Originally posted by Simon Wood
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Casebook Examiner No. 2 (June 2010)
Hi Stewart,
Thank you. Good to see PS White's report in the flesh. May we see Page 1?
If all the Le Grand stuff appeared in the Evening News, for whom he and Batchelor were working, why was White attaching an extract from the Star to his report?
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Hi Tom,
Not yet having read your article I don't know if you've already mentioned this, but the Timaru Herald [NZ], 5th December 1888, gave the name of Le Grand's detective agency. You're probably ahead of the game here, but it's certainly the first time I've seen it.
"Two private detectives named Grande and Bachelor, of the British and Foreign Private Enquiry Agency, appear to have obtained one mark of the murderer, a 'quick, rough, voice.' These gentlemen claim that they were the first to discover the important fact that the Berner-street victim was in company of a man just before the murder, and that the man bought grapes at the greengrocer's shop in Berner-street, kept by Matthew Packer, and gave them to the woman. It will be remembered in this connection that grapes were found in the dead woman's hand. They took Packer to Scotland Yard, and he recognized without difficulty the body of the woman Stride as the female who received the grapes bought at his shop. In regard to the identity of the man he is not so positive, but he informed the Scotland Yard authorities that he thought he could recognise the fellow if not by his face, at any rate by his voice, which was 'quick and rough'."
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Originally posted by Phil CarterI just don't see things your way.
Yours truly,
Tom Wescott
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Hello Tom,
First of all, it is time you understood something important. I am not "manipulating any data for my own ends". I have no "end" as you put it, as I have no particular suspect in mind for JTR. Also, I do not need to belittle your your work in order to bolster any work I am doing. Indeed I have on multiple occasions, here and on JTRForums, praised and encouraged your work. I hope that makes things crystal clear. I just don't see things your way.
Additionally, I am not questioning your integrity. Nor would I ever do so. I merely offered an opinion, which I am perfectly entitled to do.
So instead of verbal attacks on people, I suggest you channel your considerable talent into research, which you are clearly good at.
Keep up the good work.
Best wishes
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Originally posted by Phil CarterTherefore one cannot simply assume these were the people he meant. It is not fact. Therefore the Swanson connection shows doubt.
Yours truly,
Tom Wescott
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Got it! Revised edition paperback 2002 ordered from Germany for 4-€, I just love the price. Now I'll let you all in peace, so that this poor thread goes on about Examiner 2.
Many many thanks and a thousand apologies,
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Sudgen revised by Evans et al
Thanks so very much, Maurice.
I'll look it up and buy it. Classic Sudgen revised by Evans and by more recent ripperologists certainly sounds like the ideal combination.
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I think the edition you want is the 2002 paperback which included some "corrections", as Sugden says in the acknowledgements, by Stewart Evans and others. It says "New Edition" on the cover.
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Sudgen revised edition?
I assume you mean the revised edition of Sudgen? Thanks so much for the tip. Could you tell me which year it came out revised? Because I'll buy it second hand from some online seller, and they don't always indicate which edition it is.
Thanks so much,
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Hi Maria,
Try and remember to get the revised edition if you can.
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Originally Posted by Monty
And Im the good looking, funny one.
The funny part I've already noticed, particularly during the fights with David Rada (I think that was the name) and his “alternative Ripperology“ (sic!) and during the exchange with Trevor Marriott last week – I think it was...
(Now don't ask me why I was reading that thread instead of doing my homework.)
Rob Clack wrote:
The reason I asked is that Sugden might be a bit heavy going for a beginner. Sugden's book is in my opinion the best Ripper book out there.
Yeah, but this beginner likes a heavy start. (Jokes aside, I very much appreciated the Sugden book online and the only reason for not having bought it yet are logistics and the price.)
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Originally posted by mariab View PostRob wrote: Well if your new to Ripperology I would recommend Rumbelow and then Sugden. Rumbelow is great for beginners as he covers just about everything.
I'm a newbie, but have been perusing casebook for over a year (mostly when procrastinating from writing a paper on deadline, or when sick in bed, or in other such productive moments), so I don't know if I'm a complete beginner (yeah, doesn't everyone hate that label?!). Rumbelow's book looks a bit basic to me, but I'd definitely take one of his tours, although I've heard that he doesn't do them anymore. Sugden (from what I've perused from his book online) sounds a bit more scholarly, and it has often even been described as “monumental“, which sounds promising, so I think I'll go with that. And despite a certain amount of theorising, argumentation, and speculation, I like the fact that Philip Sudgen doesn't “push“ a suspect on the reader, but lets him come to his own conclusions.
As for Begg's book, I don't really see how one could keep Kosminski as a prime suspect and I don't agree with his quick dismissing of Barnett. When considering the Jewish suspect, I'd definitely prefer the Fido book and his theory of a possible mix-up of names and identities, plus I've heard that his book has the best maps of East End. (But no idea if this is a fact.) ?
By the by I've just ordered “The ultimate“ from a second hand seller in Illinois for $8. It'll take an entire month of shipping, but “the price was right“. As a reference book, i wanted to have something containing transcripts of (some of) the primary sources.
Wow, so Hutts was a proto-animal-activist, kinda? Good for him.
Thank you, and many apologies to all for the silly jokes and for having drifted off-subject (again).
Originally posted by Monty View PostAnd Im the good looking, funny one.
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