Originally posted by Dan Norder
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Firstly, thanks for clearning that up! I certainly wasn't suggesting any other meaning, just commenting that it seemed odd to me.
Coincidentally, after my post on the subject last night, I was reading Farson (first time, I only just got hold of a copy recently) and he has some information from Mary Cox's neice. Obviously, this is completely unreliable, being second-hand hearsay decades laters, and no doubt embellished greatly by Cox at subsequent tellings, but she says, her aunt heard "terrible screams from Mary, but no one took any notice because it happened often."
Not sure whether this means terrible screams in general happened often, or Mary was inclined towards regular screaming (at the risk of being crass, perhaps she put on an overly enthusiastic performance for her clients?), but it sounds like the gradual growth of a small cry of murder into something that makes a much better story to tell young relatives.
According to the (un-named) niece, Mary Cox also saw MJK the night before the murder with the cartoon version of Jack - high silk hat, Gladstone bag etc, and then to top it all off, was apparently amongst the first to find the body, after a Mrs Storey who let herself into the room with a piece of string on the door latch that Mary left there so people wouldn't have to knock.
As clearly as this is all extremely dubious, it does make an interesting point re easy access to the room if the string on the latch was common knowledge.
I assume that somewhere out there subsequent researchers have given all this a thorough dismissal?