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A Modern Day BS Man/Liz Encounter

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  • Phil,

    Once again, my friend, you posts are both well thought out and long....very long. Worth the read.

    Phil, you know I love the Jacob Isenschmid theory, but in all likeness, I want to reiterate that most psychopaths (e.i. Schizophrenia) are not dangerous. It is the sociopath that you need be worried of. Therefor, Jacob Isenschmid, with all my distaste, was most likely more of a danger to himself than to others. However, it is possible.... as is everything.

    Hello Lynn,

    Its true, I am a traditionalist. However, I DO believe Lynn may be right. As I believe I may be right. All of it is possible. Upon the subject of Jacob Isenschmid, I do believe he needs further research, and the anarchists need to be researched as well, at least for their formal and informal histories.

    Lynn's theory is fascinating, worth discussion, and worth a proper eye to look at. It deserves to be looked at with care, just as well as any, at least, so it can be proven or disproven. As I said in my Examiner article, everything, in this case, is worth looking at.

    It has been hard, but Lynn and Phil have taught me that it is worth looking and even believing in a theory that you, in the past, have absolutily hated, because it, in the long run, may be worth looking into. Even if the outcome is one more lead in the opposite direction.

    Oh, and by the way, have a Merry Christmas everyone.
    Last edited by corey123; 12-23-2010, 05:29 PM.
    Washington Irving:

    "To a homeless man, who has no spot on this wide world which he can truly call his own, there is a momentary feeling of something like independence and territorial consequence, when, after a weary day's travel, he kicks off his boots, thrusts his feet into slippers, and stretches himself before an inn fire. Let the world without go as it may; let kingdoms rise and fall, so long as he has the wherewithal to pay his bills, he is, for the time being, the very monarch of all he surveys. The arm chair in his throne; the poker his sceptre, and the little parlour of some twelve feet square, his undisputed empire. "



    • In no way do I want to offend anyone, though I will be blunt. Someone explain to me what the anarchists from Berner Street did exactly that was nefarious. Anarchy is and should be something all young people dabble in. Things that were accomplished by such people were labor law changes. In America there were some major problems with anarchists, but a lot of the problem arose from fears by the status quo. Yet, what really happened in London with these guys? Virtually nothing bad. The authorities were quite happy that they assembled at such clubs, for it made it much easier to keep on eye on them, and to tell Jews (mostly) apart from Brits as they had quickly assimilated in mannerisms, clothing styles, and employment. That was the real threat; when they could no longer be eyeballed as different from the British-born. That made them seem hidden and secretive. If not for the clubs like Berner Street, the authorities would have had great difficulties keeping track of them.

      Again, they were a labor movement who met and discussed culture, music, fashion, and how they wish things would be, and to change their lots in life. Just like all young people who are intellectual have done. The only possible danger I see in all this is the idea that someone went rogue. In that case, I'm not so sure the club would have protected him.
      The family maybe.



      • Hi Phil,

        For a minute there I was starting to think that our good friend Michael, aka Perry Mason, had been reincarnated. I have never been able to understand why those who believe in the C5 are considered to be locked into their thinking. To look at other possibilities is fine and should be encouraged but let's not confuse possibility with probability. I can make a case for Abberline being the killer or even Mrs. Fiddymont and if you doubt me I can then accuse you of being close minded and of simply wanting to protect your ego.

        Now somebody killed these women and that IS NOT an invention nor a theory. Let's not lose sight of that.



        • To The good Michael:
          You got it wrong, Michael! We're not in any fashion criticizing anarchists or claiming that the IWEC protected the killer. (It's Observer who got this wrong impression for a second.) What we're contemplating here is the possibility that the Russian anti-revolutionary Okhrana might have used the Stride murder as a provocatory act to harm the IWEC. You should know that the Okhrana was in the habit of hiring local detective agencies to help with their anti-anarchist agenda. Can you think of a detective with their own agency who put his foot firmly inside the Berner Street investigation, Michael?

          I promise I'll read your essay and Examiner 5 at some point in January. I have to confess I haven't yet formed a definite opinion on Jacob Isenschmid, but paranoid schizophrenics and schizophrenics of the undifferentiated kind most certainly can commit brutal crimes.

          I gotta take care of some domestic stuff and meet some friends to go get the ducks for tomorrow. I'll be back much later. (So if I'm off for a while, please don't think I'm rude.)
          Best regards,


          • Hi Michael,

            The point is that they were considered dangerous at the time. Whether they should have been or not is pretty much a moot point.



            • Originally posted by mariab View Post
              Can you think of a detective with their own agency who put his foot firmly inside the Berner Street investigation, Michael?
              A real detective, or LeGrand? Nope, I can't think of a one, and neither do I think there was a complete investigation of the club. Neither do I think they would completely cooperate, but not because of anything evil; just because the establishment was a bad thing in their eyes. Again, I'm sure the authorities knew exactly what was going on in the club.




              • Hello Maria,

                Let me know when you hear of a psychopathic serial killer then. I assure you, it will be hard for you to find one. Schizophrenics are usually not dangerous at all especially the undifferentiated type. I don't know what your source that says they are is, but it is wrong.

