Originally posted by jsantos
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Your conjectures of the duality is an assumed aspect you have applied to Jack to make your theory fit, not something we know about Jack a suspect must have. You could as easily assume that Jack has to dislike Mondays or read penny dreadfuls. It is not proof.
To say it is impossible for somebody to use their imagination and write a story that has some simalarities to what you think the perpetrator of the mostly widely publicised murders in the world at the time is just silly. You have proven that either RLS or his co-author and stepson Lloyd Osborne were interested in the murders. Hardly a surprise.
The thing you have to prove is not that it is ridiculous to make simaler comparrisons to equally valid authors who also wrote stories with simalarities to the murders. It is up to you to prove thaat there are reasonable grounds why this is not a silly comparrison itself. Why only Jack the Ripper could have written this.
You have yet to do so, except in your opinion.
Let's go back to an example that somebody else mentioned before: There is a comparable conspiracy theory that suggests the Titanic sank not after an accident but a deliberate scuppering. The entire basis of the theory is this book:
Just like your theory it is based on the idea that somebody has to know something, because nobody could just imagine the fine details. Unlike your theory it at least had somebody imagining the events fifteen years before the event, not six years after the events had become known to the vast majority of the population.
Just like your theory it falls down on the basis that all it proves is the author happens to be the sort of person who would be interested in the case. Not commit it. We can say for sure that Morgan Robertson was the kind of writer who would enjoy speculating what would happen if the new breed of proposed super liners hit a tragedy. Stephenson, writing macarbre stories would be the sort of person who would have taken an interest in the Ripper case. But that does not mean we can trawl through his past picking aspects we then claim "Just like Jack!" Especially when they fall into one of two groups:
1) Something that might be true of Jack, but is in no way exclusive of Jack.
2) Something we are only assuming about Jack to suit a theory.
Every single one of the reasons you give for RLS as a suspect falls into those categories. By those standards we could literally make a case about anybody in the popular eye.