Errata said: "Parents of daughters: you raise them to be polite. They have been told by teachers and adults all their lives that screaming is rude, it is unnecessary, that girls should be quiet, should be meek. By the time they hit 10 or 11, they don't know how to do it anymore. My fiance's niece is 10, and I am teaching her how to scream again, and her mother and grandmother HATE it. They think it's unnecessary. God I hope so, But that kid is going to be able to shriek like an air raid siren if she ever has to..."
That's a great start, Errata, but it's not quite enough. Most girls sound like they are whining, don't really know how to yell, and can be overpowered again and made to stop anyway. Hopefully your niece does a sport or a physical activity of some type that serves to increase her confidence. I don't care what it is, as long as she likes doing it. Statistics show that the girls who get into the most trouble in middle and high school are the least occupied, so their activities become "getting into trouble" and putting themselves in very bad or dangerous situations with much higher statistical probabilities of being harmed.
What my daughter knows is how to "take care of business" in two very important ways:
1. She knows what situations to steer clear of and common "red flags" to avoid. Now, this isn't foolproof, BUT...she knows not to walk or bike alone, or to EVER go off with a group of men on her own (or to get in someone's car) with the exception of the male athletic teams she is on...and
2. She is athletic and physicially trained to the degree that she could seriously "upend" just about anyone who bothered or was untoward towards her. Now, it helps that she is 6 feet tall and an athlete, but....she also walks with confidence and will meet anyone's gaze. If she were to look at you, you would be the one to end up looking down, not her. Yes, I realize her height and strength is unusual, but the confidence/assertiveness thing applies to ALL women.
3. She speaks in very clear, even, measured tones, with an excellent vocabulary. She sounds intelligent and busnesslike, but can quickly "up the ante" if she needs to. Sounding like Marilyn Monroe in one of her movie roles doesn't help anyone, really...and women do need to be taught to actually yell for help...Body english is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. The couple of times my daughter has felt threatened by male classmates she walked towards them, looking right at them while stating that they had better back down and what was going to happen if they didn't in the loudest voice she could. Is this easy? No, but it is very effective.
4. My daughter doesn't drink, smoke anything or do drugs....not only because it flies in the face of what she is trying to accomplish physically, but because she said that these things make people, especially women vulnerable. She refuses to lose control from these substances, so she does not do them. For her, it is a public health/safety argument, not a moral/religious one, just to make that clear...
5. The rules of the game change completely if the person going after you is armed with deady force, BTW. IOW, my daughter is smart enough to realize that you do not "get in the face" of a person pointing a gun at you.
She manages to do this without compromising her femininity...For whatever reason, the media has decided that femininity = "crack waif" as I stated earlier...
My daughter refuses to buy into that definition...
That's a great start, Errata, but it's not quite enough. Most girls sound like they are whining, don't really know how to yell, and can be overpowered again and made to stop anyway. Hopefully your niece does a sport or a physical activity of some type that serves to increase her confidence. I don't care what it is, as long as she likes doing it. Statistics show that the girls who get into the most trouble in middle and high school are the least occupied, so their activities become "getting into trouble" and putting themselves in very bad or dangerous situations with much higher statistical probabilities of being harmed.
What my daughter knows is how to "take care of business" in two very important ways:
1. She knows what situations to steer clear of and common "red flags" to avoid. Now, this isn't foolproof, BUT...she knows not to walk or bike alone, or to EVER go off with a group of men on her own (or to get in someone's car) with the exception of the male athletic teams she is on...and
2. She is athletic and physicially trained to the degree that she could seriously "upend" just about anyone who bothered or was untoward towards her. Now, it helps that she is 6 feet tall and an athlete, but....she also walks with confidence and will meet anyone's gaze. If she were to look at you, you would be the one to end up looking down, not her. Yes, I realize her height and strength is unusual, but the confidence/assertiveness thing applies to ALL women.
3. She speaks in very clear, even, measured tones, with an excellent vocabulary. She sounds intelligent and busnesslike, but can quickly "up the ante" if she needs to. Sounding like Marilyn Monroe in one of her movie roles doesn't help anyone, really...and women do need to be taught to actually yell for help...Body english is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. The couple of times my daughter has felt threatened by male classmates she walked towards them, looking right at them while stating that they had better back down and what was going to happen if they didn't in the loudest voice she could. Is this easy? No, but it is very effective.
4. My daughter doesn't drink, smoke anything or do drugs....not only because it flies in the face of what she is trying to accomplish physically, but because she said that these things make people, especially women vulnerable. She refuses to lose control from these substances, so she does not do them. For her, it is a public health/safety argument, not a moral/religious one, just to make that clear...
5. The rules of the game change completely if the person going after you is armed with deady force, BTW. IOW, my daughter is smart enough to realize that you do not "get in the face" of a person pointing a gun at you.
She manages to do this without compromising her femininity...For whatever reason, the media has decided that femininity = "crack waif" as I stated earlier...