                Many schizophrenics are a danger to themselves. History has proven that much, however, it is possible, but very unlikely.
                Washington Irving:

                "To a homeless man, who has no spot on this wide world which he can truly call his own, there is a momentary feeling of something like independence and territorial consequence, when, after a weary day's travel, he kicks off his boots, thrusts his feet into slippers, and stretches himself before an inn fire. Let the world without go as it may; let kingdoms rise and fall, so long as he has the wherewithal to pay his bills, he is, for the time being, the very monarch of all he surveys. The arm chair in his throne; the poker his sceptre, and the little parlour of some twelve feet square, his undisputed empire. "



                • Hi Corey,

                  Anybody can be dangerous.



                  • The Good Michael wrote:
                    A real detective, or LeGrand?

                    Le Grand. You should also know that the WVC was trying to gain the cooperation of the IWEC, both as a venue and financially. So most possibly Le Grand would have been working both sides of the street.
                    The authorities were following up what was going on in the club, but this doesn't mean that they KNEW what was going on inside the club.
                    All this is still “under investigation“, as they say, as research is going on (or at least, will be going on again soon).

                    Now I gotta run.
                    Best regards,


                    • Hello c.d.

                      That true, however, in truth the "psychopath" is less dangerous than the "sociopath" and schizophrenics, well, they just haven't proven to be as dangerous than others. In one of the psychology books I have read, the writer said:

                      The case of the axe weilding madman is rare indeed

                      I would think that, in the case of a scizophrenic, they would be more preoccupied with their delusions/halucinations, than with the need, or want, to kill others.
                      Washington Irving:

                      "To a homeless man, who has no spot on this wide world which he can truly call his own, there is a momentary feeling of something like independence and territorial consequence, when, after a weary day's travel, he kicks off his boots, thrusts his feet into slippers, and stretches himself before an inn fire. Let the world without go as it may; let kingdoms rise and fall, so long as he has the wherewithal to pay his bills, he is, for the time being, the very monarch of all he surveys. The arm chair in his throne; the poker his sceptre, and the little parlour of some twelve feet square, his undisputed empire. "



                      • Originally posted by c.d. View Post
                        Hi Phil,

                        For a minute there I was starting to think that our good friend Michael, aka Perry Mason, had been reincarnated. I have never been able to understand why those who believe in the C5 are considered to be locked into their thinking. To look at other possibilities is fine and should be encouraged but let's not confuse possibility with probability. I can make a case for Abberline being the killer or even Mrs. Fiddymont and if you doubt me I can then accuse you of being close minded and of simply wanting to protect your ego.

                        Now somebody killed these women and that IS NOT an invention nor a theory. Let's not lose sight of that.


                        Hello cd,

                        haha... am not a reincarnation, as I am older than
                        Some, are locked into a C5 theory. Yes, you could make a case. but JI is a very important suspect that should be taken seriously.

                        No. we must not forget these women were horribly killed. That DID happen. But "Jack the Ripper" is an invented name... long after the murders in the area started.

                        best wishes and a Merry Xmas to you and your family

                        Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                        Justice for the 96 = achieved
                        Accountability? ....


                        • Hi Corey,
                          I didn't say “psychopathic serial killer“, did I? An undifferentiated would never become a serial killer, although he could become a killer under certain circumstances. Most serial killers are sociopathic, not psychopathic, although they have certainly tried to fake it when caught. And I never said that schizophrenics are not a danger primarily to themselves. Still, a paranoid schizophrenic, when on, ain't exactly a pretty and peaceful sight.
                          Best regards,


                          • Hello Maria,

                            I don't think Jacob "faked" his symptoms. He was arrested under charges of suspicous activity. Those were, at least on the record, dropped. Therefore, he would have nothing to "fake" against. No charges. However, sadly you are right, I wouldn't wish to count the number of men who faked insanity, when they deserved their just-punishments.

                            Also, a scizophrenic killer would be a "psychopathic" killer.

                            Lastly, I would never say never

                            Merry Christmas Maria.

                            p.s I just realized, I use the word "however" way too much.
                            Last edited by corey123; 12-23-2010, 06:10 PM.
                            Washington Irving:

                            "To a homeless man, who has no spot on this wide world which he can truly call his own, there is a momentary feeling of something like independence and territorial consequence, when, after a weary day's travel, he kicks off his boots, thrusts his feet into slippers, and stretches himself before an inn fire. Let the world without go as it may; let kingdoms rise and fall, so long as he has the wherewithal to pay his bills, he is, for the time being, the very monarch of all he surveys. The arm chair in his throne; the poker his sceptre, and the little parlour of some twelve feet square, his undisputed empire. "



                            • A SURVEY of schizophrenics who kill while supposedly being cared for in the community has traced 47 killers convicted in English courts over the last three years, responsible for 60 deaths.


                              Notice the young age of the killers and the violence with which they've killed.

                              Last edited by The Good Michael; 12-23-2010, 06:12 PM.


                              • To Phil Carter:
                                Merry Christmas, and I'll sign the petition for Trinity Hall tomorrow.
                                Best regards,

