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Robert Louis Stevenson

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  • #16
    The alias - Jack the Ripper

    " some stage of the descent, had been shamed into the adoption of an alias." - In the RLS book "The Ebb-Tide"

    "...about a year before this tale begins, turned suddenly upon the streets of San Francisco (...) changed his name..." - In the RLS book "The Ebb-Tide"
    (One more coincidence: a year before jack the ripper - 1887, RLS it was in United States)

    "...the alias betrayed his moral bankruptcy..." - In the RLS book "The Ebb-Tide"

    Why Jack the Ripper?

    Maybe because RLS it always called Buildy Jack to its tuberculosis.

    "...the most pitiable, was the London clerk. He was used to another life, to houses, beds, nursing, and the dainties of the sickroom (...) He was besides infirm; the disease shook him to the vitals..." - In the RLS book "The Ebb-Tide"

    "...lay back ghastly and spent after a paroxysm of coughing..." - In the RLS book "The Ebb-Tide"

    "...the thought of death is always the least supportable..." - In the RLS book "The Ebb-Tide"


    • #17
      The perfect alibi - Samoa

      "I got a ship. (...) out of San Francisco..." - In RLS book "The Ebb-Tide" (COINCIDENCE Ship out of San Francisco!!! like RLS ship "Casco"!)

      "Ah, but this is the jail!" - In RLS book "The Ebb-Tide"

      "It can`t last longer, they`ve got their eye on us; and as sure as you live, in three weeks you`ll be in jail whatever you do." - In RLS book "The Ebb-Tide"

      "...and carry out the Samoa scheme hand over fist." - In RLS book "The Ebb-Tide"


      • #18
        The RLS life...

        "Robert Herrick was the son of an intelligent, active and ambitious man (...) he was sent to a good school (...) With all his talent and taste (and he had much of both) Robert was deficient in consistency and intellectual manhood, wandered in bypaths of study (...) He had no head for figures, no interest in affairs, detested the constraint of hours, and despised the aims and the success of merchants." - In RLS book "The Ebb-Tide" (Like RLS life. About the name Robert Herrick - Robert from RLS and Herrick from Jack)

        "His career thenceforth was one of unbroken shame. (...) his day was a tissue of things neglected and things done amiss; and from place to place and from town to town, he carried the character of one thoroughly incompetent. No man can bear the word applied to him without some flush of colour, as indeed there is none other that so emphatically slams in a man`s face the door of self-respect. And to Herrick, who was conscious of talents and acquirements, who looked down upon those humble duties in which he has found wanting, the pain was the more exquisite." - In RLS book "The Ebb-Tide" (RLS words: In all places they accuse me to be an immoral writer; it is deplorable.)

        "He was used to another life, to houses, beds, nursing, and the dainties of the sickroom..." - In RLS book "The Ebb-Tide" (Like RLS life...)


        • #19
          In the next replies I promise to continue to try to write in English.

          Thank you


          • #20
            James Monro

            Of all the senior police officials who were involved with the Jack the Ripper case, James Monro remains the most enigmatic. He alone amongst the high ranking policemen did not publish any memoirs and yet it is possible that he was more informed about the case than most if not all his contemporaries. If anybody knew the truth about the events of 1888 it was him. (Andrew L Morrison - casebook)

            James Monro born like RLS in Edimburgh.

            I think James Monro knew the identity of Jack the Ripper. If RLS, a brilliant scottish writer was Jack, is possible that Monro has hidden the identity of the most famous serial killer in history.


            • #21
              Why ? Because they were both born in Edinburgh ?


              • #22
                Originally posted by jsantos View Post

                Of all the senior police officials who were involved with the Jack the Ripper case, James Monro remains the most enigmatic. He alone amongst the high ranking policemen did not publish any memoirs and yet it is possible that he was more informed about the case than most if not all his contemporaries. If anybody knew the truth about the events of 1888 it was him. (Andrew L Morrison - casebook)

                James Monro born like RLS in Edimburgh.

                I think James Monro knew the identity of Jack the Ripper. If RLS, a brilliant scottish writer was Jack, is possible that Monro has hidden the identity of the most famous serial killer in history.
                That is a pretty unlikely "possible" tacked to an "If" that makes little sense. I doubt being a brilliant writer, Scottish or otherwise, is a good enough reason to hide the identity IF Monro knew it and IF it was RLS.

                If Monro knew Queen Victoria was the Ripper it is possible he framed RLS. Equally implausible, but also "possible".
                There Will Be Trouble!


                • #23
                  Almost anything is "possible" - but probable? plausible?


                  • #24
                    "There was a book published, some years before the Titanic sank." (Phil H)
                    The Ebb-Tide was a book published, some years after the Jack the Ripper murders.
                    So it`s different. But ok it`s your point of view.

                    "Because they were both born in Edinburgh?" (Rubyretro)
                    It`s a coincidence, but many people say that James Monro knew the identity of RLS or he was more informed about the case than most if not all his contemporaries. The words are not mine. If that fact it`s true and I think RLS was Jack, is possible that Monro has hidden RLS. Why? I don`t know...
                    It`s probable? plausible? Maybe not. But RLS have much more in common with Jack the Ripper than most of the suspects.

                    If most of you are interested I can continue my theory.
                    Thank you


                    • #25
                      The Ebb-Tide was a book published, some years after the Jack the Ripper murders.

                      So all the imformation could have been available to RLS - I can write a novel about the Yorkshire Ripper and include lots of references and allusions to things that are relevant. It doesn't mean I was the killer!!!



                      • #26
                        "all the imformation could have been available to RLS" - I don`t think so, but if you said...
                        It`s easier for you to say i`m wrong than to say i`m right. Any theory about Jack the Ripper identity will always be destroyed by someone, and it will always be like this.


                        • #27
                          It`s easier for you to say i`m wrong than to say i`m right.

                          Not if your case is argued factually, rests on evidence and is well-argued.

                          Any theory about Jack the Ripper identity will always be destroyed by someone, and it will always be like this.

                          Not necessarily, for the reasons just given. But plucking a suspect from thin air is simply akin to all the anagrammatical ideas we have had in the past - so unlikely that i am unsure what drives them on.

                          If you want to promote RLS as a suspect then please let us have some proof that he was in the East End ever, in London at the time, ever showed any evidence of violent behaviour etc etc.



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by jsantos View Post
                            "all the imformation could have been available to RLS" - I don`t think so, but if you said...
                            It`s easier for you to say i`m wrong than to say i`m right. Any theory about Jack the Ripper identity will always be destroyed by someone, and it will always be like this.
                            This falls down for the same reason that Walter Sickert falls down. All you have proven is that the man had an interest in the murders. Sickert painted pictures with details known only to him and anybody else with access to the mass press coverage and public records of coroner courts, etc.

                            The theory would only be able to work if RLS knew something nobody else could. The name of Druit before it was made public, etc. But even then, we would have to accept that Wreck of the Titan/ Titanic coincidences are possible.

                            Who is to say what RLS has in common with an as yet unidentified assailant?
                            There Will Be Trouble!


                            • #29

                              (RLS with his father Thomas Stevenson)

                              When RLS was younger he adopt a false identity on his trips to the old part of Edimburgh.
                              Last edited by jsantos; 06-22-2011, 07:51 PM.


                              • #30

                                (RLS as student)

                                RLS as student he was involved with at least one prostitute.

