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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • Originally posted by Aethelwulf View Post

    Modeled skull damage and bullet deformation can only be matched to the existing forensic evidence with a shot from the rear, at the the height of the sixth floor.

    I would remind you that according to Dr Hume, the back wound entered Kennedy's back at an angle of 45-60 degrees.

    If, as you seem to say, the shots were all fired from the sixth floor of the TSBD, are you really saying that a shot fired from there could have entered Kennedy's back at an angle of 45-60 degrees?


    • I think HS is conflating the conspiracy with the cover-up.

      The conspirators had little interest in the medical reports and autopsies. Their aim was regime change which meant killing the President. If that resulted in the discovery of multiple shots being fired in what was described at the time by Walter Conkrite as a ‘fusillade’ then so what? They had lined up the ‘patsy’ Oswald in the TSBD and his undetected 'accomplices' could be assumed to be Communist sympathisers. He could hardly name them since he was earmarked for a swift execution. Good grounds for invading Cuba I would have thought.

      The cover-up was required to save the reputation of the three investigating agencies: the DPD, the FBI and the CIA. At the very least their incompetence had seen two astonishing security lapses; more likely there were rogue elements within each agency who had helped engineer the two murders. The Lone Gunman theory at least removed the second of these problems. In addition, Oswald’s alleged left wing sympathies allowed Johnson leverage over the Warren Commission in respect of his threatening a nuclear Armageddon.

      The conspiracy failed in respect of taking back control of Cuba which remains free of US dominance to this day. The cover-up failed in so far as the LG theory has never really been fully accepted by the wider public. But the regime change which further developed the US policy of military imperialism has remained fairly intact as we can see right up to this day.


      • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
        I think HS is conflating the conspiracy with the cover-up.

        The conspirators had little interest in the medical reports and autopsies. Their aim was regime change which meant killing the President. If that resulted in the discovery of multiple shots being fired in what was described at the time by Walter Conkrite as a ‘fusillade’ then so what? They had lined up the ‘patsy’ Oswald in the TSBD and his undetected 'accomplices' could be assumed to be Communist sympathisers. He could hardly name them since he was earmarked for a swift execution. Good grounds for invading Cuba I would have thought.

        The cover-up was required to save the reputation of the three investigating agencies: the DPD, the FBI and the CIA. At the very least their incompetence had seen two astonishing security lapses; more likely there were rogue elements within each agency who had helped engineer the two murders. The Lone Gunman theory at least removed the second of these problems. In addition, Oswald’s alleged left wing sympathies allowed Johnson leverage over the Warren Commission in respect of his threatening a nuclear Armageddon.

        The conspiracy failed in respect of taking back control of Cuba which remains free of US dominance to this day. The cover-up failed in so far as the LG theory has never really been fully accepted by the wider public. But the regime change which further developed the US policy of military imperialism has remained fairly intact as we can see right up to this day.
        Yep, pretty much on the money with this post.
        yes Herlock it very easy to cheerlead when his dead right ,reducate yourself.
        'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


        • Originally posted by FrankO View Post
          Hi George,

          If I got this right, then how would you explain the explosion of the president’s right temple as seen in the Zapruder film? Which of the two head shots is supposed to have caused that? Another question that remains would be: how could the first reaction of the president’s head to the 2 shots be a reaction to the second of those 2 shots? And where or how does Harper finding a piece of skull where he said he did fit in?

          All the best,
          Hi Frank,

          The explosion could have only been the result of a frangible projectile. Military projectiles are not designed to produce this effect.

          I am not aware of an initial forward movement of the president's head. I am aware that the still frames published in Life magazine reversed frames 314 and 315 to give this illusion. This is not conspiracy theory. Hoover acknowledged the mistake and apologised an the basis of it being a printing error. The other factor is that the camera was being panned. I encourage you to watch Josiah Thompson's video here:

          He addresses both these issues.

          The Harper fragment being a considerable distance to the left is indicative of the debris trail of a frangible projectile from the right. A single head shot by a FMJ projectile from the rear would have produced a lesser debris trail towards the front. The critical factors to bear in mind are, that entry wounds are never larger than exit wounds, and that military rounds are designed to pass through the body but their nose will crush on contact with hard surfaces such as bone. Frangible projectiles are designed to fragment on contact, and their exit wound is devastating. In WW1 the military cartridges had full lead projectiles, not jacketed. These could be converted to a "dum-dum' by cutting a cross in the nose of the projectile. This would produce a larger exit wound, but nothing like that of the frangible projectile that came later. My Grandfather told me that anyone who was found with a dum-dum round in their possession was immediately put before a firing squad.

          One final point. I have decades of experience as a hunter, and I can guarantee that a living entity that is shot does not react in any direction but away from the shooter.

          Best regards, George


          • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post
            the area behind the fence was checked and there was no sign of anyone ever standing there. Not a single footprint, shell casing…nothing.​

            (HERLOCK SHOMES)

            There were numerous footprints.

