>>I was looking at more of this "evidence" you speak about.
I know published estimates of Stride's age were stated to be 35-40, another opinion said 30. However, interestingly Abraham Heshburg, gave a different opinion..... "I should say she was from 25 to 28 years of age."
I thought you might find this interesting given that James Brown does not say how old he thought the female looked who he saw on the street corner.<<
Actually, on the surface that sounds a reasonable argument.
Not, however when you get to the nitty gritty.
All the above you mention might be described today as a "young woman".
This was a trained journalist decribing a "young girl". A VERY different thing.
>>Isn't "evidence" bizarre?<<
I guess, for people who get easily confused it, might be;-)
I know published estimates of Stride's age were stated to be 35-40, another opinion said 30. However, interestingly Abraham Heshburg, gave a different opinion..... "I should say she was from 25 to 28 years of age."
I thought you might find this interesting given that James Brown does not say how old he thought the female looked who he saw on the street corner.<<
Actually, on the surface that sounds a reasonable argument.
Not, however when you get to the nitty gritty.
All the above you mention might be described today as a "young woman".
This was a trained journalist decribing a "young girl". A VERY different thing.
>>Isn't "evidence" bizarre?<<
I guess, for people who get easily confused it, might be;-)