Originally posted by Aethelwulf
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From Mitre Square to Goulston Street - Some thoughts.
Originally posted by Christian View Post
I tend to agree with you!! Too often dismissed!! It is one hell of a coincidence to have a cryptic message scrawled directly above part of a murder victims clothing!! Same with the two murders same night within one mile of each other- how Often has this occurred in history?? Not a lot !! Yet Stride gets dismissed as a Ripper victim!!
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Originally posted by Bridewell View Post
I think that's exactly what Long did. The only issue for me is why he missed it. The reason for his dismissal a year or so later is interesting in that regard.
Only in ripper world."Is all that we see or seem
but a dream within a dream?"
-Edgar Allan Poe
"...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."
-Frederick G. Abberline
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Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
I always find it amazing that the person who discovered the only freakin clue the ripper left in the whole dam case gets dissed. or that this same person, who ought to be lauded, is claimed by some to have also missed it the first time around, eventhough hes adamant that he didnt, and testified under oath to it.
Only in ripper world.I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.
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Originally posted by Aethelwulf View PostOut of interest, does anyone know what the building where the GSG and apron were found were used for?Last edited by Aethelwulf; 02-21-2023, 10:19 PM.
Originally posted by Aethelwulf View PostOut of interest, does anyone know what the building where the GSG and apron were found were used for?
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In terms of the killer's route and where the apron piece ended up, if they intended for it to be found and then linked to Catherine Eddowes then it was very much job done in quick time. If they dropped or discarded it without any thought to it being found and linked to the murder victim in Mitre Square then it was a rare moment of disregard by them.
The apron piece was found within the threshold of the doorway. That would suggest the person dropping it had at least stepped inside, even if only for a moment. No witness came forward to say they had seen or caused someone to step aside at that location during that time. There are no witnesses regardless for that location following the murder until PC Long finds the apron piece. Something caused the killer to step inside that doorway and leave the apron piece behind. Either something spooked the killer at that point or it was a specific spot they intended to reach.
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Originally posted by Bridewell View Post
This same "person who ought to be lauded" was dismissed from the Metropolitan Police, not for drinking on duty, but for being drunk on duty. Why is it unreasonable to conclude that he may have been less than diligent on this occasion, when we know he was less than diligent on another? Did he insist, on oath, that he didn't miss it the first time around because he didn't miss it - or because he knew damned well that he'd be sacked if he admitted that he did? I think it possible that Long was drinking on duty that night. Given what we know about his conduct on a subsequent occasion, I find it amazing that others dismiss this possibility out of hand. Long may have been telling the truth, but it is not unreasonable to allow for the very real possibility that he may not. Police officers sometimes neglect their duties and sometimes tell lies in the witness box. The best don't do it but Long wasn't one of the best was he?
and if he was drunk on duty that night, eventhough there is no evidence for it, he probably would have missed it the second time too.
Last edited by Abby Normal; 02-22-2023, 01:56 AM."Is all that we see or seem
but a dream within a dream?"
-Edgar Allan Poe
"...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."
-Frederick G. Abberline
Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
Blocks of what we're basically flats, much like George Yard Buildings. Out of interest there were also similar blocks at the rear of this, in those blocks the mother of suspect Jacob Levy had lived until her recent death, and his brother lived in another flat at the rear.
Cheers, GeorgeLast edited by GBinOz; 02-22-2023, 04:13 AM.
I tend to agree with Bridewell here when it comes to Long. I don't think we can trust his testimony 100%. Due to the importance of the discovery there is no way he would have admitted he missed the first time around. I concede that the killer may have ducked into the entrance way for a couple of seconds to avoid someone but I don't see him hanging around long enough to write the graffiti. He just had a pretty close call in Mitre Square. He had already killed someone else that night and by this point the word is probably out. For me, he is racing to get back home, probably full of adrenaline. The route he takes just makes that seem obvious. Plus from the looks/sounds of the graffiti it was written by a steady hand, and would have taken at least a bit of time to write. If that is the killer, would have had to be as cool as a cucumber to be doing that!
Just a quick note to add. Would there even have been enough light to write the graffiti?Best wishes,