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Did jack kill liz stride?

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  • Trevor the Renowned

    Originally posted by Trevor Marriott
    I urge you to stop reading Hans Chritsian Anderson it is reflecting in your posts
    Hey, at least I'm not reading Sir Robert Anderson. One of the few apparently.

    Originally posted by Trevor Marriott
    I would suggest the darkest part of the yard was much further down where all the stables were located.
    I'm afraid your suggestion would be wrong, old chap. More on that in a bit.

    Originally posted by Trevor Marriott
    Corrcet me if i am wrong and i am sure someone will but was there not a cobbled driveway between the two buildings leading from the street down to the yard itself and was this not where eStride was found.
    It was not cobbled, per se, but it was laid with stone.

    Originally posted by Trevor Marriott
    (to Rob House) No you should check out your facts before posting. you go back and reserach the various points you referred to
    That's probably good advice for all of us, but part of posting on message boards is to exchange information and learn from those who might be more informed on a certain topic than yourself, or am I wrong?

    Originally posted by Trevor Marriott
    There are far to many of here who continue to dispute accepted facts but when asked to back up their posts with evidence of rebuttal etc they are unable to do so
    It might be observed that this is precisely how you've behaved towards Rob. It might even be observed that you're the only person on this thread currently guilty of the offense you described.

    Originally posted by Trevor Marriott
    Likewise with Kidney he should have been arrested even to just ascertain where he was.
    Perhaps he would have been had it been necessary, but since he willingly went to the mortuary to identify the body and to the police station TWICE and agreed to appear at the inquest (and miss work) not once but TWICE, and since his alibi checked out and not a single associate of Stride's had any reason to point the finger of suspicion towards him, there was no justification for his arrest.

    Yours truly,

    Tom Wescott


    • So when Sadler claims that after leaving Coles he walked to the London Hosiptal, when in fact he walked to the docks, then got beat up, then ended up at the Royal mint ...this is not lying?

      By the way... the distance from the Mint to the Coles murder site was approximately 300 - 350 ft.

      Let's look again at my original post:

      1. Sadler and Coles were hanging around together on the night of her death. -- true.
      2. Sadler lied in his testimony about his whereabouts on the night in question, as far as I can tell. -- true
      3. Sadler was spotted only a few hundred feet from the Coles' murder site within, if my memory serves me, about 15 minutes of her murder. -- true
      4. Sadler had at least some motive, specifically the fight he had got into with Coles earlier that night... and he was pretty drunk." -- true

      To which you posted that :

      "Your memory isnt that good then"
      "seen it,read it, disregarded the content as being factually incorrect"
      "No you should check out your facts before posting. you go back and reserach the various points you referred to"

      So I ask again... what exactly are you talking about?

      Attached Files


      • "He would have had to be pretty quick on his feel to move away from where the police officer saw him.."

        So he would have to be "pretty quick on his feet" to walk 350 feet in a span of 15 minutes?

        Trevor, you know... I think before you get all high and mighty, telling people to go do their homework, you might want to practice what you preach... my original point was that there is a stronger case against Sadler than there was for Kidney... I think this is pretty obvious, and not even debatable.


        • Rob,

          Are you referring to the Knaptons alledged sighting of Sadler in Royal Mint Street?


          Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


          • Surely there's a Sadler thread about.

            Yours truly,

            Tom Wescott


            • Hi Rob,

              thanks for the map - thanks to Trevor's mistake.



              • Hello Monty,

                No, I am referring to Sergeant Edwards who found Sadler lying drunk on the pavement on Mint St...



                • What's all this then?

                  Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post

                  I accept everyone is entitled to their own views.
                  Except when it's a woman wondering when and where another woman took her last pee on earth, eh Trev?

                  Your experience with modern street prostitutes tells you what? That they tend to wear mini skirts and white boots and never use a lavatory, even if it's right in front of them and they are ready to wet themselves - presumably because you are there too, giving them plenty to giggle about.

                  How would any of your extensive personal experience of prostitutes' toilet habits be relevant to Liz Stride in 1888? You must be considerably older than you look - and even wetter than you sound.

                  And what's with all the shouting? Is that how you assert your authority when you're not wearing a uniform?


                  Last edited by caz; 04-13-2010, 09:00 PM.
                  "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                  • Originally posted by caz View Post
                    Except when it's a woman wondering when and where another woman took her last pee on earth, eh Trev?

                    Your experience with modern street prostitutes tells you what? That they tend to wear mini skirts and white boots and never use a lavatory, even if it's right in front of them and they are ready to wet themselves - presumably because you are there too, giving them plenty to giggle about.

                    How would any of your extensive personal experience of prostitutes' toilet habits be relevant to Liz Stride in 1888? You must be considerably older than you look - and even wetter than you sound.

                    And what's with all the shouting? Is that how you assert your authority when you're not wearing a uniform?


                    Just out of curiosity here.....would she have known there was a toilet at the rear of the place?


                    • Originally posted by Fleetwood Mac View Post
                      Just out of curiosity here.....would she have known there was a toilet at the rear of the place?
                      Toilet is
                      the place that
                      is not
                      at the rear
                      for nothing


                      • Hi Fleet. She might have assumed as much, but there's nothing to suggest she was using their toilet.

                        Yours truly,

                        Tom Wescott


                        • Originally posted by robhouse View Post
                          Hello Monty,

                          No, I am referring to Sergeant Edwards who found Sadler lying drunk on the pavement on Mint St...

                          Hey Rob,

                          Sorry to be pedantic, and it really doesnt alter your point, but you have the wrong location for Edwards dont you mate?



                          Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



                          • Yes, it does appear that you are right. But where exactly did Edwards see Sadler? I am a bit confused.

                            Edwards said, "Shortly before 2 o'clock on Friday morning I was on duty on the Mint Pavement."

                            "When I saw the prisoner I was about 500 yards from Swallow-gardens."

                            Also, "William Fewell, night porter at the London Hospital, said that about five o'clock the same morning Sadler came to that institution with cuts on his head and blood on his hands. "

                            Also this:

                            "Police-constable Edwards, 7H, said, - On the early morning of Friday week I was on duty on the Mint pavement. Shortly before 2 o’clock a man, whom I have since identified as Sadler, came up to me and said he had been assaulted by some men at the dock gates. I walked with him about 30 yards in the direction of the Minories, and when opposite Lockhart’s Coffee Rooms I examined his ribs, but could not say they were broken. I parted from him soon after the clock struck 2, and it would take him about three minutes to walk from there to the scene of the murder. It was not more than two or three minutes past 2." Times Feb 21

                            So, essentially we have various versions... Edward met Sadler, who was then walking, on Mint St, and walked in the direction of Minories. When they parted, it was "three minutes to walk from there to the scene of the murder" and "not more than two or three minutes past 2."

                            Bit of confusion here...


                            • Of course, it's possible that both Coles and Stride were killed by Albert Bachert.

                              Yours truly,

                              Tom Wescott


                              • Rob,

                                Ill answer on the Coles thread.



                                Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


