Originally posted by Fisherman
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But I wish you hadn't mentioned Fisherman's Friends. My grandparents always used to keep a bowl of them on the sideboard and I now have images in my mind that I really wish weren't there
The reason that she had cachous really can't be anything other than pure speculation on our part. Maybe she wanted to freshen her breath; maybe she believed in them as an aid to oral sex . . . or maybe it was just as simple as she liked the taste of them ?????
What's interesting is that she still had them in her hand when she was found, which would seem to imply the following :
a) She entered the yard willingly with her killer.
I can't believe that she'd been walking around clutching the cachous in her hand all night, so on entering the yard (or shortly before) she either reached into her pocket and took them out or she was handed them as a gift by her killer. Neither of these would seem the action of a woman being taken somewhere under duress.
b) She was taken by surprise and killed rapidly - without the opportunity to open her hands to break her fall to the ground or to defend herself against her attacker.
Of course, the other option is that she tried to put up a fight, grabbed at her killer's clothing in defense and managed to snag a packet of cachous from on his person . . . finally falling to the ground with this last piece of evidence grasped in her dying hand.
That all seems a bit too dramatic to ring true to me though.