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Can't get past Maxwell

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  • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

    Hi Abby,

    An additional consideration is that Maxwell said she also knew Joe Barnett, and that they were a couple, but didn't know they had separated.
    "It was then about half-past eight, and as it was unusual for her to be seen about at that hour I said to her, "Hallo, what are you doing up so early?" She said: "Oh, I'm very bad this morning. I have had the horrors. I have been drinking so much lately." I said to her: "Why don't you go and have half a pint of beer? It will put you right." She replied, "I've just had one, but I am so bad I couldn't keep it down." I didn't know then that she had separated from the man she had been living with, and I thought he had been "paying" her."

    If for the sake of discussion we accept that Maxwell was talking to MJK, her vomiting would have emptied her stomach, so either, after not being able to keep a beer down, she then went and a meal of fish and chips, started soliciting and picked up Jack etc. The autopsy said she had a partially digested meal of fish and chips in her stomach. How can this be? She either had nothing in her stomach after vomiting, or a fresh meal of fish and chips. The only solution is that the body containing the stomach that was autopsied was not from the woman to whom Maxwell spoke. I also believe the timing is too short for it to have been her.

    All the evidence for a night time murder can still stand, just with a different woman.

    The ripper hoax letter did come from the lodging house address but it was was a hoax penned by a bored young girl named Smith, living in the lodging house, but who was originally from Yarmouth.

    Cheers, George
    Love this observation! I don't believe anyone has pointed out this incongruity before.

    Hard to believe Maxwell is mistaken about the day or is lying, so...


    • Originally posted by mpriestnall View Post

      Love this observation! I don't believe anyone has pointed out this incongruity before.

      Hard to believe Maxwell is mistaken about the day or is lying, so...
      Er...Kelly only brought up part of her meal...

      What a laughably poor reason for assuming it wasn't Kelly. It's post like this ('it wasn't Kelly') that give the subject a bad name IMO. There should be an entirely separate part of the boards for this joke material.
      Last edited by Aethelwulf; 09-27-2022, 02:24 PM.


      • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

        yes Jerry Dunlop is the main researcher par excellence for this and puts forth an intriguing idea that the torsos (and I beleive possibly the ripper crimes) were probably the work of two men, one named wildbore, who was a worker in the vaults at NSY and lived right along a route where many of the torso parts where dumped.
        Interesting, Abby. That researcher does ring a bell but I didn't know he was advancing a two-killer theory. Serial killing duos are rare but not unheard of. No hard evidence exists that conclusively links one single person to any of these crimes, so the possibilities are endless, but I find it very unlikely to be more than two killers.


        • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

          hi eten
          all this stuff about Maxwell conundrum, the hoax letter from her place etc. has reminded me of the crazy theory put forth by a former poster here called Pierre who said the ripper was maxwells husband-it was a pretty far out theory involving all the crazy stuff like anagrams, weird interpretation/spelling of the GSG etc. he (turns out he was actually a she-forgot her name)-actually published a book on it eventually.

          His/ her first post title on here will surly ring a bell with many on here-"I Think I have found him. " he/she then proceeded with years of promising to reveal the name, but always needed "that last piece of data", ragging on other people for not being real historians, crazy peripheral ideas and the like. a real character lol.
          Thank you for reminding me about Pierre - I remember the forever teasing to reveal and never being quite ready.

          He/She is not the only person to suggest Maxwell's husband was involved. Someone (not being coy - can't remember who) suggested that Maxwell lied about seeing MJK in order to provide her husband with an alibi.


          • Originally posted by Harry D View Post

            Interesting, Abby. That researcher does ring a bell but I didn't know he was advancing a two-killer theory. Serial killing duos are rare but not unheard of. No hard evidence exists that conclusively links one single person to any of these crimes, so the possibilities are endless, but I find it very unlikely to be more than two killers.
            Hi Harry
            I do too, but Jerry is an incredible researcher (and great guy)and was the one who found out about the torso predictions, john cleary etc. He backs up all his ideas with evidence, rational reasoning and stellar detailed research-maps, charts, newspapers documents the whole deal. and of course hes an expert on the torsos. He still posts on here sometime but mainly on the other forum.

            I keep telling him he needs to write a book, or at least put all his ideas into one article.

            if you have the inclination I would search up his posts on here and the other forum.
            "Is all that we see or seem
            but a dream within a dream?"

            -Edgar Allan Poe

            "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
            quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

            -Frederick G. Abberline


            • Originally posted by etenguy View Post

              Thank you for reminding me about Pierre - I remember the forever teasing to reveal and never being quite ready.

