Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1
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Why would the Conspiracy send an imposter to Mexico? The government hadn't even decided what cities JFK would be visiting, let alone the routes. Oswald hadn't applied anywhere in Dallas yet.
Why would a Conspiracy send an imposter that didn't look like the person they were impersonating/
Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1
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Feel free to provide any evidence that Oswald was in Dallas, not Mexico, during the time that we have records that Oswald was in Mexico and that Oswald told his wife he was in Mexico.
Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1
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How could the Conspiracy frame Oswald when they didn't even know what cities JFK was going to, let alone the parade routes?
Why would a Conspiracy that had forged evidence that Oswald had contacted both the Cuban and Soviet embassies switch to a plan to blame Oswald without doing anything to remove the evidence that he visited the Cuban and Soviet embassies in Mexico?
Why would the Conspiracy use multiple shooters if they were trying to sell a single shooter theory? Did the hit teams not get the memo from the Conspiracy?