I wondered about that point Tom_Wescott if it was a matter of under-reporting... since the manner and type of crime [Tabram's possibly being the first in the series] may have merely been considered Brutal at the time [by both officials and journalists alike], and that neither party was as forensically-inclined to note all the particulars of her scene of the crime as they would become in pursuant months when the sensation of the crimes grew into the Heinous, Grotesque, Macabre,...
My wonderment is two-fold:
1. Martha Tabram seems peculiarly under-dressed considering many of the other victims {poor as they may be!} were wearing a few more articles of clothing e.g. bodice, chest cloth, &c.
2. I don't see any mention of articles or items in her possession e.g. a piece of mirror, a comb, a length of string, a thimble, &c.
My wonderment is two-fold:
1. Martha Tabram seems peculiarly under-dressed considering many of the other victims {poor as they may be!} were wearing a few more articles of clothing e.g. bodice, chest cloth, &c.
2. I don't see any mention of articles or items in her possession e.g. a piece of mirror, a comb, a length of string, a thimble, &c.