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When Flying Saucers Attack!

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  • Jesse Marcel first told the story of the Roswell Incident in 1979, and by early 1980 it was picked up globally, I still have some footage on tape of his news appearances.

    There are several errors in Marcel's story about his career, which can be found here,

    But I believe him.

    I have about 25 books on the Roswell Incident but my fave is "Witness to Roswell" which looks at serving members of the military during the year of 1947 and gets their testimonies down before they all die!!
    The book has death bed confessions and is an absolute must for anyone intrested in the case.
    Regards Mike


    • Lyn-Yes, those cones are very entertaining.

      Mike-The first I heard about Roswell was on the Unsolved Mysteries TV program about 1990.
      This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

      Stan Reid


      • For a short while it was picked up locally, by the mid 1980's it was on a couple of tv shows, I remember seeing him on unsolved mysteries also.

        It is one of the most intresting aspects of the whole ufo case, and looks like it isn't going away.
        I still have the G.O.A file on the findings that were made in 1997 when the Government tried to solve the riddle once and for all....

        Rubber parachute dummies!!
        Regards Mike


        • Hey Y'all,

          Is everyone having more or less decent weather, now?

          Did anyone see Investigating the Truth (sorry, I just went blank on the title of the show) with Josh Gates on Sci-fi last night? They investigated a haunted island off the western coast of Africa. It looked to me like the whole possession bit was for show. Anyone else get that feeling?

          Jeff, UFO-wise, I think most of live dull lives.
          "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



          • Hi celesta,

            Still Dark Skies* and strong winds, I have my son's first ever parents evening later, he is only 4, but stood there this morning and recited some poetry this morning as I was getting him dressed.
            It was really nice and I was so proud of him!!

            *Does anyone remember the TV show Dark Skies?
            It came along post X-Files and featured Eric Close and the late J.T.Walsh.
            the story was similar to X-Files but set against an historical backgraound of the 1960's!!
            It was ok but I used to get angry at how the truth was restructured to further the plots!!

            Ok I know it's only TV, but my passion for all things UFO was quite strong!!

            Here is the Internet movie database entry for it,

            Take care all, watch the skies, not for ufo's but roof tiles and the occasional dust bin lid!!
            Regards Mike


            • I liked Dark Skies, especially the first few episodes. It was a big deal in the Art Bell era.

              The weather is great here now. I even gave my air conditioner a test run yesterday to make sure that it still worked. Tornado season is just about to start though. Nothing like a nice 325 mile per hour breeze circling around a vacuum vortex.
              Last edited by sdreid; 03-13-2008, 10:23 PM.
              This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

              Stan Reid


              • Latest UFO News,

                Georgina Bruni has passed away, she wrote the book "You Can't tell the people" which was an expose of the Rendlesham Forest Incident, and one of my fave UFO books. God bless.

                Area 51 is no more, well it is really it has now been renamed "Homey Base"!!!

                Texas UFO flap was caused by the Military, thats right, acording to the USAF "We didn't have planes in the area" now reads "sorry we had 10 F-16's up there performing maneouvers" Roswell anyone??

                Arthur C Clarke recently admitted, "I think life exists elsewere, but it has yet to make contact"

                Finally, I have quite a collection of crop circle snapshots, anyone reckon it would be a good idea to set up a thread with some pics on??

                Right, back to the bunker....
                Regards Mike


                • Hi Guys,

                  Mike, I must be woefully ignorant. I'm going to have to stop reading and start watching more movies! I have a vague memory of something called Dark Skies, but I don't remember from where.

                  BTW, I saw your post about getting rid of your debt and cleaning up other aspects of your life. I think that's great. You and your wife are wise beyond your years. I have had family members, so deep in debt. Glad to know that there are some smart young folks out there. My husband and I never carry a balance on the credit cards. It's a good feeling.

                  Stan, I know how you feel about gearing up for the "killer commie tornadoes." ( Don't you just love WKRP?) We've already had a few down here, as you know. I swear it makes one twitchy just knowing a front is coming in.

                  It's almost Friday, dudes and dudettes. Almost margarita time, for those whose stomach lining can take it!
                  "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                  • Celesta-I think I tuned past that program on the Sci-Fi Channel but I didn't stick with it long enough to figure out what was going on.

