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Bible John: A New Suspect by Jill Bavin-Mizzi

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  • #76

    The taxi driver's name is mentioned somewhere on these sites- I recall his surname was Hannah. He had only been working the taxis for a couple of months and one of the women became rather annoyed he was not taking the best route. His recollection of the time and place he dropped the group seems to tally with Jeannie Langford's statement and the police narrative.

    Helen Puttock's husband claimed that in later years he tracked down the taxi driver and Hannah confirmed his account, adding that after paying the fare BJ went over to Helen and there was sign of a disagreement. But nothing more than that.

    I think the 1996 Cold Case detectives showed a photo of John McInnes to the taxi driver (there was page of 12 similar faces) and he immediately picked out McInnes as the passenger- albeit that was after about 25 years. However Jeannie Langford did not identify McInnes from the photo, merely remarking he looked similar. What we don't seem to know is whether both the taxi driver and Jeannie were given the opportunity to ID McInnes in a line up. Most commentators think Hannah, the taxi driver, was NOT asked to do this which seems very odd.


    • #77
      Originally posted by cobalt View Post

      The taxi driver's name is mentioned somewhere on these sites- I recall his surname was Hannah. He had only been working the taxis for a couple of months and one of the women became rather annoyed he was not taking the best route. His recollection of the time and place he dropped the group seems to tally with Jeannie Langford's statement and the police narrative.
      Gillan identified the taxi driver as Alexander Hannah. But that's just it---that she he had to "identify" someone who should have been a key witness struck me as odd. For some reason, he had been marginalized.


      • #78
        Just a post on McInnes that I put on the other thread.

        I attach a link to an article that links John McInnes to the infamous Bible John murders in 1960's Glasgow. I also attach 2 posts that I made on a thread dealing with the Zodiac case (yes we wandered a bit of topic, but hey ho) which dealt with Mcinnes's possible involvement in the murders. My First Post Hi Abby, I'll try

        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


        • #79
          Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

          I should be close to finishing the book tonight with a bit of luck. A question for you (or anyone) Barn. Helen Puttock went out with a red purse that night. On page 44 the author says that the disheveled man on the number 6 bus paid his fair from a red purse. This is hugely significant of course but I hadn’t seen it written anywhere else. I used the search function on the books that I have and found no mention of this. I can’t recall if it might have been mentioned on the podcast but I’d have thought that such an important fact would have stuck in my memory? Is it familiar to you..or anyone else?
          Hi Herlock.

          Re the red purse mentioned by Bavin-Mizzi in her new book.

          On page 175 of "Dancing With the Devil" by Paul Harrison he says that Douglas Simpson in his book "Power in the Blood: Whatever Happened to Bible John" mentions the dishevelled man on the number six bus paying his fare with money from a red purse.

          So the earliest reference to the red purse seems to be via Douglas Simpson.
          I don't have a copy of Simpson's book so I'm not sure if he mentions a source for this information.

          There has been been some good discourse about the case on this thread.
          I'm happy about that, it seems to me that honest debate over name calling and protecting entrenched views wins every time.


          • #80
            I have managed to get myself a copy of "Power in the Blood" by Douglas Simpson.

            On page 162 he says:
            "The conductor and the passenger witnessed an odd thing: when he was approached for his fare he had produced the money to pay for his ticket from a red purse. And Helen Puttock's red purse was missing!"

            No source is given for this information.

            If this information is accurate, it is very strange behaviour from a man who had just killed his third victim.


            • #81
              Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post
              I have managed to get myself a copy of "Power in the Blood" by Douglas Simpson.

              On page 162 he says:
              "The conductor and the passenger witnessed an odd thing: when he was approached for his fare he had produced the money to pay for his ticket from a red purse. And Helen Puttock's red purse was missing!"

              No source is given for this information.

              If this information is accurate, it is very strange behaviour from a man who had just killed his third victim.
              How did you manage to get a copy so quickly Barn? I’ve been looking at the price comparison site that I use, 3-2-1, and I still can’t find a copy for sale (ditto Samson and Crow, ditto Stoddart)

              I’m guessing that you’re thinking the same thing as me Barn - this does sound like one of those rumours/legends that pop up in every case? There’s no reason why it can’t have been true though. Frustrating.

              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


              • #82
                Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post

                There has been been some good discourse about the case on this thread.
                I'm happy about that, it seems to me that honest debate over name calling and protecting entrenched views wins every time.
                Couldn’t agree more Barn

                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                • #83
                  Interesting information from Cobalt, not sure if it can be verified. But if true could be seen as very significant.

                  'Helen Puttock's husband claimed that in later years he tracked down the taxi driver and Hannah confirmed his account, adding that after paying the fare BJ went over to Helen and there was sign of a disagreement. But nothing more than that'.

                  If this did occur it somewhat lessens the chance of Helen Puttocks husband being the murderer (It has been suggested by some that he may have been after disturbing Helen with the man in the taxi, the man known as Bible John)

                  Surely even years later the taxi driver would have recognized him as BJ and Puttock would surely not have gone to see the taxi driver risking him being recognized.

                  Also interesting that the taxi driver Hannah suggests a disagreement had started between BJ and Helen.

                  Hope you all get what I am saying.

                  Cobalt has given some important info.

                  OR MR Puttock is making this up to firm up his defence and adding the disagreement between BJ and Helen.

                  where does the info about Mr Puttock meeting the taxi driver come from?



                  • #84
                    Was Mr Puttock checking what the taxi driver saw to reassure himself that he wasnt seen/involved



                    • #85
                      In 1996 they checked George Puttock’s DNA and dental impressions and cleared him of any involvement in her murder. He appears to have been a violent man though and according to some not averse to knocking Helen around.

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”

