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Tumblety: The Hidden Truth

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  • GUT
    Originally posted by rdeason View Post
    Haha! Thanks for the welcome, Gut. Hope all is well Down Under. I vacationed in Sydney and Cairns years ago and fell in love with it.
    Best place on 🌏 earth if you ask me.

    But just at the moment damn cold and wet.

    And I'm serious been chatting to Steady on these boards for a couple of years now, last year he sent me a photo from the Baltimore conference, unbelievable how alike we look. I sent one back he showed it to a few people, everyone can see it, we are twins.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by rdeason View Post
    Hi everyone!

    I’ve been a longtime lurker on Casebook as well as JTR Forums. I’ve had an interest in JTR for years but became fascinated with Tumblety about a year and a ½ ago and have been trying to catch myself up on the fantastic research you’ve all done, as well as doing some occasional digging myself. Of all the Jack suspects, I lean toward Tumblety the most, and I’ve read Mike Hawley’s Ripper's Haunts book, which was excellent (although if “Steadmund” ever publishes his Water Buffaloes book I may have to change allegiance).

    I just finished listening to the podcast today, and wow. Talk about some interesting new developments. I’ve felt there was something “off” about Tumblety’s sexuality but couldn’t put my finger on exactly what that might be. His hermaphrodite/Micro-penis condition is a huge revelation. And the discovery of Richard Norris’s relationship with Tumblety and his disclosure about the knives, etc is also intriguing. I think there’s much more to Richard’s story and I wonder what happened to the letters Tumblety wrote him. Much to ponder.

    Btw, I’m currently reading James Reese’s The Dracula Dossier. His fictional interpretation of Tumblety is wild, to say the least!

    Anyway, great job on the podcast and I can’t wait to hear what else has been discovered in the St. Louis docs.

    Welcome to hell

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  • rdeason
    Haha! Thanks for the welcome, Gut. Hope all is well Down Under. I vacationed in Sydney and Cairns years ago and fell in love with it.

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  • GUT
    Originally posted by rdeason View Post
    Hi everyone!

    I’ve been a longtime lurker on Casebook as well as JTR Forums. I’ve had an interest in JTR for years but became fascinated with Tumblety about a year and a ½ ago and have been trying to catch myself up on the fantastic research you’ve all done, as well as doing some occasional digging myself. Of all the Jack suspects, I lean toward Tumblety the most, and I’ve read Mike Hawley’s Ripper's Haunts book, which was excellent (although if “Steadmund” ever publishes his Water Buffaloes book I may have to change allegiance).

    I just finished listening to the podcast today, and wow. Talk about some interesting new developments. I’ve felt there was something “off” about Tumblety’s sexuality but couldn’t put my finger on exactly what that might be. His hermaphrodite/Micro-penis condition is a huge revelation. And the discovery of Richard Norris’s relationship with Tumblety and his disclosure about the knives, etc is also intriguing. I think there’s much more to Richard’s story and I wonder what happened to the letters Tumblety wrote him. Much to ponder.

    Btw, I’m currently reading James Reese’s The Dracula Dossier. His fictional interpretation of Tumblety is wild, to say the least!

    Anyway, great job on the podcast and I can’t wait to hear what else has been discovered in the St. Louis docs.




    Do not buy Seady's book. He might put a photo of himself in it, or on the cover, and I can say with total certainty that he's an ugly bugger (I'm allowed say that because we are twins by different parents).

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  • rdeason
    Hi everyone!

    I’ve been a longtime lurker on Casebook as well as JTR Forums. I’ve had an interest in JTR for years but became fascinated with Tumblety about a year and a ½ ago and have been trying to catch myself up on the fantastic research you’ve all done, as well as doing some occasional digging myself. Of all the Jack suspects, I lean toward Tumblety the most, and I’ve read Mike Hawley’s Ripper's Haunts book, which was excellent (although if “Steadmund” ever publishes his Water Buffaloes book I may have to change allegiance).

    I just finished listening to the podcast today, and wow. Talk about some interesting new developments. I’ve felt there was something “off” about Tumblety’s sexuality but couldn’t put my finger on exactly what that might be. His hermaphrodite/Micro-penis condition is a huge revelation. And the discovery of Richard Norris’s relationship with Tumblety and his disclosure about the knives, etc is also intriguing. I think there’s much more to Richard’s story and I wonder what happened to the letters Tumblety wrote him. Much to ponder.

    Btw, I’m currently reading James Reese’s The Dracula Dossier. His fictional interpretation of Tumblety is wild, to say the least!

    Anyway, great job on the podcast and I can’t wait to hear what else has been discovered in the St. Louis docs.


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  • Steadmund Brand
    Good day.

