Don't forget that Barnett - the sole source for nearly all the alleged info we have about Kelly - did NOT say that her real name was Mary Jane Kelly. If we take in tandem Barnett's statements and early press reports the story that emerges is that Mary Jane Kelly is the name by which she was known in the locality by her neighbours and acquaintances. Barnett however in his inquest testimony is quoted as stating as follows:-
"Her name was Marie Jeanette Kelly with the French spelling as described to me. Kelly was her maiden name."
This contradicts the assertion - for which there is no corroboration at all - that the Marie Jeanette form was an affection adopted by Kelly after her sojourn in France as reported by Barnett.
Barnett's accounts clearly imply that his lover's real name was "Marie Kelly" and NOT "Mary Kelly."
"Her name was Marie Jeanette Kelly with the French spelling as described to me. Kelly was her maiden name."
This contradicts the assertion - for which there is no corroboration at all - that the Marie Jeanette form was an affection adopted by Kelly after her sojourn in France as reported by Barnett.
Barnett's accounts clearly imply that his lover's real name was "Marie Kelly" and NOT "Mary Kelly."