Originally posted by GBinOz
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Firstly, I hadn’t noticed the points and I can’t see a post where you say “what about a response…..” until now. If I missed them then why would I be looking back and see them now? You were too busy sulking to ask me for a response until now.
Secondly, post #1804 is by you, not Frank.
Anyway Frank said….
I haven’t studied this particular subject in any detail, George, but if it was a lie, then it must have been a humongous one. Also, why would anybody need that Pullman car there, anyway, if it’s supposed to have been a lie? What would have been the goal of introducing it?
That would be my question too, Frank.
A single Pullman car would have been quite distinctive if it was there, but even more conspicuous by its absence, if someone had invented one for no apparent reason. It could instantly have been established as a lie, if it was simply never there to be seen by anyone or captured on film. In that case it may just as well have been an escaped giraffe. Where's the relevance?
A single Pullman car would have been quite distinctive if it was there, but even more conspicuous by its absence, if someone had invented one for no apparent reason. It could instantly have been established as a lie, if it was simply never there to be seen by anyone or captured on film. In that case it may just as well have been an escaped giraffe. Where's the relevance?
Ill try and explain again as your comprehension appears to have gone astray probably because it’s been warped by your opinion of me.
I don’t have a theory George (preposterous or otherwise) I read of a piece of evidence that I hadn’t read of before (or that I might have read but paid too little attention to) and unlike you I don’t just ignore evidence or dismiss it out of hand because it’s inconvenient.
You made the sarcastic (but true) point that you can’t have a Pullman carriage on a car park with tracks for it to sit on. I considered this point and then considered that when a witness makes a short statement they don’t describe every single detail so I considered 3 possible (that’s all, just possibilities) that a) Towner might have crossed the fence (as others did) and walked the few yards over to the tracks on the left to talk to Desroe, b) that he could have called over to him, or c) that Desroe, after seeing Towner, got down from the Pullman and walked over to Desroe. I claimed none of these as a fact but just as possibilities.
Then I took the time to look for photographs of the area behind the fence and found the one taken in 1967 which clearly showed a rail track near to the fence. I didn’t invent, forge or fake this photograph. So this at least pointed to the possibility of there being a carriage close to the fence.
I then found the other two photographs which appear to show something at least like a carriage behind the white structure. Where I found the photographs there was a suggestion by a conspiracy theorist that this was a railway carriage which had been somehow ‘airbrushed’ from the later photograph which is typical of a CT (ignoring the fact that trains move)
So I don’t have a theory George I’ve simply presented the evidence as it exists. And as Caz and George both correctly pointed out, why would a man (Towner) make up such a stupid, easily disprovable lie?
Perhaps instead of indulging in childish whining and point scoring exercises you might address the actual evidence with calmness and reason. If you have evidence to disprove Towner and Desroe then I’ll listen….it might exist…but I prefer to see evidence before I dismiss things….unlike a man who will dismiss anything that doesn’t emanate from a conspiracy theorist. And while your at it perhaps you could respond to the 200 other points that you’ve missed whilst “sulking in the shadows” for the last few days.
