Originally posted by lynn cates
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We're sought of going in full circles here but yes... thats what is being argued on this thread... MacNaughten was inclined to think Kozminski a weak suspect
Thats the big question, why did Mac think differently from Swanson and Anderson?
Thats why Karsten has been arguing that not only was Schwartz a poor witness but that he possibly failed to ID the suspect Kozminski
The evidence must have been poor or they would have put him to Trial in November 1888.... Why didn't they? Why did they let him go and follow him for almost three months?
This is all tied with what MacNAughten actually says MARCH 1889
Thats when MacNAughtens knowledge of Kozminski ended...stop..zielch ..caput
MacNAughten never knows that Kozminski is in Colney Hatch, if he did he would have said so, as was his style
Yours Jeff