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  • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

    You hit nail on the head there Mike.
    I applaud those who speak their mind, enough of this weakery-wokery nonsense - "say what you mean & mean what you say", if it offends someone, so long as you have been civil, then thats their problem. They have to grow a pair and desist with their juvenile nonsense.
    Then, the world might be a better place.

    If the govt. are handing out homes to the homeless, then they should start with the British homeless. Then, if there's any left over they go to newcomers, but Legal newcomers, not illegal migrants.
    The idea of Asylum Seekers should be dropped, they only qualify if the came directly, which must mean by plane, from the country they are escaping from. They are clearly not seeking asylum if they came from Europe by boat.

    - There are about 70 isles in the Orkneys, only 20 are inhabited, the govt. can ship these illegal migrants to any one of those islands and process them in due course.
    - There are only two genders; you are either male or female, and it is not a choice.
    - Voting has to be by Proportional Representation, this two party system has not worked.
    - The UK is a Christian based society, other beliefs are welcomed as guests, providing the migrants accept British Customs, laws & traditions.
    - The role of Mayor of any city (think London!) should be abolished, no need for duplicate levels of bureaucracy.

    Five will do for a start to get Britain back on its feet.

    Hi Wick,

    According to the National Audit office our genius of a Prime Minister’s plan to ship asylum seekers to Rwanda will cost us (the tax payer) £1.8 million for each of the first 300 sent. The overall cost of this barking mad scheme is over half a billion pounds. He has even committed us to paying Rwanda £370 million over the next 5 years whether we send a single asylum seeker or not. Just stop them coming in the first place. How hard can it be? I’ve just saved the country £500,000,000+

    What next. They’ll be opening up Blenheim Palace to house immigrants next. I agree that drastic action is required to make Britain a great country again but no one in power has the will to do it. For a start we have to stop encouraging everyone to hate ourselves and our own history and to go around apologising all the time. We’ve becoming a nation of masochists. All schoolchildren should do a proper course on UK history. They should also do a course on debate. How to listen to the views and opinions of others without crying or screaming. How to look at evidence and not let feelings override it. They should be taught not to equate disagreeing with hate and not to resort to name-calling and labelling simply because they have no content.

    It’s not going to happen though Wick. The Left were once heroic. They stood up for everyone and against injustice. Most of the time these days I’m embarrassed by what they’ve become. I don’t trust the Left or the Right. They’re all playing a game and we’re the ones that are losing. The following generations will be the big time losers though sadly.

    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


    • Well we know what the Tories have done in 14 years : see this amusing if sweary video recap.

      We don’t really know what Labour are going to do because they haven’t said much mostly to deprive the Tories and right wing press of ammunition but I believe they are not going to be anywhere near as bad as the Tories with their corruption and incompetence.

      So if you have a vote vote tactically to rid of this shower.

      On the subject of immigration look over the water to that great nation the United States. Apart from the abominable way they treated the indigenous peoples it has become a power house with most of those workers immigrants or descendants of immigrants, the same goes for Australia, New Zealand. If we build social housing, invest in the NHS, schools etc the country will grow because these people work and pay taxes. They do the jobs we won’t do, with an aging population we need them. The right wing had Europe, they now have immigrants and now they are even threatening to remove benefits from sick and disabled people and give it to the better off in the form of a tax bribe. If that’s not depravity I don’t know what is. Who will be the next target?


      • Originally posted by Al Bundy's Eyes View Post

        "No" would be the answer to that.
        Hi, surely that is incorrect. The more people in a given country will increase it's needs on all services, police, fire, schools, NHS etc etc. Surely that is common sense.


        • Originally posted by caz View Post

          Happy to be corrected, but surely your daughter would have no need to apply if she was born in the UK to a British parent. Would she not automatically have acquired British nationality in that case?

          Confused Caz
          You're correct Caz. If you are born in the UK and at least one of your parents is a British citizen or has some sort of settled status, you are automatically granted citizenship at birth. Nothing to apply for.

          All the best,


          • Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

            Hi, surely that is incorrect. The more people in a given country will increase it's needs on all services, police, fire, schools, NHS etc etc. Surely that is common sense.
            This wasn't what you asked though Geddy. You asked, and please correct me if I am wrong, if the benefit these workers provide is outweighed by the additional stress they put on our public services like the NHS. The answer is no. They do of course use our public services by dint of simply being alive and living here. They also pay taxes, NI and contribute to the local economy like everyone else. In addition to providing vital services that are currently keeping our country limping along.

            All the best,


            • Originally posted by String View Post
              Well we know what the Tories have done in 14 years : see this amusing if sweary video recap.

              We don’t really know what Labour are going to do because they haven’t said much mostly to deprive the Tories and right wing press of ammunition but I believe they are not going to be anywhere near as bad as the Tories with their corruption and incompetence.

              So if you have a vote vote tactically to rid of this shower.