                    Mike-Do you mean start a thread just for crop circle pictures or UFO related shots in general? I put some photos up of the McMinnville UFO on the old saucer thread but we know where that went.

                    Regarding Dark Skies, if I remember correctly, the first "episode" was like a 2 hour movie then the rest were one hour series programs. Art Bell was actually on one episode, I think.
                    This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                    Stan Reid


                    • Or a thread just for paranormal pictures,

                      I read a great article about the Crying Boy pictures and their ability to remain unburned after massive fires sweep the houses they are hung in.

                      The article concluded that it was all a hoax and was created by a UK newspaper to increase readership.

                      But the article was fascinating.

                      When i first saw the McMinnville UFO i thought it was a fake, but over the years upon seeing the different tests carried out on it I became convinced there is something of intrest there.

                      Celesta, we decided to get rid of all the stressful areas in our lifes, because of my condition, and now we laugh more than we ever have, we enjoy things more and it makes the little things all that much better.

                      My problems started when we got double glazing, it was going to cost £8k, so i took out a loan with my bank, i was in retail management so it was manageable, but after the double glazing was installed double the amount of money was coming out of my account, I spoke to the bank who informed me, they were taking their installments and installments were going elsewere!!

                      I called the double glazing firm who informed me, a finance company had taken over the account, hiked up the intrest payements and costing me almost double!

                      I contacted a solicitor and it when to court and i was given a County Court Judgement!!! I was found guilty of something I had not done!
                      When the money came through we paid everything off, my name was cleared but I sent all the details to the financial ombudsman, to inform them that the company were using underhand tactics!!

                      I am glad its all behind me now!

                      I went to my sons first ever parents evening yesterday and it was great, they are all really proud of him and his progress, so i was pretty pleased last night.

                      It's the little things that make the world go round!
                      Regards Mike


                      • Hi Gang,

                        It will soon be "five o'clock somewhere!" I don't know why I still love Fridays! My husband and I are both retired.

                        Can you guys remember that long series that was on SCI-FI about the aliens coming here and breeding with people? The children had abilities the we humans don't and the abilities increased with each generation. A group of people in the govt were trying to capture the children, and in the end the latest generation was a blond girl, who could communicate with dolpins, etc and who left with the aliens. Man! How this woman rambles! Does that sound familiar to anyone? It was a really good series. I think it lasted for about a week. I'd love to get a copy of that.

                        Stan, Was that Dark Skies?

                        Well, Mike, thanks for the heads up on the double glazing. We have it in this house, but some may have to be replaced. Sounds expensive.

                        Well, y'all take care.
                        "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                        • The premise behind Dark Skies involved nasty mind controlling aliens, they abducted you and implanted you making you do crazy stuff, and forcing you to wear sunglasses, it was ok but at times when it got to the historical bits i used to cringe.

                          I have not heard of the kids talking to dolphins tv show (other than flipper) but it sounds intresting.

                          I just heard they have found a little girl alive and well who has been missing almost three weeks!!
                          The manhunt (girlhunt!) was the biggest since the days of the Yorkshire Ripper!, and she was found in someone's house!!!

                          The mind boggles, it's almost 3 in the afternoon here, the kids will be going to there grandparents soon, god bless grandparents!!

                          Have a great and mystery packed weekend
                          Regards Mike


                          • Hi Celesta,

                            I don't think that was Dark Skies unless it was in the later episodes which I didn't see.

                            Every day is Saturday when you're retired.
                            This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                            Stan Reid


                            • Originally posted by sdreid View Post
                              Hi Celesta,

                              I don't think that was Dark Skies unless it was in the later episodes which I didn't see.

                              Every day is Saturday when you're retired.

                              Hi Stan, Yeah, I know every day is Saturday, but we are still getting used to this gig. BTW, how did it go with the storms last night? I didn't see anything about it today but I wasn't much paying attention to the weather and the news.

                              I wish I could think of that show. For some reason, I keep thinking it was a Stephen King thing, but when has he ever done UFO stuff? One line from the show has stuck with me. The first alien hybrid was a boy and when he grew up, he told his grand-daughter that life is 90% maintenance, and I thought, "Ain't that the truth!"

                              I guess I'll do a search and see what comes up.

                              Have a good 'urn.

                              Mike: I guess it was a different show.
                              "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                              • Hi Celesta,

                                I guess any bad weather missed us unless I slept through it.
                                This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                                Stan Reid

