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Why William Henry Bury may have been Jack

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  • Doesn't it bother you John, that Abberline no less, who himself did inquiries about Bury, from those two wive's killers, he ended favouring Chapman as the ripper?!

    Although Chapman didn't strangle nor mutilate his wives, he was the chosen one?!

    Bury was forsakened, abandoned, neglected by the Police, he is not worthy.

    The Baron


    • So…..Abberline shows questionable judgment in favouring Chapman but his judgment was fine when rejecting Bury. That rings a bell. Like when it was pointed out that Macnaghten mentioned Kosminski which was commended by the person mentioning it whilst at the same time denigrating Macnaghten for mentioning Druitt. We see a trend of selectivity. Macnaghten (naming Druitt) dismissed because he wasn’t a career police officer and yet Anderson (naming Kosminski) is absolutely fine even though he wasn’t a career police officer. The pattern is obvious and the agenda is clear.

      Sutcliffe was also ‘neglected’ by the police after been talked to 9 times and he was 100% guilty. And unless it’s believed that this was the only time that the police have ever been wrong then I fail to see the point in mentioning it in the first place.

      Weak points. Trying to dismiss Bury is an exercise in futility. One person thinks he’s a poor suspect. Who cares? Ripperology is becoming a breeding ground for bias, for opinions based on personalities and a lack of balance.
      Last edited by Herlock Sholmes; 07-06-2024, 07:59 PM.

      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


      • Originally posted by The Baron View Post
        Doesn't it bother you John, that Abberline no less, who himself did inquiries about Bury, from those two wive's killers, he ended favouring Chapman as the ripper?!

        Although Chapman didn't strangle nor mutilate his wives, he was the chosen one?!

        Bury was forsakened, abandoned, neglected by the Police, he is not worthy.

        The Baron
        No it doesn't bother me. Anyone who favours Chapman over Bury clearly doesn't understand about Serial Killers.


        • Originally posted by John Wheat View Post

          No it doesn't bother me. Anyone who favours Chapman over Bury clearly doesn't understand about Serial Killers.

          At least they can count John

          The Baron


          • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
            So…..Abberline shows questionable judgment in favouring Chapman but his judgment was fine when rejecting Bury. That rings a bell. Like when it was pointed out that Macnaghten mentioned Kosminski which was commended by the person mentioning it whilst at the same time denigrating Macnaghten for mentioning Druitt. We see a trend of selectivity. Macnaghten (naming Druitt) dismissed because he wasn’t a career police officer and yet Anderson (naming Kosminski) is absolutely fine even though he wasn’t a career police officer. The pattern is obvious and the agenda is clear.

            Sutcliffe was also ‘neglected’ by the police after been talked to 9 times and he was 100% guilty. And unless it’s believed that this was the only time that the police have ever been wrong then I fail to see the point in mentioning it in the first place.

            Weak points. Trying to dismiss Bury is an exercise in futility. One person thinks he’s a poor suspect. Who cares? Ripperology is becoming a breeding ground for bias, for opinions based on personalities and a lack of balance.

            Typical auto-post, one can heardly make head or tail from, as if the words get mixed randomly together..

            Macnaghten Anderson Kosminski Druitt Bury Chapman Sutcliffe Abberline ...

            I say wait until the match ends and try again?

            The Baron


            • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
              So…..Abberline shows questionable judgment in favouring Chapman but his judgment was fine when rejecting Bury. That rings a bell. Like when it was pointed out that Macnaghten mentioned Kosminski which was commended by the person mentioning it whilst at the same time denigrating Macnaghten for mentioning Druitt. We see a trend of selectivity. Macnaghten (naming Druitt) dismissed because he wasn’t a career police officer and yet Anderson (naming Kosminski) is absolutely fine even though he wasn’t a career police officer. The pattern is obvious and the agenda is clear.