            I wonder why.
            Skinny Holland and three of his fellow railway workers went to this site immediately after the shots were fired, and stated there were footprints and cigarette butts. They were there. Why would they all lie? Someone who was yet to be born says there wasn't a single foot print. Who should we believe?

            Several workers from the Union Terminal in Dallas were standing on the Triple Overpass watching the shooting. They heard more than 3 shots and saw smoke comi...
            Last edited by GBinOz; 03-07-2023, 02:41 AM.


            • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
              I think HS is conflating the conspiracy with the cover-up.

              The conspirators had little interest in the medical reports and autopsies. Their aim was regime change which meant killing the President. If that resulted in the discovery of multiple shots being fired in what was described at the time by Walter Conkrite as a ‘fusillade’ then so what? They had lined up the ‘patsy’ Oswald in the TSBD and his undetected 'accomplices' could be assumed to be Communist sympathisers. He could hardly name them since he was earmarked for a swift execution. Good grounds for invading Cuba I would have thought.

              The cover-up was required to save the reputation of the three investigating agencies: the DPD, the FBI and the CIA. At the very least their incompetence had seen two astonishing security lapses; more likely there were rogue elements within each agency who had helped engineer the two murders. The Lone Gunman theory at least removed the second of these problems. In addition, Oswald’s alleged left wing sympathies allowed Johnson leverage over the Warren Commission in respect of his threatening a nuclear Armageddon.

              The conspiracy failed in respect of taking back control of Cuba which remains free of US dominance to this day. The cover-up failed in so far as the LG theory has never really been fully accepted by the wider public. But the regime change which further developed the US policy of military imperialism has remained fairly intact as we can see right up to this day.
              Excellent post cobalt. There was a coup d'tat that day, and the government changed direction. What a different world we might have had if there had been Kennedys in the White House for another 13 years.


              • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

                Skinny Holland and three of his fellow railway workers went to this site immediately after the shots were fired, and stated there were footprints and cigarette butts. They were there. Why would they all lie? Someone who was yet to be born says there wasn't a single foot print. Who should we believe?

                The fact that you even had to ask that question speaks volumes George.
                'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

                  Excellent post cobalt. There was a coup d'tat that day, and the government changed direction. What a different world we might have had if there had been Kennedys in the White House for another 13 years.
                  JFKs one big mistake was not making Bobby his VP instead of Johnson. Major error on his part . However to his defense he was given no choice in the matter.
                  Last edited by FISHY1118; 03-07-2023, 08:19 AM.
                  'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                  • This topic, which by now its obvious for all too see, all bar a couple of posters who continue to defend WC to the point that their mantra war cry of its "all factual" and everyone that was there on the day and saw Kennedys head explode either lied or were morons is sounding awfully thin, and surely has reached its end of rational discussion .

                    WC apologists/ supporters total lack of complete understanding of the times in which Kennedy lived, was killed ,and why is blatantly apparent, just by the content of their ridiculous posts over the last few weeks . The fake head autopsy photo Herlock posted should be a clear sign to all common sense posters that the evidence backed, eyewitness accounts of those who were there and saw close up what actually happened should stay well clear of this WC fake tactic.

                    Well done to George and cobalt for their very informative post ,that have enlighted my knowledge on the Kennedy assassination .

                    I will be taking a break from the boards for a bit as moving house next week can be a time consuming affair .

                    'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                    • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                      I think HS is conflating the conspiracy with the cover-up.

                      The conspirators had little interest in the medical reports and autopsies. Their aim was regime change which meant killing the President. If that resulted in the discovery of multiple shots being fired in what was described at the time by Walter Conkrite as a ‘fusillade’ then so what? They had lined up the ‘patsy’ Oswald in the TSBD and his undetected 'accomplices' could be assumed to be Communist sympathisers. He could hardly name them since he was earmarked for a swift execution. Good grounds for invading Cuba I would have thought.

                      The cover-up was required to save the reputation of the three investigating agencies: the DPD, the FBI and the CIA. At the very least their incompetence had seen two astonishing security lapses; more likely there were rogue elements within each agency who had helped engineer the two murders. The Lone Gunman theory at least removed the second of these problems. In addition, Oswald’s alleged left wing sympathies allowed Johnson leverage over the Warren Commission in respect of his threatening a nuclear Armageddon.

                      The conspiracy failed in respect of taking back control of Cuba which remains free of US dominance to this day. The cover-up failed in so far as the LG theory has never really been fully accepted by the wider public. But the regime change which further developed the US policy of military imperialism has remained fairly intact as we can see right up to this day.
                      Firstly, the death of the President wasn’t ‘regime’ change it was President change. If those that had opposed Brexit and disliked other Tory policies had arranged for the assassination of David Cameron would their aims have been worthwhile? Would Brexit have been halted? Likewise Kennedy. He didn’t hold ideas and values, or have policies, that the rest of the Democrats absolutely hated but were somehow forced into by one man. The people that supported Kennedy and his policies were still party members after Kennedy died.

