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What makes Patricia Cornwall so special?!?! How come SHE gets all the limelight?!?!

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  • Originally posted by Dan Norder View Post

    You can keep insisting that Cornwell has "compelling arguments backed up with science" but that does not make it so. Scientific tests are not valid until they are repeated and confirmed by other scientists. The tests that have been done by other people contradict what Cornwell claims, and the experts who aren't on Cornwell's payroll consistently say that her claims are simply not supported by the evidence or science. You've been told this, examples have been provided, and yet you still insist on claiming otherwise. Is it a deliberate strategy of yours to just keep repeating something you know is false in the hopes that other people might buy into it if they hear it often enough, or are you just having problems admitting that you were wrong?

    And as far as complaining about people insulting her, it's not like she's been singled out for special criticism. Anyone who makes arguments in this field should expect that any mistakes will be pointed out, and hers are so numerous and extreme, coupled with her complete disdain for anyone who disagrees with her, that she'll obviously get the same level of criticism in return. It's not like other authors have had a free ride either. The mistakes and deceptions of people like Stephen Knight, Tony Williams Jr. and many, many others have all been exposed. People routinely have heated debates about all sorts of other topics and disagree quite strongly with each other. The only difference with Cornwell is that she appears to attract fans who believe she is above criticism.
    Great post, Dan


    • Originally posted by KatBradshaw View Post
      I don't disagree that Sickertt may have written some letters, he does seem to have an interest in the case and a peverse sense of humour, but they way the she jumps around is ridiculous. She discovers that Sickertt was not in France when one of the murders happened, so he must have been in Whitechapple slaughtering some poor unfortunate. Its bad history if nothing else.
      Hi Ms Bradshaw,
      Can you provide an example of Mr Sickert's "perverse sense of humour"?
      Rosey :-)


      • Who are the scientists that disagree with the 'Paid' results?
        I didn't do it, a big boy did it and ran away.


        • Originally posted by Rosey O'Ryan View Post
          Hi Ms Bradshaw,
          Can you provide an example of Mr Sickert's "perverse sense of humour"?
          Rosey :-)
          Its Miss Bradshaw actually.
          In order to know virtue, we must first aquaint ourselves with vice!


          • This thread is's given me a great laugh. First question police ask a suspect: 'Can I ask you where you were last Saturday night, sir, round about midnight?' 'Ummm, well, I was in France.' 'Can you verify this?' 'Yes, I was with various people, they will tell you.' Okay, next suspect.

            I had a copy of that book--put it pretty much pristine for 20p in a garage sale, where it was left unsold. One punter did pick it up...he made the best possible comment on it: 'Chuffin' 'ellfire.' Just about sums it up, I'd say.



            • Actually I think my fave Sickert quote, which is dry rather than peverse admitedly is 'Come again when you can't stay so long.' I like to use that on people.
              In order to know virtue, we must first aquaint ourselves with vice!


              • Originally posted by mac-the-kipper View Post
                Who are the scientists that disagree with the 'Paid' results?
                If you'd read this thread or the other recent thread about Cornwell then you'd already know the names of several them, and of course several more could be cited. The list is pretty much EVERYONE not on Cornwell's payroll who has bothered to look at what she has claimed.

                Dan Norder
                Ripper Notes: The International Journal for Ripper Studies
                Web site: - Email:


                • Originally posted by Dan Norder View Post
                  If you'd read this thread or the other recent thread about Cornwell then you'd already know the names of several them, and of course several more could be cited. The list is pretty much EVERYONE not on Cornwell's payroll who has bothered to look at what she has claimed.
                  Well I haven't read this thread nor the book in question, can't you just do us both a favour and tell me?

                  P.s. I've just tried trawling through 7 or 8 pages of playground bitching and I gave up. It's just too tiresome to read all through the posts to find the names of scientists that have refuted Peter Bower's results.
                  Last edited by mac-the-kipper; 08-31-2008, 10:22 PM.
                  I didn't do it, a big boy did it and ran away.


                  • Name Your Experts Norder

                    Originally posted by mac-the-kipper View Post
                    Well I haven't read this thread nor the book in question, can't you just do us both a favour and tell me?

