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End of the World to Begin May 21, 2011

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  • #61
    CD, if you were worried about climbing scaffolding, what do you think it will be like when you're whisked upwards and heavenwards?

    BTW, on your way up, could you do my windows? It will save me a bit with the window-cleaners.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Robert View Post
      CD, if you were worried about climbing scaffolding, what do you think it will be like when you're whisked upwards and heavenwards?

      BTW, on your way up, could you do my windows? It will save me a bit with the window-cleaners.
      Sorry, I don't do windows.



      • #63
        Ok, I'll make a note for tomorrow :

        "Don't take CD, he's a trouble-maker."


        • #64
          Ok - so if the world is going to end tomorrow the following song seems appropriate:

          (The woman on the right looks just like Cherie Blair!)


          • #65
            Originally posted by c.d. View Post
            No, just beer. I try to limit my vices. I sometimes miss the old days but I think it was having to climb a scaffolding while working construction and being under the influence of the funny smokes that made me think that this is probably not such a good idea.

            ok then I will not loot your appartement... i limit my vices too, but i chose the smokes instead of the booze


            • #66
              Has it started yet? Did I miss it?


              • #67
                So far so good. How are things across the pond?



                • #68

                  I'm looting me an ipad


                  • #69
                    Apparently New Zealand has reported in saying they are still here and doing just fine. It would seem that Mr. Camping made an error in his calculations. I bet he forgot to carry the 1.



                    • #70
                      I'm not sure his adding up was right either. Why are 7 of God's days 7001 years? Where did the 1 come from? Shouldn't it have been last year in that case??

                      I definitely missed it.


                      • #71
                        20 minutes to midnight here and I heard a loud noise from outside.... It was the guy over the road slamming the door on his van. Phew!


                        • #72
                          Are we sure it hasn't happened? Obviously he got it wrong about the earthquakes, but what about the Rapture itself?

                          What if the Number of the Elect is so small as to be practically indistinguishable from the number of persons that ordinarily go missing every day?

                          Though I suppose if Mr Camping himself is still around tomorrow it will be an indication that something has gone a bit wrong.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Chris View Post
                            Though I suppose if Mr Camping himself is still around tomorrow it will be an indication that something has gone a bit wrong.
                            I must offer my sincere apologies for the error in that link. I don't know how on earth it happened. I'm very sorry if it upset any of the reverend gentleman's followers, particularly at such a difficult time for them.

                            It should have pointed here.


                            • #74
                              They must be a quite a loose end today


                              • #75
                                Camping's radio show, Family Radio, survives on donations & advertizing.
                                They were still booking spots well into the summer despite promoting the end of the world (how stupid is that).

                                Regards, Jon S.