                      All this talk of ‘rogue elements’ is just tiresome conspiracist cliché (but conspiracy theorists are a cliché - if someone believes in one conspiracy that usually believe in most if not all)

                      If the conspirators had little interest in reports and autopsies then why did they allegedly fake them? It’s a joke. Just a blatant cop out because you, or anyone else, have absolutely no answers to the points that make a conspiracy laughable.

                      This was clearly and obviously nothing to do with any institutions. It’s a figment of the typically conspiracist mind. President Kennedy was killed by LHO. All the evidence points to it. If you took away 75% of the evidence we would still have enough to convince a jury.

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                        Yep, pretty much on the money with this post.

                        yes Herlock it very easy to cheerlead when his dead right ,reducate yourself.
                        From the supporter of the Knight/ Sickert theory

                        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                        • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

                          One final point. I have decades of experience as a hunter, and I can guarantee that a living entity that is shot does not react in any direction but away from the shooter.
                          You've got a bit of a scoop there GB, being able to demonstrate the laws of physics are incorrect. Two separate recent peer reviewed academic studies based on the all the available forensic data, crime scene evidence and physics of the shots have been able to accurately recreate the post shot motions of JFK. Same as the analysis of likely shooter locations and skull damage.

                          Of course your mind is closed off because your heart is set on conspiracy and nothing else will do.


                          • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                            This topic, which by now its obvious for all too see, all bar a couple of posters who continue to defend WC to the point that their mantra war cry of its "all factual" and everyone that was there on the day and saw Kennedys head explode either lied or were morons is sounding awfully thin, and surely has reached its end of rational discussion .

                            WC apologists/ supporters total lack of complete understanding of the times in which Kennedy lived, was killed ,and why is blatantly apparent, just by the content of their ridiculous posts over the last few weeks . The fake head autopsy photo Herlock posted should be a clear sign to all common sense posters that the evidence backed, eyewitness accounts of those who were there and saw close up what actually happened should stay well clear of this WC fake tactic.

                            Well done to George and cobalt for their very informative post ,that have enlighted my knowledge on the Kennedy assassination .

                            I will be taking a break from the boards for a bit as moving house next week can be a time consuming affair .

                            I’m so disappointed that you’re taking a break from your massive and in-depth contribution to thread, George will miss your cheerleading. You’re moving house? Or is it that the circus is moving on?

                            The times that Kennedy lived in count for nothing as this was simply a murder - as the evidence points to.


                            Anyone that squeals fake and forgery is simply a child with no proper answers or concept of the real world. They live in a world of James Bond. By reading this thread some things are very clear and apply to conspiracy theorists (particularly you)

                            They rarely answer specific questions, they love giving a barrage of questions though. But not so keen on the answering part.

                            When they can’t answer they squeal fake or forgery. Even the Number One Kennedy conspiracy theorist in the world isn’t convinced by the Zapruder fake nonsense. And if even he isn’t convinced…..Fishy and George swallow it hook, line and sinker. And what evidence… guessed it…..a book by a conspiracy theorist. You can’t win because there’s always a CT more barking mad than the last one to come crawling out of the woodwork.

                            If George and Cobalt have increased your knowledge that’s good. You now know that the assassination took place in Dallas on November 22nd. One small step at a time eh?

                            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                            • Originally posted by Aethelwulf View Post

                              You've got a bit of a scoop there GB, being able to demonstrate the laws of physics are incorrect. Two separate recent peer reviewed academic studies based on the all the available forensic data, crime scene evidence and physics of the shots have been able to accurately recreate the post shot motions of JFK. Same as the analysis of likely shooter locations and skull damage.

                              Of course your mind is closed off because your heart is set on conspiracy and nothing else will do.
                              Yeah, the fact that he’s done some hunting trumps a Nobel Prize winning physicist of course and the other scientists too. But this is from a man who keeps reminding me that “I wasn’t even born when it happened.” I recently read a book on the English Civil War but the author wasn’t alive in the 17th century - I wasted my time reading it then?


                              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                              • What I don't get about the 'regime change' argument is that there were far easier ways for intelligence agencies to accomplish regime change than assassination. JFK was the ultimate womaniser. I think this would be a far easier way to destroy him than a assassination. Now, the media were a bit more reverential and discreet back in those days. However, you only have to add some sort of spy or national security angle for the story to become a real scandal As I understand it one of JFK's mistresses has been implicated as being a possible Soviet agent in recent years(no idea if she really was a Soviet agent). The agent story doesn't even have to be true. It does become a major scandal though. The intelligence agencies can screw a democratically elected politician over a dozen different ways without resorting to assassination.