              On the subject of immigration look over the water to that great nation the United States. Apart from the abominable way they treated the indigenous peoples it has become a power house with most of those workers immigrants or descendants of immigrants, the same goes for Australia, New Zealand. If we build social housing, invest in the NHS, schools etc the country will grow because these people work and pay taxes. They do the jobs we won’t do, with an aging population we need them. The right wing had Europe, they now have immigrants and now they are even threatening to remove benefits from sick and disabled people and give it to the better off in the form of a tax bribe. If that’s not depravity I don’t know what is. Who will be the next target?
              Before I even clicked the link I knew it was going to be Jonathan Pie. Brilliant!
              Last edited by Tab; 07-03-2024, 11:01 AM.


              • Originally posted by Tab View Post
                This wasn't what you asked though Geddy. You asked, and please correct me if I am wrong, if the benefit these workers provide is outweighed by the additional stress they put on our public services like the NHS. The answer is no. They do of course use our public services by dint of simply being alive and living here. They also pay taxes, NI and contribute to the local economy like everyone else. In addition to providing vital services that are currently keeping our country limping along.
                Mmmm not too sure to be honest. The 'stress' has to start somewhere. As do the 'benefits.' You are misquoting me (or not understanding me.) The 'foreign' workers helping out the NHS is a plus. All the immigrants coming here and using the NHS is a negative. You are implying above the NHS workers are the only immigrants in play here and that is not the case.
                In other words not all the immigrants who put a strain on the NHS work for the NHS. The non working NHS immigrants far outnumber the ones who do work for the NHS so my point is accurate. The benefits of immigrants working for the NHS is NOT equal to or greater than the strains the immigrant population put on the NHS. You might for example have 10 immigrants working for the NHS but 100 who do not and thus put a strain on it. It's rather that simple. The strains far out weigh the benefits, surely that is very obvious. Do you not have Wickerman to attend to?
                Last edited by Geddy2112; 07-03-2024, 11:23 AM.


                • Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

                  Mmmm not too sure to be honest. The 'stress' has to start somewhere. As do the 'benefits.' You are misquoting me (or not understanding me.) The 'foreign' workers helping out the NHS is a plus. All the immigrants coming here and using the NHS is a negative. You are implying above the NHS workers are the only immigrants in play here and that is not the case.
                  In other words not all the immigrants who put a strain on the NHS work for the NHS. The non working NHS immigrants far outnumber the ones who do work for the NHS so my point is accurate. The benefits of immigrants working for the NHS is NOT equal to or greater than the strains the immigrant population put on the NHS. You might for example have 10 immigrants working for the NHS but 100 who do not and thus put a strain on it. It's rather that simple. The strains far out weigh the benefits, surely that is very obvious. Do you not have Wickerman to attend to?
                  Thanks for the correction, I misunderstood as it was a reply to my post about the social care sector. But still no. The additional strain does not out weigh the benefits, as a percentage it is a fraction of a percent, which will make absolutely zero difference. On the whole, anyone here on any legal immigration visa is working, paying taxes and NI, and contributing the local community they are a part of. A third are here on skilled work visas which directly and observably provide a net benefit. Studies have repeatedly shown that these contributions cover the cost of the services and benefits they receive. The fact is our public services are struggling due to years of underfunding and policies that beggar belief, not immigration.

                  All the best,


                  • Originally posted by Tab View Post
                    But still no. The additional strain does not out weigh the benefits, as a percentage it is a fraction of a percent, which will make absolutely zero difference.
                    So you are stating as a matter of fact that immigration 'gives' more to the NHS than it 'takes?'


                    • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                      Hi Wick,

                      According to the National Audit office our genius of a Prime Minister’s plan to ship asylum seekers to Rwanda will cost us (the tax payer) £1.8 million for each of the first 300 sent. The overall cost of this barking mad scheme is over half a billion pounds. He has even committed us to paying Rwanda £370 million over the next 5 years whether we send a single asylum seeker or not. Just stop them coming in the first place. How hard can it be? I’ve just saved the country £500,000,000+

                      What next. They’ll be opening up Blenheim Palace to house immigrants next. I agree that drastic action is required to make Britain a great country again but no one in power has the will to do it. For a start we have to stop encouraging everyone to hate ourselves and our own history and to go around apologising all the time. We’ve becoming a nation of masochists. All schoolchildren should do a proper course on UK history. They should also do a course on debate. How to listen to the views and opinions of others without crying or screaming. How to look at evidence and not let feelings override it. They should be taught not to equate disagreeing with hate and not to resort to name-calling and labelling simply because they have no content.

