, they just push others aside to get in, and waste time shouting things like "wheres my money" or words to that effect. They say they get £35 per day, some say a bit more, others a bit less.

                        Why are they getting housed in hotels the ordinary people can't afford, while British homeless are sleeping on the streets?

                        Something is going on at a higher level that is being kept very quiet.
                        Not long ago some Labor party officers attended a meeting in Sweden, also in attendance were some Arabian donors to the Labor party.
                        There's some serious Muslim finances going into Labor party coffers at some point, you can only expect it will materialize in Labor party policy at some point.
                        And, don't think it is intended to make the average British worker's life any easier.

                        This is all reform crap. The reason it’s nearly all males is that the women and children can’t make the journey as it’s too dangerous or far. Hotels are the only available accommodation because the government never bothered to provide suitable accommodation and btw they don’t get room service. £5 a day.
                        And the Islamophobic crap comes out. Push your racist/islamophobic crap elsewhere.
                        Last edited by String; 07-04-2024, 06:26 AM.


                        • In terms of general elections; the issue of race and our relatively subjective views of race, often tends to play it's part.

                          It can be difficult to express views that have the capacity to be deemed as moderate, fair and unbiased, because we all have different perceptions of what constitutes those moral parameters.

                          For example, here are a sequence of statements that perhaps highlight the very fine yet distinctive differentiation between those parameters.

                          Let's have a look...

                          1 - The majority of those who are VICTIMS of street KNIFE crime, are young black males aged between 12-19

                          (This is a factual statement based on truth and therefore has no grounds to be deemed or any deliberate intent to be racist. It is designed to be informative and utilised for statistical analysis)

                          Let's raise the bar a little...

                          2- The Majority of those who are OFFENDERS of street knife crime, are young black males aged 12-19

                          Again, this is a statistical fact based on truth, yet we can already see where this suddenly raises a few eyebrows because of the switch from victim to offender. And yet, both of these statements are true and factual. It is important however to be aware of the INTENT behind each statement because regardless of whether the statement is supported or rejected, it is still factual, and therefore intended to be informative and falls outside of the the boundaries of being a "racist" statement.

                          Let's keep going....

                          3 - You're more likely kely to stab someone if you're black.

                          This is now where we can see that the waters become murky. Now despite the statements 1 and 2 being factual, this statement is not based on the same statistical parameters. It is therefore inappropriate and while it could be used as a way of amplifying the previous statements, it is not something that can be verified via the same analytical process used in statements 1 and 2.
                          This is a sweeping statement and carries a potentially racist undertone.

                          Keep going...

                          4 - You're more likely to get stabbed by someone black.

                          This is similar to the above statement 3 and carries a racist undertone that is inappropriate and carries no statistical accuracy. This is based on the face that anyone has the capacity to use and be a victim of a knife attack, regardless of race whatsoever.

                          Not done yet...

                          5 - Lots of black kids carry knives

                          Now we are getting into uncomfortable areas because quite frankly; this statement is ludicrous, inflammatory and not based on any factual data. This is a sweeping statement that is clearly a racist comment designed to provoke and intimidate.

                          So, as you can see, there's a fine line, but a clear line nonetheless.
                          The intent behind each statement also adds weight and context to what views are being expressed.

                          Now a moderate individual with a typical reaction should find only statements 1 and 2 as acceptable because they are the one statements that are based on truth and fact. Statements 3, 4, and certainly 5, are not acceptable or objective and should be challenged.

                          Of course some of you will support all 5 statements, while some of you will only support statement 1.

                          But like it or not, statement 2 is factual and truthful and not a racist statement.

                          But 3 is certainly beyond the boundaries of what should be seen as acceptable.

                          Read each statement again and see where YOU sit.

                          Perhaps that will be a clear indicator of where you should vote in this election.

                          "Great minds, don't think alike"


                          • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
                            We have issues of cowardice. Fear of being called names that allow issues to go without being dealt with. I’m not exactly known for holding my tongue or being diplomatic but even I’m wary of broaching certain subjects on here in case I get labelled. Most legal immigrants are fine. They’ve mixed. Some less so and there are sufficiently high numbers to strongly suggest that problems will increase rather than go away. Some of them want the country to change to their way of life and beliefs. It’s simply a fact. They are quite open and vocal about this but no one does anything accept pretend it’s not happening. They can stand in the High Street saying this and the police will do nothing but if someone makes a comment from the other side then you can expect the Thought Police to come knocking. We’ve actually seen protesters calling for murder in the street and the police do…..absolutely nothing. We can have alternate courts set up at known locations across this country which often lead to the absolutely appalling treatment of women and what happens? Nothing. We have certain faith schools preaching violence, hatred and separatism and what is done….nothing. Try setting up your own court Svensson, see how far you get. We have supermarkets and shops now sneaking in food killed in the most brutal way in line with religious rules and what is the response….Silence. We get JK Rowling, an absolute role model for women and feminists treated by some like a murderer. We get people cancelled and watch spineless publishers and companies stand silent before issuing weasley apologies for some ludicrous, imagined ‘offence.’ People are demonised because they don’t accept that there are 4000 genders or because they won’t use certain pronouns. Memorials to the dead are defaced, statues smashed….nothing. Crimes committed over and over again and what…a piece of paper and a fine that the ‘criminal’ will be allowed to pay off at £5 a week because the only job he’s ever had was as a prefect at school. Look at knife crime. Look at gun crime and gang culture. Look at feral kids who have no respect for the police or the law because their parents also had none. What will their kids be like do you think? These are the future.
                            Whilst I'd love to agree with you I can't because I'll get jumped on for being racist or xenophobic.


                            • Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

                              Whilst I'd love to agree with you I can't because I'll get jumped on for being racist or xenophobic.
                              As predicted, the word ‘Islamophobic’ has surfaced already on here. We have a section of society who can do anything and say anything and are beyond criticism. All minorities should be protected…not just one.

                              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                              • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                                As predicted, the word ‘Islamophobic’ has surfaced already on here. We have a section of society who can do anything and say anything and are beyond criticism. All minorities should be protected…not just one.
                                Yes it's a shame ain't it. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