    Actually Rob there ARE reasons why that info has not been given yet..and they are complicated, but it has nothing to do with us not wanting to, in fact, we went public with what we did long before we were suppose to because we wanted to share it with the community... We are not holding back just to play some game.
    And again, I can't speak for Mike, but I personally don't mind at all people questioning MY interpretation of the date, That's fact it's a good thing, EVERYTHING should be questioned, nothing is ever accomplished by just being surrounded by "yes men", that's why we work together, because we don't agree on so many things....except good beer... we agree on that!!
    As for your comment "I do not see why you would not wish to clarify...".. well we do, and we will...again, it's not personal, it is just a very complicated situation.


    Steadmund (Brian) Brand

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  • robhouse
    Originally posted by mklhawley View Post
    For example, the answer to when Tumblety's disemboweled comment was made has been confirmed, but this info will come out later. Sorry Rob, although in your mind there is no other way...
    Well, when did he make that statement then, and what is the source?

    I do not see that there is any point on holding back that information now, especially since you have already revealed the relevant quote, and the reliability your interpretation of the date of it has been openly questioned. I do not see why you would not wish to clarify...

    I am perfectly willing to being proven wrong.


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  • GUT

    Were he a genuine hermaphrodite, or considered himself to be one, I, if I were prosecuting, would want some Expert evidence that such would lead him to want the "rest of the kit" to wit the Uterus to go with it. If such evidence could b obtained, well let's merely say the case would be strengthened.

    I don't f No Mike's suggestions that he wanted kidney and heart because his own were failing him. Save I am one that is not convinced that Kelly's heart was taken from her room, it may have been but I have serious reservations and f I were for the defence would b fighting tooth and nail to prove that it wasn't, or at least couldn't b proven to have been taken from Miller's Court.

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  • GUT
    Micro Penis

    In relation to F.T. I believe that this is a better term than hermaphrodite as the evidence, as I understand it is nothing more than that he had a small penis.

    How would that impact on a person who if not suffering from narcissism or a narcissistic disorder, was clearly a major egomaniac? Now I'm not the expert here, but I suspect that expert evid nice would support the proposition that it could contribute to an aversion to women.

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  • GUT

    Always start with the easy one.

    In my opinion there would be little chance of obtaining a conviction, but remember what happened with O.J. No conviction when the standard is "Beyond Reasonable Doubt" but when sued for wrongful death "Balance of Probabilities" he lost big time.

    There is, n my opinion a possibility that the same could happen with F.T.

    Personally on what I've seen and heard to date I would even find for him on the Civil Standard, but by goodness it'd be a close thing and mind you there may be more I'm not familiar with or not yet uncovered.

    I've long been persuaded that he was one of the contemporary suspects, with no sign that he was cleared at the time, and to me that makes him a person who must be investigated and a much better prospect than any of the modern accused. We have no idea what material has been lost and what additional evidence may have exsisted in the past.

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  • GUT
    I've now listened to it.

    Interesting to say the least.

    I've been asked by a few people to give some opinions (and that is all they can ever be) on the evidence. I will endeavour to do so over a few posts. In particular the admissibility of the material, the weight that may attach to it, and the prospects of obtaining a conviction.

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  • GUT
    Originally posted by Pcdunn View Post
    Wow, I stay away from Casebook for a few days, and return to find such an interesting thread! Have not heard the podcast yet, but with two weeks of vacation ahead of me, I will certainly try to listen to it.
    Congratulations on the new research, all!
    Yep they've done some great work.

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  • Pcdunn
    Wow, I stay away from Casebook for a few days, and return to find such an interesting thread! Have not heard the podcast yet, but with two weeks of vacation ahead of me, I will certainly try to listen to it.
    Congratulations on the new research, all!

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  • GUT
    Can't wait for the next instalment.

    No secret I find two of the most fascinating suspects highly unlikely to be Jack. Tumblety and Deeming both belong in the total Bastards catagory.

    But you never know Mike may eventually convert me, he has certainly done some great work.

    I long ago, before I even found casebook was persuaded he was a contemporary police suspect and have always believed they deserve the most investigation.

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  • Steadmund Brand
    Yeah.....I forgot to mention the outstanding job Howard and Nina two are fast!!!!....
    I am also surprised that the intersexed news never saw the light of be honest, when Mike told me the night he read it I didn't believe it...I even said..."that's not possible....with all the research done how could that have flown under the radar" but then I saw the documents myself....and as Mike said, there is a lot more, but we just weren't ready when we realized we had to do the Rippercast....I really want to thank Jonathan and Ally again....we knew we wanted Rippercast to be first, but damn, they really stepped up in our hour of need.....I also want to thank everyone who has taken the time to listen, and especially those who weighed in on it...even those who disagree with me �� is for all of you we are doing this work for...and I look forward to (as I know Mike does) bringing more info out when it's ready, been checked, and double checked, as it's the truth I care about...not some "case closed" stuff...just the historical evidence on this person who is after all a fascinating and out of the "Ripper" discussion.

    Steadmund Brand

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