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    Hello Jeff. Thanks.

    "If Aaron had lived in this community since a child he would have been known, at least by sight."

    Perhaps so. But how would one know he were schizophrenic unless he had had an episode?



    • Por que?

      Hello Karsten. Thanks.

      Important? I think so.

      But how many were so watched? Why must ANY of them be Kosminski?



      • source

        Hello (again) Jeff. thanks.

        (Almost missed this one.)

        "I think it can now be reasoned that MacNaughten is talking about the same Kozminski as Swanson and that Anderson is talking about the same suspect."

        Very possible.

        "Aaron Kozminski is the only person who could have been that suspect."

        No, but do proceed.

        "But why do many of the comments about the various Policeman in charge seem to disagree?"

        Quite. And why does Mac dismiss him?

        "This is the problem we seek to solve not whether Kozminski was Jack the Ripper or not. (This may surprise you but what is being argue here still leaves in doubt that Aaron was the would all hinge on an as yet unknown witness.)

        No surprise. In fact, I agree.

        "Personally I'm convinced Aaron Kozminski was the man followed by Cox, a file referenced by MacNaughten and later Sims and Griffiths."

        OK, personally, I am convinced otherwise. I think both Sir Bob and Swanson got their story from Mac who, in turn, got it from the HO or FO.



        • local nutter

          Hello Kartsen.

          "In 1888 Aaron Kozminski picking up bread from the ground and eating it, possibly muttering to himself? In 1891 he did it, maybe end of 1890 but 1888?

          No one really knows..."

          Hence my question about his being the local nutter.



          • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post

            "If Aaron had lived in this community since a child he would have been known, at least by sight."

            Perhaps so. But how would one know he were schizophrenic unless he had had an episode?Cheers.LC
            Good Morning Lynn

            You can't know someone has schizophrenia by looking at them.

            However they can exhibit strange behaviour. They might appear drunk. Speech patterns can be effected. They can talk to themselves. As teenagers they can be reclusive, anti social and loaners.

            So when I used the term 'local nutter' I was being a little tongue in cheek.. But I do think these communities would be aware of people amongst them who seemed a little 'odd'. And gossip and chat at the local shop would have been very different in a world without Internet, TV or radio. The murder of Stride must have been gossiped about for years... Philip Hutchinsons photograph demonstrates that

            Yours Jeff
            Last edited by Jeff Leahy; 11-06-2015, 01:14 AM.


            • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
              Hello (again)

              "Aaron Kozminski is the only person who could have been that suspect."

              No, but do proceed.
              I'm aware that some respected ripperologists have searched. The archives have been trawled. But none to my knowledge has ever put forward a credible contender...thats because they don't exist..

              All anyone need do is look at the problem from the correct perspective...That Aaron Kozminski went into the asylum Twice. A private asylum in march 1889 and a public asylum in 1891

              Once you have that piece of information in place all the disagreements and country statements slot together neatly

              Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
              "But why do many of the comments about the various Policeman in charge seem to disagree?"

              Quite. And why does Mac dismiss him?
              Mac dismisses Kozminski based on the information infont of him. 'Many circumstances'... this file only goes as far as March 1889. On that basis MacAnughten was correct as they never caught him red handed, didn't have an ID.... That happened later and in secret (Hot Potatoe) following the Crawford letter

              Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
              "Personally I'm convinced Aaron Kozminski was the man followed by Cox, a file referenced by MacNaughten and later Sims and Griffiths."

              OK, personally, I am convinced otherwise. I think both Sir Bob and Swanson got their story from Mac who, in turn, got it from the HO or FO.

              Ah the Jonathan Hainworth solution...

              The problem is that MacNAughten didn't even join the force until well after Kozminski was placed in an Asylum (March 1889)

              MacNAughten wasn't particularly liked by Anderson and my guess is kept in the cold about the ripper case, which interested MacNaughten. So imagine his delight when he was asked to write a report in 1894, to discover the information on Kozminski was far from damning..

              Just a City PC who thought he resembled a man he had seen..

              And you seem to be forgetting that Swanson was the man in over all responsibility for the investigation... and probably the best and most reliable copper on the force.

              Yours Jeff
              Last edited by Jeff Leahy; 11-06-2015, 01:15 AM.


