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A Modern Day BS Man/Liz Encounter

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  • Actually, it is 1888 "N" word. Schwartz is in his neighborhood, after midnight, hearing what he thinks is a racial slur...and he is the one that runs...with a house full of people right there.
    I confess that altruistic and cynically selfish talk seem to me about equally unreal. With all humility, I think 'whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might,' infinitely more important than the vain attempt to love one's neighbour as one's self. If you want to hit a bird on the wing you must have all your will in focus, you must not be thinking about yourself, and equally, you must not be thinking about your neighbour; you must be living with your eye on that bird. Every achievement is a bird on the wing.
    Oliver Wendell Holmes


    • The conversation has moved on somewhat -but today I witnessed an 'incident' that immediately made me think of C.D. and his original reason for starting this thread :

      I was just coming from the 'boulangerie', before 8 on this Sunday morning, and
      in a deserted and grim little side street, I clearly heard a woman 'shouting softly' (in French of course) " for God's sake just leave me alone ! I just can't take it anymore ! Get off me ! -the door is open..just go !" Her voice was so
      angry/anguished and 'world weary' that I drew level with her door with some trepidation about the sordid and possibly distressing 'domestic' scene that I was about to witness..

      She was shouting at, rather insistent poodle !! He evidently wanted 'walkies' a bit too early in the morning for her liking !!


      • Pour l'amour de Dieu, laisse moi tranquille! J'en peux plus! Fous-moi la paix! La porte est ouverte! Allez, sors! Wouf! Wouf!
        Best regards,


        • Does anyone know how far the closest pub was from the club? If it was relatively close, I am wondering if Liz might have been soliciting outside of it. A drunken BS man emerges and he and Liz have some type of disagreement. Liz is concerned for her safety so she starts moving in the direction of the club thinking it would be a refuge of sorts. The BS man follows and we have what Schwartz said took place. The BS man then moves on after a few choice words. If Jack was a witness to this, I am wondering if the display of violence could have excited him so that he approaches Liz?

          Just a possible scenario but it would explain why Liz was standing outside of a club that some claim was a poor choice for soliciting. She wasn't there soliciting, she was seeking shelter.



          • C.D. people have pointed out to me that the pub was closed by then -but of course she was probably WAS soliciting in the pub earlier (the proximity of Dutfields yard, made a handy dark spot to pop out to with her clients);

            When the pub closed and she'd finished the 'stragglers' she probably just hung about for 'the second shift' of club members.

            Hard to imagine that BSM and Pipe would hang about outside for so long after closing -I think that they turned up later.


            • shelter

              Hello CD. What kind of shelter would the yard provide?



              • seedy charcater

                Hello Ruby. Your take on Liz is that she had a heavy schedule that night.

                Just of of curiosity, with all those clients, why did none leave a trace of seminal fluid? Don't forget that the doctors checked for such things.



                • Hello Lynn,

                  Again, out of curiosity, if Stride did have a "heavy schedule", especially if any were after the closing of the pub, then she would have some money on her, no? After all, you cannot "drink away" the money when the source of the drink is not available, i.e. the pubs are closed..

                  best wishes

                  Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                  Justice for the 96 = achieved
                  Accountability? ....


                  • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                    Hello CD. What kind of shelter would the yard provide?

                    Hi Lynn,

                    The yard? None. I was referring to the club and the men inside. If she felt truly threatened she could yell for help or try to get inside. At least she would have these options if she was in close proximity to the club.



                    • Just of of curiosity, with all those clients, why did none leave a trace of seminal fluid? Don't forget that the doctors checked for such things.
                      Maybe the usual thing for poor customers wasn't penetration but fellatio (hence the cachous), and 'swallowing' was not part of the deal ?


                      • Again, out of curiosity, if Stride did have a "heavy schedule", especially if any were after the closing of the pub, then she would have some money on her, no? After all, you cannot "drink away" the money when the source of the drink is not available, i.e. the pubs are closed..
                        Because either BSM, or Jtr or both robbed her of her money ? -with not robbery as their motive..but because they were poor, and they could.


                        • At least she would have these options if she was in close proximity to the club.
                          If she didn't feel in fear of her life, then the very last thing that she wanted was to avert the attention of the club to 'trouble' revolving around her...she wanted to be able to continue to use the yard for soliciting in future.


                          • stop thief

                            Hello Phil.

                            "Again, out of curiosity, if Stride did have a "heavy schedule", especially if any were after the closing of the pub, then she would have some money on her, no?"

                            I totally agree. But then there's the argument that she was robbed.



                            • it's locked

                              Hello CD. But a locked club surely did not provide much shelter?

                              Supposing Liz were running from BS man and tried to get in but could not. Why stop and loiter? Why not run into the dark yard and hide?



                              • puddle

                                Hello Ruby.

                                "Maybe the usual thing for poor customers wasn't penetration . . ."

                                Right, but the alternative was not quite your suggestion. Care to guess what it was?

                                ". . . but fellatio . . . and 'swallowing' was not part of the deal ?"

                                Clever. But surely as often as you imagine this to have happened it went somewhere? So why no puddle behind the gate?

                                But supposed she swallowed? Ah, but her stomach contents were carefully examined.


