Hi Maria
I'm aware of the Schwartz link in the Kauffman thread. Bear in mind though
that a lot of these anarchist chappies had numerous aliases. A freind of mine recently discovered the names of the perpetrators involved in the John Grafton affair, 1905. I gave him some help in his research, and I can tell you that aliases abounded. I believe Liz Stride used Duttfileds Yard for her prostituting ways, BS man a drunken punter cutting her throat for some real or imagined slight.
I'm aware of the Schwartz link in the Kauffman thread. Bear in mind though
that a lot of these anarchist chappies had numerous aliases. A freind of mine recently discovered the names of the perpetrators involved in the John Grafton affair, 1905. I gave him some help in his research, and I can tell you that aliases abounded. I believe Liz Stride used Duttfileds Yard for her prostituting ways, BS man a drunken punter cutting her throat for some real or imagined slight.