              He/She is not the only person to suggest Maxwell's husband was involved. Someone (not being coy - can't remember who) suggested that Maxwell lied about seeing MJK in order to provide her husband with an alibi.
              yeah i think pierre said that too
              "Is all that we see or seem
              but a dream within a dream?"

              -Edgar Allan Poe

              "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
              quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

              -Frederick G. Abberline


              • Originally posted by Aethelwulf View Post

                Er...Kelly only brought up part of her meal...

                What a laughably poor reason for assuming it wasn't Kelly. It's post like this ('it wasn't Kelly') that give the subject a bad name IMO. There should be an entirely separate part of the boards for this joke material.
                It potentially supportive of the victim being Kelly. If you want to denigrate or miscontrue what I was saying that's up to you.

                Instead of only nit-picking other peoples contributions, why don't you offer something more constructive and positive or is that beyond you?


                • Originally posted by Aethelwulf View Post

                  Er...Kelly only brought up part of her meal...

                  What a laughably poor reason for assuming it wasn't Kelly. It's post like this ('it wasn't Kelly') that give the subject a bad name IMO. There should be an entirely separate part of the boards for this joke material.
                  Aethelwulf, I've put you on the "morons to ignore" list.


                  • Originally posted by Aethelwulf View Post

                    I'm unconvinced the meal and vomit is as significant as you are making out. I've been sick enough times from general and alcohol to know that it can take a few goes to get down to an empty stomach. She could have eaten the meal and just brought part of it up.
                    My name is Dave. You cannot reach me through Debs email account


                    • Originally posted by mpriestnall View Post

                      It potentially supportive of the victim being Kelly. If you want to denigrate or miscontrue what I was saying that's up to you.

                      Instead of only nit-picking other peoples contributions, why don't you offer something more constructive and positive or is that beyond you?
                      it's not nit picking when it's a daft idea. what was written about the meal: 'The only solution is that the body containing the stomach that was autopsied was not from the woman to whom Maxwell spoke.' So we get Kelly being overcome with the contents of her room and being sick and then being able to go back into the room, ignore the gore, to dress in her friend's clothes (friend who was also a dead ringer for kelly to fool Barnett). She chats to her friends about the murder - do we ever hear of these people? and leaves for no apparent motive. with no money she'd be committed to full time prostitution. she'd be going from a difficult situation in Miller's court but with friends and contacts and routine to total uncertainty. For what, some owed rent?


                      • Originally posted by mpriestnall View Post

                        It potentially supportive of the victim being Kelly. If you want to denigrate or miscontrue what I was saying that's up to you.

                        Instead of only nit-picking other peoples contributions, why don't you offer something more constructive and positive or is that beyond you?
                        NOT Kelly lol!


                        • Originally posted by DJA View Post

                          we know you support an equally if not more crazy theory. Oh look, there's the 50 odd year old Gawen Sutton running around carrying out facial surgery in the dark. nice.


                          • Originally posted by mpriestnall View Post

                            Aethelwulf, I've put you on the "morons to ignore" list.
                            My name is Dave. You cannot reach me through Debs email account


                            • Originally posted by Aethelwulf View Post

                              it's not nit picking when it's a daft idea. what was written about the meal: 'The only solution is that the body containing the stomach that was autopsied was not from the woman to whom Maxwell spoke.' So we get Kelly being overcome with the contents of her room and being sick and then being able to go back into the room, ignore the gore, to dress in her friend's clothes (friend who was also a dead ringer for kelly to fool Barnett). She chats to her friends about the murder - do we ever hear of these people? and leaves for no apparent motive. with no money she'd be committed to full time prostitution. she'd be going from a difficult situation in Miller's court but with friends and contacts and routine to total uncertainty. For what, some owed rent?
                              I liked the idea that there was incongruity between the autopsied woman having a partially digested meal and Kelly, as observed throwing up. That's all.


                              • Originally posted by DJA View Post

                                Her husband Henry was deputy at the lodging house next door,owned by William Crossingham of Romford.
                                Same place Hutchinson allegedly stood in front of while surveilling Millers Court.
                                Indeed, and not forgetting that Sarah Lewis said he was looking at the court as if waiting for someone to come out.
                                Could Henry Maxwell have been some kind of lookout for Mcarthy as well as being the deputy lodging house keeper ? Mary owed six weeks rent, it is not unusual for people to do a midnight flit and Mary's rent was due the next day. Perhaps Henry Maxwell felt intimidated by Mcarthy and was scared that their may be some repercussion of him missing Jack. But if Mary was seen at 8:30 in the morning after her husband had finished his shift, that would be him off the hook.

                                Regards Darryl

