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Did BS-man murder Liz Stride?

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  • Easy task, indeed.
    Not so short, and in the habit of lighting his claypipe in Berner Street as soon as a Swedish lady of easy virtue was about to be murdered.


    • Star

      Hello Rocky. Thanks.

      Yes, that is the one I was referring to. It's a clear reference to someone who looked like BSM.

      But, as you can see, it led nowhere.



      • Originally posted by RockySullivan View Post
        i believe schwartz was described as having a jewish appearance. antisemitism since to be a theme in the ripper murders. I wonder what anti-semitic groups were active in whitechapel at the time? It's no coincidence that stride was killed outside the jewish club and then the juwes graffito is the icing on the cake. The ripper was clearly anti-semitic and BS man shouting "lipski" shows BS man is anti-semitic also whether or not he's the ripper.
        Hello Rocky,

        We have no way of knowing whether the killing was in any way related to the club. We also don't know what sentiment the graffito was meant to express or whether it was written by the Ripper. It can just as easily be interpreted as being a pro-Jewish sentiment. In other words, "don't blame the Jews for everything that happens."



        • Originally posted by DVV View Post
          The fact that she may have been "at ease" at some point, which is possible but is still a speculation, doesn't necessarily mean BSM was gone.
          Sometimes you see people that seem about to fight, and five minutes later they take drink together. Such things happen.
          At least, we know she did not leave the scene.
          So why BSM would have gone ?
          Hello Dave,

          That could be but we don't have a situation here where people are "about to fight" but don't. B.S. man pushed her to the ground and appeared to threaten Schwartz. He doesn't appear to be in a good mood.

          As far as B.S. man leaving, you seem to be assuming that they had some personal relationship. That is possible but he also could have been simply somebody passing by who was annoyed by something Liz said or did. Once he had made his point..."that will teach you to mouth off to me, bitch"...he had no reason to stick around.



          • If Pipeman returned to the scene to kill Liz, we have the same problem faced by the B.S. man. Wouldn't it be reasonable for the Pipeman to believe that Schwartz had run off to find the nearest policeman and that Schwartz would be able to identify him?



            • Originally posted by c.d. View Post
              If Pipeman returned to the scene to kill Liz, we have the same problem faced by the B.S. man. Wouldn't it be reasonable for the Pipeman to believe that Schwartz had run off to find the nearest policeman and that Schwartz would be able to identify him?

              was pipeman chasing schwartz..he may have judged from his actions that he wasnt going for a policeman


              • anti-Semitic

                Hello CD.

                "We have no way of knowing whether the killing was in any way related to the club. We also don't know what sentiment the graffito was meant to express or whether it was written by the Ripper. It can just as easily be interpreted as being a pro-Jewish sentiment. In other words, "don't blame the Jews for everything that happens.""

                Quite. I have tried to get the pieces to fit for an anti-Semitic situation. So far, it's a no go.



                • Lipski

                  Hello (again) CD.

                  "B.S. man pushed her to the ground and appeared to threaten Schwartz."

                  "Appeared" is a good word. Recall Israel could not say to whom "Lipski" was directed.



                  • conclusion

                    Hello (yet again) CD.

                    "Wouldn't it be reasonable for the Pipeman to believe that Schwartz had run off to find the nearest policeman and that Schwartz would be able to identify him?"


                    Keep asking these questions and perhaps you'll arrive at the same conclusion I have.



                    • can't tell

                      Hello Rocky.

                      "Was pipeman chasing Schwartz?"

                      We don't know. And, when placed on the hot seat, Schwartz could not be sure--just as with that "convenient" racial slur.



                      • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                        Hello Rocky.

                        "Was pipeman chasing Schwartz?"

                        We don't know. And, when placed on the hot seat, Schwartz could not be sure--just as with that "convenient" racial slur.

                        lipski had lived one block over on batty street?


                        • insult

                          Hello Rocky. Thanks.

                          Yes, I believe that is where his murdering occurred.

                          But at WHOM was the insult yelled--Schwartz or Pipeman?



                          • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                            Hello Rocky. Thanks.

                            Yes, I believe that is where his murdering occurred.

                            But at WHOM was the insult yelled--Schwartz or Pipeman?
                            It could have been a general curse aimed at all Jews. I think it's meaningless to the murder. Remember when Spooner gave his statement? He said something like, "I saw 2 Jews running up the street." Not, "I saw two men." It seems as if being a Jew wasn't such a good thing to the gentile folks who lived nearby. BS Man was in front of the gates to a place with a lot of Jews in it at the time. Paranoia and fear seems to have been part of Schwartz' make-up.



                            • it could be percieved as a threat to schwartz...."remember lipski that was us"


                              • BS man is scene assaulting stride minutes before her death. Schwartz may have minimalized the danger stride was in since he didn't stop to help her. One poster on an archived thread suggested pipeman a fictional character but idk about that

