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Did jack kill liz stride?

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  • Hi C.D,
    Many thanks!

    I was curious to know about the witnesses (two of them, I think? who went looking for the policeman) before Diemschultz arrived. I can't find any mention of them in the books I do have!




    • Originally posted by DrPL View Post
      Hi C.D,
      Many thanks!

      I was curious to know about the witnesses (two of them, I think? who went looking for the policeman) before Diemschultz arrived. I can't find any mention of them in the books I do have!


      Hi DrPL,

      I think you are getting Liz Stride confused with another victim. I think it was Annie Chapman (but I am not sure) where what you describe took place.



      • Hi C.D,
        It was definitely Liz Stride. I remember this because of the mention of Diemschultz and also because the author of that essay in the A-Z book used
        the witnesses (who weren't called at the coroner's court) as proof that Liz was not a Ripper victim, and had no intention of mutilating her body as he had already gone before the horse and cart arrived. I think the author of that essay said that it was Michael Kidney (?) who killed Liz and because Liz was linked to the Riper, he got away with it.

        I truly wish I could remember more. It looks like I'll have to get the book out of the library again, but I am 9th in queue for it!


        • You have me intrigued, DrPL. I thought I had read every book about JtR, but you might have found one that I don't know about. c.d. is absolutely correct in saying that Louis Diemschutz discovered the body. Then Louis, Isaacs Kozebrodsky, and Morris Eagle took off in search of a policeman. Several authors have fingered Kidney as Stride's killer. You might be thinking of A.P. Wolf's Jack the Myth (1993)---although that doesn't seem to fit with "essays".

          Anyway, if you can wait until you're first in the queue, I'd really like to know the title of the book.


          • I think I've finally twigged. I'll bet you're talking about Jakubowski & Braund's The Mammoth Book of Jack the Ripper which was later reissued in hardcover as simply Jack the Ripper, but with the subtitle (on the cover only) Comprehensive A-Z. Is that it?


            • Thats the one. A friend emailed me the details this morning; its an essay by Peter Turnbull called "Jack the Ripper: Man or Myth". He has Gilleman finding the body, Maurice Eagle running off to find a policeman and then Louise Diemschutz arriving on his cart.


              • Turnbull

                Hi Doc. I wasn't aware that Peter Turnbull published an essay on this, but he did publish a book entitled The Killer Who Never Was that put forth the ridiculous notion that each victim was killed by someone different. A recent author recently redressed this theory and implicated the press. Turnbull and Paul Begg had a minor war of words on the subject of Gilleman many years ago in the pages of Ripperologist. Turnbull came off a big confused and angry, and it became clear that he completely muddled the sources. I would in no way recommend his writings as a responsible source of information.

                Yours truly,

                Tom Wescott


                • Hiatus

                  Originally posted by corey123 View Post
                  Hello Lynn,

                  While I appriciate the nature of your question, please keep this to another thread, as this has to do with Stride, and whether she belongs to the C5, not Eddowes or any other.

                  In fact, if you use that hiatus as an argument, it is on flimsy ground, this group of killings in fact occur abnormally close in date, therefor the haitus is a natural occurance.

                  Yours truly
                  Washington, I think the fault with the question about the hiatus actually rests with me as it occured while I was posting above about Stride. I, not Lynn rightly deserves the "Aw S%$*" for the faux pas. I will watch my posts closer thanks,
                  Neil "Those who forget History are doomed to repeat it." - Santayana


                  • Hello Neil,

                    First of all, who in the world is Washington? Anyway, I wasn't saying his post was uneeded, rather I don't wish the thread to evolve into a thread discussing Isenschid and related theories. The fault lies with no-body.

                    No worries.
                    Washington Irving:

                    "To a homeless man, who has no spot on this wide world which he can truly call his own, there is a momentary feeling of something like independence and territorial consequence, when, after a weary day's travel, he kicks off his boots, thrusts his feet into slippers, and stretches himself before an inn fire. Let the world without go as it may; let kingdoms rise and fall, so long as he has the wherewithal to pay his bills, he is, for the time being, the very monarch of all he surveys. The arm chair in his throne; the poker his sceptre, and the little parlour of some twelve feet square, his undisputed empire. "



                    • Hello All,

                      However, on the reseason for a hiatus, I have a few explenations that could work, the most likely being the intense police force patrolling the ally's of Whitechapel.

                      Also, if, and I say if Jack the Ripper was narcissistic, then the attention could have staved his desire to kill, temporarily.

                      Although, I would say the most likely explenation was that it was a cool off period. Normal with serial killers who kill in close proximity.
                      Washington Irving:

                      "To a homeless man, who has no spot on this wide world which he can truly call his own, there is a momentary feeling of something like independence and territorial consequence, when, after a weary day's travel, he kicks off his boots, thrusts his feet into slippers, and stretches himself before an inn fire. Let the world without go as it may; let kingdoms rise and fall, so long as he has the wherewithal to pay his bills, he is, for the time being, the very monarch of all he surveys. The arm chair in his throne; the poker his sceptre, and the little parlour of some twelve feet square, his undisputed empire. "



                      • Originally posted by corey123 View Post
                        Hello Neil,
                        First of all, who in the world is Washington?
                        Corey, I think that Neil/YankeeSeargent simply mixed you up with Washington Irving, due to your long quote. ;-)
                        I agree with your explanation(s) of the so-called hiatus and will read your Examiner 5 piece in a couple weeks. (Terribly busy right now.)
                        With apologies for the small parenthesis.
                        Best regards,


                        • Hi DrPL,

                          I just re-read Turnbull's essay and, as Tom says, he can't be trusted. Not only does he get the facts about the Stride murder wrong, he makes serious errors in his descriptions of the other C5 killings.

                          He certainly writes well. The problem is that he lacks knowledge of what he's writing about.


                          • Hello Maria,

                            Hope all is well over in Berlin, or is it Paris, Chicago?

                            Yes, I think so as well. Also, thanks, hope you enjoy it when you read it.

                            Have a good evening,

                            Washington Irving:

                            "To a homeless man, who has no spot on this wide world which he can truly call his own, there is a momentary feeling of something like independence and territorial consequence, when, after a weary day's travel, he kicks off his boots, thrusts his feet into slippers, and stretches himself before an inn fire. Let the world without go as it may; let kingdoms rise and fall, so long as he has the wherewithal to pay his bills, he is, for the time being, the very monarch of all he surveys. The arm chair in his throne; the poker his sceptre, and the little parlour of some twelve feet square, his undisputed empire. "



                            • Hey Corey,
                              it's Berlin, with additional, stupid stress from Paris, and with all the snow gone since weeks. :-(
                              I'll definitely read Examiner 5, but I'm stuck with tons of work and some more stuff to read on the IWEC.
                              Hope everything's fine in Tennessee and with college.
                              Best regards,


                              • Hi friends, my confusion has abated, many thanks! On the whole I enjoyed that book (apart form a few rum chapters such as the one on black magic and the triumvirate of numbers - 1888, 1999 etc.). I must have an old edition as I expected some new material on Kosminski but it was all old stuff from Fido's previous book. Never mind!

                                I am intrigued as to whether a Jew would call another Jew "Lipski" given the connotation that the name had (if the murderer was a Jew that is)

