I actually liked that Zodiac movie except I didn't care for the way they glossed over the first murders. I don't know what they were thinking in that regard.
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Originally posted by sdreid View PostI actually liked that Zodiac movie except I didn't care for the way they glossed over the first murders. I don't know what they were thinking in that regard.
Yours truly,
Tom Wescott
I remember in the old days when I first started stocking DVD's in my store, on the back it said,
SPECIAL FEATURES........Interactive Menu's!
Now these are featured on every disk and it was the studio's way of saying, we have not really added anything!
Another dubious release was a 12 rated film, which was released as a 15 rated disk, because the trailer before the film was for a slasher!!!
If the extra's add something to the viewing experience, then I am all for it.
Gladiator both 2 and 3 disk releases are fantastic, the commentary alone was worth it.
Ghandi was a good dvd release as it featured loads of film rolls from the period.
Cleopatra was a great release, it was filled with hours of rare documentaries.
I like the extras on "From Hell" and they were well put together.
Jaws had some great extras on, such as a massive documentary, which when you watch, makes you want to watch the film again!
Dog Soldiers, the Brit werewolf flick had a great commentary, they basically got all the lads from the film, a couple of crates of beer and let them chat!
The Mummy (Brendan Fraser) had a commentary where the makers of the movie pointed out all the mistakes!!
Goonies had a split screen so you could watch the cast now, commenting on the film!!
I like the idea of releasing 2 versions, one with extras, one without, but hate the idea of aniversary releases!
I am also glad Warner Brothers got rid of the cardboard boxes, the plastic ones keep longer!!Regards Mike
Originally posted by sdreid View PostWith Blu-Ray, will we have a 2 hour movie and 15 hours of extras?
About 10 years ago, I purchased "The Usual Suspects" on video, it came as a double set and on the second tape was the film, with commentary!!
As far as I know, this was the first time it had been done on video, laser disc being the first medium for the commentary in disc format.Regards Mike
Yes, in the proper context, commentaries are very interesting.
On the other hand, it can ruin your thoughts and wonderment on what you experienced as for a short time you imagined as real, of course you knew all along it was not real, and even the most intelligent people let their minds wander just for a release from reality, but to have to go to 'the making of ' in order to confirm it was not real is a bummer.
An example would be 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid'
I liked to imagine that Butch and Sundance really did jump off that cliff into the river to escape that posse. But on the 'extras' it fully explained how they faked it. Is that necessary?
In contrast, bloopers of sitcoms as extras on a DVD is something I look for on the back cover. Can't get enough of actors blowing their lines and truly having fun with it.
I love all the outtakes on the Star Wars dvds, the only problem is you have to enter loads of codes to access them, someone has posted them all on youtube though, so you can watch them online.
It is great knowing Lucas spent so much time and effort to get it right, only to watch R2D2 fall over!!
I loved the earlier Jackie Chan stuff (pre hollywood) were his outtakes were stuck on the credits showing his weird and often shocking accidents!!
When he went to Hollywood the stunts were toned down and we have to make do with him fluffing his lines, it's still funny but not as good as his earlier efforts.Regards Mike
He stated, years ago, that the blue screen was quite a surprise. He watched two actresses jump off a bridge which was all blue screened. As he remarked, when he did the original movie, he and the director dressed-up like the actresses and jumped off the bridge.
Just picked up Halloween by Rob Zombie, but I am a little miffed.
Last year my friend was sent a very early release of the movie which came on two disks, cinematic cut, directors cut, loads of extras.
The uk release is just the Directors cut, with a couple of extras!!
Were is the double disk!
I bet at Hallo-bloody-ween they release a double disk!!Regards Mike
Downloaded a movie called "grey gardens" some months ago,only just got round to watching it.Documentary About Edie bouvier Beale"little edie",a relative of jacqueline kennedy who lived a life of relative seclusion in a somewhat run down mansion with her mother,a family of raccoons and apparently piles of dogs mess.A bit of an eccentric she!Both Edie and her mother talked and talked and talked,not sure I understood all the time what exactly they were talking about,but it was fascinating anyway.Now Im on the lookout for grey gardens 2 which was released in late 80s i think but am unable to locate itI should have dloaded the two together while i had the chance..but thats life.
Does anyone know if the DVD of Close Encounters of the Third Kind contains the original theatrical version? The rendition that was later released on video sort of ruined the effect I thought.This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.
Stan Reid
Hi Stan, being something of a fan of Spielberg, UFO's and Films, I actually have
1, Theatrical Cut, with a couple of extras.
2, Special Edition, with an extended cut, and some extras.
3, Collectors Edition, same as Special Edition but with more and more features.
4, Ultimate Edition, Includes, Theatrical Cut, Directors cut and loads of bonus material, new to this edition. (Has weird footage of flying aliens!)
Not sure what the status is in the USA, but I love all four and could watch them over and over again.Regards Mike