              • Hi Lynn further to my previous post:

                In august 1889 anderson remarked to an american journalist:

                'After a stranger has gone over whitechapel he takes a much more lenient view of our failure to find jack the ripper, as they called him, than they did before'

                So in August 1889 the failed to find him.... Is this a reference to Kozminsi unto March 1889?

                In 1892 he says in Cassels journal in response to a question about jtr:

                'There, there is my answer to people who come with fads and theories about these murders. it is impossible to believe they were acts of a sane man - they were those of a maniac revelling in blood'

                Is he poking fun at MacNAughten here 'fads and theories'?

                What we know from these two interviews, is that Anderson failed to catch his man in August 1889... but had caught and solved the mystery by 1892

                So something happened between these dates to change his mind, and bang slap in the middle Kozminski enters the asylum for a second time in Feb 1891

                Yours Jeff
                Last edited by Jeff Leahy; 11-06-2015, 02:00 AM.


                • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                  Hello Kartsen.

                  "In 1888 Aaron Kozminski picking up bread from the ground and eating it, possibly muttering to himself? In 1891 he did it, maybe end of 1890 but 1888?

                  No one really knows..."

                  Hence my question about his being the local nutter.

                  Hello Lynn,

                  In the cases of "Kosminski" and "Aaron Kozminski" we can expect that these men had mental problems for years. They wanted to hide their problems and feelings. Apart from that they had their "special characteristics". Things are existing side by side.

                  On JTRForums I wrote:

                  "Psychopathy and schizophrenia can coexist, comorbidity, two personality disorders. Parts of the violence in persons with schizophrenia result from psychopathy. Clearly, Jack the Ripper was a psychopath... and a person with schizophrenia..."

                  An example for "before and after and during episodes":

                  "In conversation sufferers have described developing sexual attractions towards other family members, family pets and even inanimate objects such as household appliances! In this way, this aspect of schizophrenia illustrates superbly well the often extremely bizarre nature of psychotic thinking."

                  "Remember also that schizophrenia is principally a condition of young people (three quarters of all diagnoses being made between ages 16 to 25), the time of life when the libido is at its peak and when both men and women are usually very sexually active. It is not therefore surprising for them to be troubled by bizarre sexual thoughts during psychotic episodes."

                  I know some people who suffer from schizophrenia. During an episode you can see the whole thing called schizophrenia. Some of them are known to be "crazy" before and after an episode. "Crazy" in terms of their illness but it does not imply that they are "normal" between their episodes. Every case is different and depends on personality structure of people with schizophrenia. Every schizophrenic person has his own personality structure and it makes him unique.

                  One of my former partners suffered from schizophrenia. She was a beautiful woman (everybody loved her in the first instance), and in every minute she tried to hide her disease, the disease and all her retarded emotional development. Also without any episode it was hard to live with her.

                  Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                  Hello Karsten. Thanks.

                  Important? I think so.

                  But how many were so watched? Why must ANY of them be Kosminski?

                  Of course, Lynn, we cannot say the man of Cox and Sagar is Kosminski but, in my view, we should not exclude this possibility that the prime suspect of Cox and/or Sagar is Kosminski; the same prime suspect of Anderson and Swanson + Macnaghten´s "strong suspect".

                  Last edited by S.Brett; 11-06-2015, 03:19 AM.


                  • Originally posted by S.Brett View Post
                    One of my former partners suffered from schizophrenia. She was a beautiful woman (everybody loved her in the first instance), and in every minute she tried to hide her disease, the disease and all her retarded emotional development. Also without any episode it was hard to live with her.
                    Hey far worse. My ex was a sociopath

                    Not that they understand the concept of being an ex

                    Yours Jeff
                    Last edited by Jeff Leahy; 11-06-2015, 03:46 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Jeff Leahy View Post
                      Hey far worse. My ex was a sociopath

                      Not that they understand the concept of being an ex

                      Yours Jeff
                      Bad enough...

                      Back to Schwartz:

                      Where has the man been seen with Stride by PC Smith (12.30 am) at 12.45 am? PC Smith described the man as being about 28 years of age. No one stated an age younger than 28. In 1888 Aaron Kozminski was 23 years old.