                      It’s not going to happen though Wick. The Left were once heroic. They stood up for everyone and against injustice. Most of the time these days I’m embarrassed by what they’ve become. I don’t trust the Left or the Right. They’re all playing a game and we’re the ones that are losing. The following generations will be the big time losers though sadly.
                      Where have all the Churchill's gone?
                      I remember when that biography, The Last Lion, came out and thinking, I hope not! I was only a kid back then.
                      There's no-one in politics with any backbone anymore. It's the same here in Canada, we've had 1.3 Million come into this country since Trudeau became PM, he's not a patch on his father.
                      I don't know if you follow Douglas Murray on YouTube, he's such an intelligent speaker, he has his eye on the ball. The UK need more people to wake up and pay attention like he has. Tommy Robinson is a bit rough around the edges but his heart is in the right place and he has a spine to say what he means and means what he says.
                      There's only Farage in a position to do anything, but it will take votes to give him some ammunition to fight this plague, and it is spreading around the world.

                      Did you hear of that school who reported a 12? year old kid to the police. The police called the Home Office, who sent the Prevent Squad (anti-terrorist) to his house?
                      All the kid had said was - 'there are only two genders, and he didn't believe being Non-Binary was real'.
                      Can you believe a young kid gets reported to police, for telling the TRUTH!
                      These Wokery criminals all need locking up.
                      Oh, and get this....the Prevent "SS" that showed up at his house found the kid had a plastic crossbow and foam bolts (that just bounce of targets), and the "SS" made a note that this kid has interests in weaponry!!!
                      I'm just lost for words how low the police have fallen, its despicable.

                      Where have all the Churchill's gone?
                      Regards, Jon S.


                      • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                        Back in the 60's we had Enoch Powell, I can't remember what kind of following he had, but up north where I grew up he was considered to be more of a comical character.
                        I don't remember anyone who took him serious

                        Powell was a MP for Birmingham, and nothing to do with the NF.


                        • Originally posted by String View Post

                          On the subject of immigration look over the water to that great nation the United States. Apart from the abominable way they treated the indigenous peoples it has become a power house with most of those workers immigrants or descendants of immigrants, the same goes for Australia, New Zealand. If we build social housing, invest in the NHS, schools etc the country will grow because these people work and pay taxes. They do the jobs we won’t do, with an aging population we need them. The right wing had Europe, they now have immigrants and now they are even threatening to remove benefits from sick and disabled people and give it to the better off in the form of a tax bribe. If that’s not depravity I don’t know what is. Who will be the next target?
                          It's not the fact they are there that is the issue, its how they got there.
                          Everybody supports immigration, quite rightly because legal immigrants are required to prove who they are and where they came from, and show willing to accept the new society, and their laws & customs.
                          Illegal immigrants avoid being vetted in any way, and many have no intention of accepting the laws & customs of the new country.

                          Immigration must be controlled to be of any use to the country.

                          Regards, Jon S.


                          • Originally posted by Tab View Post
                            ...... They also pay taxes, NI and contribute to the local economy like everyone else. In addition to providing vital services that are currently keeping our country limping along.

                            All the best,
                            No, I think you'll find that is part of the problem.

                            You just described Legal immigrants, who do find work.
                            Its the illegal ones who get hand-outs from the tax-payer; a bicycle, a new smart phone, credit cards, etc., and sit around doing nothing. They either can't speak English, or have no identification, or no qualifications.
                            They are just a burden on society that cannot be sustained.

                            Regards, Jon S.


                            • Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post

                              Powell was a MP for Birmingham, and nothing to do with the NF.
                              Are you implying I said he was?
                              Regards, Jon S.


                              • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                                Where have all the Churchill's gone?
                                I remember when that biography, The Last Lion, came out and thinking, I hope not! I was only a kid back then.
                                There's no-one in politics with any backbone anymore. It's the same here in Canada, we've had 1.3 Million come into this country since Trudeau became PM, he's not a patch on his father.
                                I don't know if you follow Douglas Murray on YouTube, he's such an intelligent speaker, he has his eye on the ball. The UK need more people to wake up and pay attention like he has. Tommy Robinson is a bit rough around the edges but his heart is in the right place and he has a spine to say what he means and means what he says.
                                There's only Farage in a position to do anything, but it will take votes to give him some ammunition to fight this plague, and it is spreading around the world.

                                Did you hear of that school who reported a 12? year old kid to the police. The police called the Home Office, who sent the Prevent Squad (anti-terrorist) to his house?
                                All the kid had said was - 'there are only two genders, and he didn't believe being Non-Binary was real'.
                                Can you believe a young kid gets reported to police, for telling the TRUTH!
                                These Wokery criminals all need locking up.
                                Oh, and get this....the Prevent "SS" that showed up at his house found the kid had a plastic crossbow and foam bolts (that just bounce of targets), and the "SS" made a note that this kid has interests in weaponry!!!
                                I'm just lost for words how low the police have fallen, its despicable.

                                Where have all the Churchill's gone?
                                There’s an agenda driven section of society that treats Churchill like a serial killer. It’s an example of what I mean about a culture of self-loathing. Of course we should acknowledge failings as well as the achievements but I have to say it’s a bit of a bugbear with me. If it was down to me, and they found the person that defaced Churchill’s statue, i’d have sent them to prison. Only for 5 years though….on bread and water….with a weekly flogging.

                                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”

