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Females help me out with some advice

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  • The advantage of sitting quietly at the end of the bar is not being "a deer caught in the highlights"...which is a little wierd because I thought it was "rabbits that got caught in car spotlights".. but never mind, I digress... it must be a furry animal thing....(no offence, Bunny!)

    Two rabbits walked into a pub and asked for a pub lunch. One asked for a toasted cheese sandwich, being allergic to ham, the other asked for a plain toasted ham sandwich.

    After one bite, one of the rabbits fell down stone dead on it's back. The bartender took a look, looked at the two plates of food, and said.. "Looks like a case of "Mixtamatoasties"..

    Pub lunch.. lovely stuff!

    best wishes

    Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

    Justice for the 96 = achieved
    Accountability? ....


    • Originally posted by Phil Carter View Post
      The advantage of sitting quietly at the end of the bar is not being "a deer caught in the highlights"...
      and that's also a trick to attract women!


      • Not if one isnt deliberately trying, Sister.
        I am just sitting quietly at the bar, observing play. :-)
        Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

        Justice for the 96 = achieved
        Accountability? ....


        • Originally posted by Phil Carter View Post
          Not if one isnt deliberately trying, Sister.
          I am just sitting quietly at the bar, observing play. :-)
          and that tends to make women think "wow what a man", you must have soo much fun in Norway


          • Actually, what I found so hilarious yesterday was that initially 3-4 guys (David, Tom, and a couple British ones) were gabing away so blaséed and co*ksure about the female anatomy, but when later on the girls started contributing with some technical stuff, some of the guys were reacting like proverbal deers caught in the highlights
            Must be a continental thing.



            Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



            • Definitely NOT a continental thing, Monty, as French men are real “sluts“, plus I've noticed that David (and Phil Carter as a discreet observer, he he) were the ones to stay totally cool. I'd say it's mostly a generational thing.
              I really gotta go back to work now.
              Best regards,


              • I wasnt referring to the boys Maria.



                Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



                • Originally posted by Monty View Post
                  I wasnt referring to the boys Maria.
                  Ouch. I'm just realizing to whom the verbal/confessional “slut“ attribute for Continentals referred to...
                  Going back to work with great dilligence, with a very earnest expression on my face, to redeem myself.
                  Best regards,


                  • Originally posted by mariab View Post
                    Ouch. I'm just realizing to whom the verbal/confessional “slut“ attribute for Continentals referred to...
                    Going back to work with great dilligence, with a very earnest expression on my face, to redeem myself.
                    That is not what Im referring to at all Maria.

                    Ask before stirring, it will reduce your stress levels.



                    Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



                    • Originally posted by Monty View Post
                      That is not what Im referring to at all Maria.

                      Ask before stirring, it will reduce your stress levels.

                      we're women, we're gone before the whistle has been blown


                      • Originally posted by Monty View Post
                        That is not what Im referring to at all Maria. Ask before stirring, it will reduce your stress levels.
                        I was joking, Monty. ;-) Besides, I'm the one who introduced the term “slut“ in the discussion, also not entirely seriously.
                        No stress whatsoever, despite a very full plate. For real. I'm totally chilled right now, taking it one task at the time. (Occasionally multi-tasking with a casebook post, which is probably what all other Casebookers do too.)
                        Best regards,


                        • Hi Chainzcooper.
                          Early days its usually best to work on the principle that there are no such things as women.
                          Its only really when it comes to getting around to making love that a woman does actually need to be a woman.
                          Trouble is,a lot of guys base all their conversation with women through that one objective,and it gets tiresome,like a cold caller trying to hide the fact that they are a cold caller.
                          So,be yourself,be honest,show interest in her conversation, respect her opinions and generally behave as though you are having a conversation with your best mate,although without the swearing and fart jokes.
                          If there is any spark between you it will emerge naturally, but again keep the sex stuff on the back burner.
                          The bad news is you cant fake this stuff,the good news is that if you are genuine in everything you do,you should get on very well indeed.
                          The biggie is honesty,but it also helps to be strong when you do actually have a passion for something and not to act as if you know everything,if you dont know say so.
                          Lastly learn to disagree respectfully,never ever dismiss her opinions without trying to understand them, talk about the way you feel about things rather than trying to score points and 'win' the argument, and if you ever get personal during a discussion forget it.
                          All the best.


                          • Originally posted by martin wilson View Post
                            Hi Chainzcooper.
                            Early days its usually best to work on the principle that there are no such things as women.
                            Its only really when it comes to getting around to making love that a woman does actually need to be a woman.
                            i like this statement (although i have to add that we need to be women for bearing seeds too, one other wonderfull thing that makes us what we are)


                            • Originally posted by martin wilson View Post
                              So,be yourself,be honest,show interest in her conversation, respect her opinions...Lastly learn to disagree respectfully,never ever dismiss her opinions without trying to understand them, talk about the way you feel about things
                              What nonsense is this. Dames are a dime a dozen. You give 'em your best sneer and offer to let them buy you a drink, single malt. If they don't, tell them not to come crawling to you when they need sex, because you're better than that. When they leave in a huff, tell them not to let the door hit them in the a$$, delete them from your cell phone and don't return emails. Soon, they'll be begging you for your love, but you won't give in because you're a man, and dames are everywhere.



                              • First time I agree with Mike this year.
                                Shame on me.

