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Jacob The Ripper?

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  • drinks

    Hello TJ. That's fine.

    Perhaps you have a good idea about who wished to fund them?



    • Lynn perhaps you have an idea who bought Kate her drinks that afternoon, since you raised the question. Unless this is a game of Clue.

      What are you trying to say, Lynn? Spit it out please. And once you do, I'll buy us ALL a round.

      Sink the Bismark


      • money

        Hello Roy. Do you believe, as I do, that another "unfortunate" can be ruled out?

        I am thinking, large glass of gin 4d. To get Kate properly snoggered, 3 glasses. Looks like about a shilling. So it must be someone of means.

        But WHY buy Kate's drinks?



        • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
          Hello Roy. Do you believe, as I do, that another "unfortunate" can be ruled out?
          No, Lynn I don't.

          I am thinking, large glass of gin 4d. To get Kate properly snoggered, 3 glasses. Looks like about a shilling. So it must be someone of means.

          But WHY buy Kate's drinks?
          She ingratiated herself.

          Sink the Bismark


          • possible

            Hello Roy. OK. But it's hard for me to see a poor unfortunate blowing a shilling on Kate. I suppose it is possible.



            • Out of curiosity, what makes Levy such a good suspect? We know almost nothing about him, except that he was a butcher, did time, was manic for about a year, and died in an asylum after being diagnosed with general paresis of the insane. We don't even know if he in fact had syphilis. Just that his insanity was deemed to be caused by it, and the doctors could only identify the disease symptomatically. We don't know if he had a mental illness or just a bad patch. We don't know why he would do such a thing. If he had syphilis, why wait for years to kill?

              There's no evidence of a revenge motive, no evidence that he had any kind of mental illness. Theres no evidence he was Jewish or not Jewish, and you'd expect a butcher to make cleaner cuts.

              We don't know how observant Levy was, but theres no reason to think that he had some burning need for revenge against the Jewish Community as a whole to the point that he would contaminate holy ground with spilled blood.

              He's the right age, and evidently he is not the average stable guy, but how does that make him a better suspect than a quarter of London? How did this guy get on anyone's radar anyway?
              The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


              • kleptomaniac

                Hello Errata. Well, one thing that puts him far ahead of many is that he seems to have stolen for no good reason. In The "Ripperologist" article it was suggested that he may have been a kleptomaniac.

                If so, that could explain the rifling of Annie and Kate's effects. Very few who back suspects ever touch that aspect of the case. I find it very refreshing.



                • Out of curiosity, what makes Levy such a good suspect? We know almost nothing about him, except that he was a butcher, did time, was manic for about a year, and died in an asylum after being diagnosed with general paresis of the insane. We don't even know if he in fact had syphilis. Just that his insanity was deemed to be caused by it, and the doctors could only identify the disease symptomatically. We don't know if he had a mental illness or just a bad patch. We don't know why he would do such a thing. If he had syphilis, why wait for years to kill?

                  There's no evidence of a revenge motive, no evidence that he had any kind of mental illness.

                  He's the right age, and evidently he is not the average stable guy, but how does that make him a better suspect than a quarter of London? How did this guy get on anyone's radar anyway?
                  Have you read the article at all Errata?

                  It's not about what you's about what you can find out


                  • Originally posted by tji View Post
                    Have you read the article at all Errata?

                    No I don't get the magazine. I have enough problems with my mailman because of "questionable hobbies".

                    I mean I'm honestly asking. As far as I can see, the only reason anyone ever looked at this guy was the assumption that the witness Levy didn't want to rat out a relative. I mean, if MY cousin was imploding women for kicks I would totally have no problem with turning them in, but I may be unusually mercenary.
                    The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


                    • Originally posted by tji View Post

                      As I said in a previous post, take the witness statement out and Jacob is still a strong suspect.

                      We have never said we had evidence that Levy was Jack.

                      Hi Tracey,

                      If you don't have evidence that Levy (I presume you mean the witness's cousin?) was Jack, I fail to see how he can be a strong suspect.

                      In answer to your view that my earlier post was "slightly insulting", because speculation and conjecture are what the boards are all about: Is it not also part of the nature of the boards that our views are subject to scrutiny and comment by others? It has never been my intention to hurt anyone's feelings; please don't be offended just because I disagree with you.

                      Best Wishes, Bridewell.
                      I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


                      • Hi Bridewell

                        I'm not sure if we are on the same wavelength here?

                        By evidence I am in about actual physical evidence that no-one has otherwise we wouldn't be here discussing the case.
                        I am not sure how he can't make a suspect because we haven't got that physical evidence?

                        Does that make any suspect not a good suspect?
                        What we have done in the article is make a strong case for him as a suspect, but we have never said we have proved he was Jack.

                        No I should be the one to apologise, re-reading my post it was more 'aggressive' than what I intended and insulted was a little too strong a word in hindsight. Sorry.

                        Of course you have the right to question Jacob, apologies if I gave the impression you couldn't. May I ask if you have read the article at all though?

                        It's not about what you's about what you can find out


                        • Hi Eratta

                          No I don't get the magazine. I have enough problems with my mailman because of "questionable hobbies".
                          The Ripperologist is sent by e-mail, it is not a hard copy anymore.

                          I mean I'm honestly asking. As far as I can see, the only reason anyone ever looked at this guy was the assumption that the witness Levy didn't want to rat out a relative.
                          Forgetting the article for one minute, on the boards alone we have out forward information that shows it isn't just the fact he knew his cousin.

                          I mean, if MY cousin was imploding women for kicks I would totally have no problem with turning them in, but I may be unusually mercenary.
                          Each to their own I guess.

                          For those who haven't read the article we are hoping to start a new thread summarising all the new facts soon, obviously it will be without the photos but it will at least give an overview of Jacob's life and death.

                          It's not about what you's about what you can find out


                          • idea

                            Hello TJ. An excellent idea. Perhaps also some of the material could be incorporated under the suspect listings as well? Some of those need an update anyway.



                            • Hi Lynn

                              Good idea, we will see what we can do

                              It's not about what you's about what you can find out


                              • Originally posted by tji View Post
                                Hi Eratta

                                Forgetting the article for one minute, on the boards alone we have out forward information that shows it isn't just the fact he knew his cousin.
                                Where? I mean, I don't read every thread so clearly I could easily have missed it. If you could give me a point towards it I will read it immediately.

                                Not to sound harsh, but when you say "Each to their own" are you saying you would NOT turn in a relative who was a serial killer? What is the alternative? Let them turn women inside out? Kill them? I'm not challenging in a "you're a bad person" kinda way. I mean, I get that it would not be an easy decision. But if you feel that way, and others feel that way, then clearly people back then may have in fact felt that way, and that is something I would like to understand. Which currently, I have to admit, I don't at all.
                                The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

