Originally posted by FISHY1118
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All three of you have a reason for your belief. You all have a theory which requires an earlier TOD and so we have an explanation for your ignoring the facts.
Who are the ‘many’ modern medical experts that disagree with Eddowes? You don’t seem to understand the difference between a) having some medical experts disagree, and b) having all medical experts agree that TOD estimates are unreliable and unsafe.
. Stop trying to convince everybody that the Long Codosch Richardson scenario proves Chapman was killed at 5.30AM
No answer to this one i see?

Its also very noticeable that, yet again, you avoid answering the question about Phillips. Why do you choose to agree with him on TOD when it suits you but you disagree with him when he said that Chapman was definitely killed where she was found?

Amore perfect example of cherry-picking couldn’t be found.