                    P.s. I've just tried trawling through 7 or 8 pages of playground bitching and I gave up. It's just too tiresome to read all through the posts to find the names of scientists that have refuted Peter Bower's results.
                    I'd give up if I were you Mac..

                    The Norder has been asked again and again to name his experts that have 'Ridiculed' Peter Bower..

                    And apart from Sturgis..who clearly refers to Bower as a respected expert and Hughs, who simply finds Bowers findings 'Surprising' the Norder has never come up with any names or statements to back up his slanderous claims against Peter Bower..

                    The reason for this is that he has 'NOTHING' or he simply would have presented his supposed 'Experts' by now..

                    Yet a number of newer posters continue to except this idiots claims as 'FACT'.

                    I say to them..'GET NORDER TO POST HIS NAMES'

                    Last time he gave a link to 'Stewart Evans' (Not a paper expert) who was paraphrazing Mathew Sturgis who was para-phrazing Kim Hughs..

                    None of whom to my knowledge have ever 'Ridiculed' Peter Bowers findings..

                    And again I'm not certain that the study of Paper and Hand writing is a science..??

                    And as to Norders Ludite God of science I suggest you ask him whether Newton, Einstien and Hawkins are all in agreement...apparently science has currently lost 70% of the known universe...somewhat unfortunate

                    All we require are the names Norder has seemed fit to avoid posting, so that we can investigate has claims for ourselves..

                    How about it casebook? are you just going to take the norders word for it that they exist..WITH OUT EVIDENCE? not very scientific?????

                    Good luck Mac the Kipper

                    Knowone to my knowledge has ever got a straight answer from Norder on his supposed scientific experts


                    I'm back


                    • Originally posted by Pirate Jack View Post
                      as to Norders God of science I suggest you ask him whether Newton, Einstien and Hawkins are all in agreement...apparently science has currently lost 70% of the known universe
                      Actually, Jeff, that's because only science has the ability to have found out that the majority of the mass of the universe is unaccounted for. Furthermore, those involved have had the integrity to publish their extraordinary findings so that they may be critically reviewed and confirmed or refuted by others.

                      Anyhow, back to the thread...
                      Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                      "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                      • Name Your Experts Again Norder

                        Sam You've followed this thread and `I expect better from you

                        Peter Bower has been unable to publish his findings in full, as you well know, because one of the letters in question, at the getty museum, is under restrictions, which will lift? well very soon as I gather, which might, surprise- surprise, mean another book on its way??

                        well a wild stab in the dark, on my part...but perhaps more?

                        I'm not stating Bower is correct..I dont know..I'm stating we should see what he has found, instead of throughing the baby out with the bath water..and beleiving Norders flights of fancy over supposed 'experts', that you know as well as I do...DONT EXIST...


                        PS was that 17 demensions? or 21 demensions?

                        I've just lost count of physacists willing to tie themselves up in string


                        • Science- smience

                          PS PS

                          Explore National Geographic. A world leader in geography, cartography and exploration.

                          Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

                          Hey Sam are we the privileged generation? This link is pretty old fashioned now. I gather that a number of physicists are working on a Multi –verse theory that will blow this stuff away…. but most of them 'haven’t published as yet'. Enjoy your Dark energy.

                          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                          THE DAN NORDER THEME TUNE EVERYONE!!!!!!


                          • Originally posted by Pirate Jack View Post
                            Sam You've followed this thread and `I expect better from you
                            I was just pointing out that the discovery of the "missing" mas of the universe is no reason to cast aspersions on the scientific method - quite the opposite, in fact.
                            Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                            "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                            • Then I suggest everyone gives Peter Bower time to publish his findings?

                              Apparently its OK to slander the inocent on casebook without proof..

                              But wrong to play the dads army theme tune!

                              we live in a strange trans-american multiverse by all accounts

                              Still its good to be back..

                              Any sign of Norders experts yet..any names?

                              one more time everyone


                              • Would anyone be able to tell me the answer to the question I posted a while back? I forget quite the exact words and don't feel like looking, but basically, who is tooting the horn of Bower's unpublished or incompletely published findings? Patricia Cornwell, or Peter Bower himself?
                                ~ Khanada

                                I laugh in the face of danger. Then I run and hide until it goes away.

