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Possible explanation for Maxwell Discrepency?

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  • RivkahChaya
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    Hi Harry
    She knew Mary for four Months but only spoke to her twice. So that morning was the second time- so in four months before that she only spoke to her once.

    whats wrong with this picture?
    That we don't know how much alike the women looked. There was once someone in town who looked enough like me, people mistook us for each other from a distance, and I have a cousin I'm frequently confused with-- moreso when we were young. But I'll never be confused with a tall blonde with a small nose.

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  • RivkahChaya
    Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
    I've always been open to an 8:30am murder.
    Me too-- or even a little earlier given that Maxwell probably gauged time by a common clock, and could have miscounted chimes, or missed a quarter hour. I'm willing to push her reported time back 25 minutes, or even speculate that she was wrong about the hour, and it was 7:xx, not 8.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by Harry D View Post
    Hello, Abby.

    Problem with this theory is that Maxwell claims to have known Kelly for four months, and we know that she only recently started taking in her fellow unfortunates. Barnett moved out at the end of October as a result of this, correct? So one would assume that Maxwell had made Mary Kelly's acquaintance before then.

    Then again, the whole Mary Kelly murder is a riddle wrapped in an enigma.
    Hi Harry
    She knew Mary for four Months but only spoke to her twice. So that morning was the second time- so in four months before that she only spoke to her once.

    whats wrong with this picture?

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  • David Orsam
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    But what do think of my idea? sound feasible?
    I'd say there are a lot of possibilities but, if you are right, it means the police were really rubbish considering they couldn't apparently trace a woman who had been staying with Mary Jane over a 4 month period (and who was also called "Mary" if Maxwell's evidence was correct). My own view, however, is coloured by the fact that I have sympathy for Mrs Maxwell who was told by the coroner that her evidence conflicted with other evidence (about the time of death) when, in fact, it didn't really, so I've always been open to an 8:30am murder. But I don't know Abby.

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  • Harry D
    Hello, Abby.

    Problem with this theory is that Maxwell claims to have known Kelly for four months, and we know that she only recently started taking in her fellow unfortunates. Barnett moved out at the end of October as a result of this, correct? So one would assume that Maxwell had made Mary Kelly's acquaintance before then.

    Then again, the whole Mary Kelly murder is a riddle wrapped in an enigma.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
    Hi Abby, I'm rather glad you have started this thread because it allows me to get something off my chest that I've wanted to say for some months.

    There is, as you know, a theory that Mrs Maxwell might have seen Mary Jane Kelly's (male) killer emerging from her lodging dressed in her clothes.

    I have always thought this to be very unlikely if not utterly ridiculous.

    But a few months ago I was watching a Channel 5 documentary about the murderer Hadden Clark which related the murder of Laura Houghteling, where police were confused because Laura had been seen by a local housekeeper leaving her house for work at 8am on the morning of Monday, 19 October 1992 when other evidence suggested she had been murdered on the Sunday night. It turned out that Hadden had dressed himself in Laura's clothes and then left her house, being thought by the witness to be Laura.

    I was, like, wow, that's the Maxwell/Kelly theory!!

    So it seems that such a bizarre mis-identification is possible.
    Hi David
    thanks for the post.
    Yes it is possible, I guess.
    But in this case, Maxwell claimed she spoke with Mary so....

    Also, Hadden Clark was bat **** crazy(for lack of a better, more clinical term-LOL), targeting victms essentially at random, with little or no stealth and cunning about him, which is probably why he was caught. So not sure if the analogy with the ripper works here.

    But what do think of my idea? sound feasible?

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  • David Orsam
    Hi Abby, I'm rather glad you have started this thread because it allows me to get something off my chest that I've wanted to say for some months.

    There is, as you know, a theory that Mrs Maxwell might have seen Mary Jane Kelly's (male) killer emerging from her lodging dressed in her clothes.

    I have always thought this to be very unlikely if not utterly ridiculous.

    But a few months ago I was watching a Channel 5 documentary about the murderer Hadden Clark which related the murder of Laura Houghteling, where police were confused because Laura had been seen by a local housekeeper leaving her house for work at 8am on the morning of Monday, 19 October 1992 when other evidence suggested she had been murdered on the Sunday night. It turned out that Hadden had dressed himself in Laura's clothes and then left her house, being thought by the witness to be Laura.

    I was, like, wow, that's the Maxwell/Kelly theory!!

    So it seems that such a bizarre mis-identification is possible.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by RivkahChaya View Post
    I wondered something like that.

    I also wonder if MJK was charging money for the people she let stay in the room. If she essentially turned the room into a flop-house, she could actually be making a profit on it (we know little of her character, but that seems consistent), and she may have not wanted McCarthy to know that there were "sub-lettors," so to speak, or he'd want a cut. Maybe some of the women who used the room actually did tell people who made casual inquiries that they were Mary Kelly, because that person could be someone working for McCarthy.

    Yes, I know that McCarthy knew what Kelly looked like, but every errand boy sent to collect rent did not necessarily know.

    It was just a thought. Again, one of those far-reaching things more for a novel than a serious book, but it just goes to show there are lots of explanations that exonerate Maxwell from deliberate lying. It's my opinion that she did not do that.
    Hi RC
    its possible that she was charging them, but I doubt it. it seems all things considered MK was a good hearted person. It was probably along the lines of I look out for you, you look out for me. As in her friends might share food, drink money, clothes etc.

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  • RivkahChaya
    I wondered something like that.

    I also wonder if MJK was charging money for the people she let stay in the room. If she essentially turned the room into a flop-house, she could actually be making a profit on it (we know little of her character, but that seems consistent), and she may have not wanted McCarthy to know that there were "sub-lettors," so to speak, or he'd want a cut. Maybe some of the women who used the room actually did tell people who made casual inquiries that they were Mary Kelly, because that person could be someone working for McCarthy.

    Yes, I know that McCarthy knew what Kelly looked like, but every errand boy sent to collect rent did not necessarily know.

    It was just a thought. Again, one of those far-reaching things more for a novel than a serious book, but it just goes to show there are lots of explanations that exonerate Maxwell from deliberate lying. It's my opinion that she did not do that.

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  • Abby Normal
    started a topic Possible explanation for Maxwell Discrepency?

    Possible explanation for Maxwell Discrepency?

    Ive always thought Maxwell was mistaken-either she was wrong about the day or about the person. It seems unlikely she could be mistaken about the day as she was questioned mere hours after the discovery of MKs body and had the milk/plates explanation that ties it to that morning-so I leaned toward she had the wrong person-probably a different Mary (mary and even mary Kelly was a very common name).

    Now I think it was something a little different-though she still had the person wrong.

    Its not that it was a different woman named Mary Kelly.

    In the days and weeks leading to Mary's murder, she had been letting different friends, also prostitutes, stay with her in her place. Cox admitted she didn't know her very well and only spoke to her a few times.

    Maybe Maxwell had met one of these friends who was staying with Mary and assumed it was Mary Kelly-since that woman had been staying with her at her place and Maxwell had seen her coming and going?

    The coroner at the inquest seemed to be getting at something similar, when he asked Maxwell--- that eventhough you only spoke a few times you knew her name??