Originally posted by Bailey
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Jeff, with all due respect, I must say I can't in good conscience fall on your side on this one. I can see why you might wish to speak up in Cornwell's favour, in that your methods of argument seem to have a lot in common. You decide in advance what conclusion you wish to draw, based on your incorrect interpretation of something someone else has said. Facts that suit you are waved about triumphantly, suppositions are built on them which are then taken as facts upon which to build more suppositions to then present as facts. If someone points out something that contradicts, it is quickly dismissed or shot down with a remark before you leap back to your previous train of thought. However, much like Cornwell, I believe you have worked hard to convince yourself as much as others, and therefore I suspect that you are not ultimately lying per se, simply falling for your own misleading conclusions. Perhaps to some degree I am generalising or over-simplifying, but for the most part I believe that over the course of this thread I'm fairly spot on.
Furthermore, throughout that lengthy thread you do backpedal or contradict yourself at times, not to mention falling back on the "I was joking" excuse when shot down at least once each by Stewart Evans and Ally.
I do not know what your relationship to Paul Begg is, but as to the accusations made that he had a hand in penning some of your posts, I must observe - with no wish to accuse or or express any prejudice - that your dyslexia does seem to come and go with some frequency. Indeed, there were times when I felt quite sure I was reading material written by someone else, not just in terms of spelling and punctuation, but also grammar, style and the general tone. I would hope that, as you say, this comes down to how much time you put into a more serious post versus a quick one when you are tired or have had a few drinkies! I would also be very disappointed and surprised to find that someone as respectable as Paul Begg is involved in anything so ludicrous as using someone else to post on his behalf.
I would anticipate that your first response to this, Jeff, will be to ask me to provide quotes and references to support what I've said. I therefore will pre-empt that by suggesting you go back to the post from Dan above, follow the link to the thread to which he refers, go to page one and read from there to the end in as short a time as possible. If you can't see it from doing that, then you're never going to, regardless of anything I or anyone else can say.
By no means do I wish to insult you, and I have no intention of putting you on ignore. I believe that there were times during the above thread and on others that you have had valuable contributions to make and made good points or asked valid questions - albeit you are not always gracious in victory, nor always actually victorious in victory

Well, that's all I have to say about that. My apologies if I've caused you any upset, Jeff, but I would hope that on the contrary I've given you some food for thought and a little introspection. I shall now opt out of further involvment in any debates between yourself and Mr Norder - as it seems Mr Norder has done, therefore leaving you somewhat on your own in this matter. However, I look forward to speaking with both or either of you on other matters in these forums.