                      Pay attention to the hats:

                      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                      What is the probability that the Ripper and BS Man (if different) wore a cap with a peak?


                      • Originally posted by Jeff Leahy View Post
                        Well absolutely not!

                        What you say is none sensical

                        Everything we know, logically, pionts to a singular serial killer based in the area, this has been concluded by most of the great ripperologist from Begg & fido to Evans & Rumkblow...

                        The killer simply lived in and around the community...other theories are at least, well hogwsh

                        What you are choosing to ignore is the men on he ground..those who actuaully investigated the story...had several theories that solved the crime

                        They knew what happened!

                        But they appear to have come to different conclusions?

                        What is being purposed here is an answer why the various police officers believed what they did....

                        Thats not to say Kozminski was the ripper, simply that there is only one suspect based on the known evidence

                        'Kozminski was the suspect'

                        Think about it?

                        Yours Jeff

                        PS yes we've moved on because we've been studying this a lot longer than you and there is only one possibility
                        At least you made me smile Jeff . Ive been studying since 1988 and Ive been here since 2005. Ive read all the major works and spoken with a few of the authors here, publicly and privately. And a few of them believe that 2, perhaps 3 women, were linked by their killer.

                        As anyone can plainly see only 3 women were murdered in very similar fashion and likely for the same reason, and you already have an established MO and Signature that can be created by the most similar and sequential victims, the first 2, so morphing it to allow for more dissimilar victims isn't my personal cup of tea and isn't the cup of tea preferred by some more advanced students either.

                        I see herculean efforts on here all the time trying to explain why all the differences should be set aside for a single all encompassing theory. but again, not my cup of tea. The evidence, such as it is, does not point irrevocably to a single killer for any serious student...despite your rude protests.

                        Cheers J


                        • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                          The murder of Stride finds its parallel in the later murders of Coles & McKenzie, and we have no firm indication from any of those murders that they were all killed by the same person, even less that they were killed by the same hand that struck down Nichols, Chapman, Eddowes & Kelly.
                          I like it when you throw some reasonable remarks into your replies Jon.


                          • Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
                            At least you made me smile Jeff . Ive been studying since 1988 and Ive been here since 2005. Ive read all the major works and spoken with a few of the authors here, publicly and privately. And a few of them believe that 2, perhaps 3 women, were linked by their killer. J
                            Thats what happens if you hang around with Trevor Marriot

                            I was of course referring to proper authors

                            Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
                            As anyone can plainly see only 3 women were murdered in very similar fashion and likely for the same reason, and you already have an established MO and Signature that can be created by the most similar and sequential victims, the first 2, so morphing it to allow for more dissimilar victims isn't my personal cup of tea and isn't the cup of tea preferred by some more advanced students either.
                            Actually there are differences between all the murders...but then thats what we expect to find in serial killers as they alter there MO considerably...the desires and needs remain the same.

                            Thats probably why I include Smith and Tabram, possibly Farmer

                            Its all in the Geography and the rarity of such attacks

                            Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
                            I see herculean efforts on here all the time trying to explain why all the differences should be set aside for a single all encompassing theory. but again, not my cup of tea. The evidence, such as it is, does not point irrevocably to a single killer for any serious student...despite your rude protests. Cheers J
                            Once you step away from the lone serial killer forever does it dominate your destiny....a journey that enevitably leads to conspiracy theories, royal concession and the Maybrick Diary... all pie in the sky fantacy that berries its head to the simple truth that the man in charge of the investigation claimed:

                            'It was a definitively ascertained fact'

                            The simple solutions are always the best

                            Yours Jeff


                            • Originally posted by S.Brett View Post

                              Pay attention to the hats:

                              What is the probability that the Ripper and BS Man (if different) wore a cap with a peak?
                              OK but I only really see peak caps and bowlers... What is a dear stalker? I always think of Sherlock Holmes double peak, but I'm not certain that is correct..

                              And from behind?

                              Yours Jeff


                              • Originally posted by Jeff Leahy View Post

                                I was of course referring to proper authors

                                Yours Jeff
                                Im sure that Stewart Evans would be thrilled to be considered less than a proper author on these crimes. You would have to be far more informed than you are to be such an improper expert.

                                And I don't know what Trevor believes, I only know what he wrote.

                                But nice talking with you.

