Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes
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It was getting light.
Every day is. But the fact of the matter is that it was still dark. "Was it light? -Beginning to get light, but not thoroughly. I could see all over the place."And believe it or not, but we are much restricted by low lighting conditions when it comes to our ability too see things. Plus Richardson could not see all over the place although he said so. He could for example not see the wall between the door and the fence. Saying that he could see "all over the place" is a generalized sentence that disregards areas he could not see. He could see just about the whole place, with the exception of what the door hid from him.
Despite all of this twisting and turning the fact of the matter is a very simple one and it’s the reason that I used the word imbecile.
Imbecility does not come into play on Richardsons behalf. Seeing things is a sensory action, not one of calculating intelligence.
Anyone that says that Richardson might not have seen her is saying that he wouldn’t have been aware of the fact that a solid door can possibly impede a person’s view.
No, it is simply pointing out that he did not THINK the door would obscure as much as it did.
Again he was adamant that he could see the entirety of the yard.
And he could not. And Long and Cadosch were ADAMANT about their timings. And you are ADAMANT on being wrong, and just as ADMANT on not admitting it. But go on, by all means, its kind of fun to watch. Sad, but fun.
It has to be remembered that Richardson actually saw the body where it lay.
Yes, he did.
He knew it’s position.
Yes, he did.
He knew how much floor space it took up.
Ground space. Yes, he did.
And so were being asked to accept that, after seeing the body, Richardson would have had to have been such an imbecile that he didn’t even think:
“Hmm, looking at where the body is perhaps the door blocked my view of it?

Once again, he was no imbecile at all. He simply misjudged the matter and was more certain that he really should have been. Do you think that makes him an isolated character in any way? Look at yourself - you though you could win this discussion, and what happened? THAT is a much worse misjudgment than Richardsons. Whether it makes you "imbecile" in your own eyes is for you to say. I stand by my view that not being able to see things has nothing at all to do with imbecility.
No, he was certain that the body couldn’t have been hidden by the door.