              Sutcliffe was also ‘neglected’ by the police after been talked to 9 times and he was 100% guilty. And unless it’s believed that this was the only time that the police have ever been wrong then I fail to see the point in mentioning it in the first place.

              Weak points. Trying to dismiss Bury is an exercise in futility. One person thinks he’s a poor suspect. Who cares? Ripperology is becoming a breeding ground for bias, for opinions based on personalities and a lack of balance.
              Hi Herlock,

              Speaking of Abberline, didn't he say that Robert Anderson didn't know who the Ripper was, he only thought he did? Abberline's opinion about Anderson's suspect is just as valid as his opinion about Bury.


              • John Littlechild presumably hand-wrote that note at the bottom of his typewritten letter to George Sims. I say 'presumably' because it seems to have been added as an afterthought. I proposed the possibility that it was Sims himself who wrote this note on Littlechild's letter along with the hand-written editorial corrections to the typescript in the letter.


                • Originally posted by The Baron View Post

                  Typical auto-post, one can heardly make head or tail from, as if the words get mixed randomly together..

                  Macnaghten Anderson Kosminski Druitt Bury Chapman Sutcliffe Abberline ...

                  I say wait until the match ends and try again?

                  The Baron
                  It’s very simple and written in plain English. To put it in an even simpler form it’s an illustration of how you repeated move the goalposts to suit your own purpose.

                  Abberline makes a strange choice in favouring a poisoner….but you note him for dismissing Bury. So he shows pour judgment on Chapman but good judgment on Bury. It’s a case of cherrypicking.

                  In a recent post elsewhere, when discussing the merits of Kosminski, you pointed out that he was named by Macnaghten (as a plus point) and yet when it’s mentioned that Macnaghten favoured Druitt he becomes an idiot or a liar. Again…cherrypicking.

                  And finally, you have repeatedly derided Macnaghten, as the proposer of Druitt, because he’d had another job before joining the police (I believe that you kept calling him the Tea Planter as a term of derision) and yet the person who proposes the suspect that you favour, Anderson, also had another job before joining the police (a barrister) but this is fine. Again, very obvious cherrypicking.

                  I hope that was easy enough to understand?

                  Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                  “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                  • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                    Abberline makes a strange choice in favouring a poisoner

                    Any why is it strange? Because you said so?! Even historian Philip Sugden chose his side, do you know better than Abberline and Sugden?!

                    Your post is just running in circles and summons of sagas as an attempt to avoide addressing the substantial idea, I bet you think you nailed it.

                    The Baron


                    • Originally posted by The Baron View Post

                      Any why is it strange? Because you said so?! Even historian Philip Sugden chose his side, do you know better than Abberline and Sugden?!

                      Your post is just running in circles and summons of sagas as an attempt to avoide addressing the substantial idea, I bet you think you nailed it.

                      The Baron
                      I’ve just shown that you keep cherrypicking. You haven’t made a single valid point. Not one.

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • Originally posted by The Baron View Post

                        At least they can count John

                        The Baron
                        Is that a reference to Mackenzie? Who in all likelihood wasn't a Ripper victim.


                        • Originally posted by Scott Nelson View Post
                          John Littlechild presumably hand-wrote that note at the bottom of his typewritten letter to George Sims. I say 'presumably' because it seems to have been added as an afterthought. I proposed the possibility that it was Sims himself who wrote this note on Littlechild's letter along with the hand-written editorial corrections to the typescript in the letter.
                          Thank you, Scott.


                          • Originally posted by The Baron View Post

                            Any why is it strange? Because you said so?! Even historian Philip Sugden chose his side, do you know better than Abberline and Sugden?!

                            Your post is just running in circles and summons of sagas as an attempt to avoide addressing the substantial idea, I bet you think you nailed it.

                            The Baron
                            I don't think Sugden really considered Bury. It appears to me that he looked at Chapman, Druitt, Aaron Kosminski, and Ostrog, and concluded that Chapman was the best suspect of those four.


                            • Originally posted by John Wheat View Post

                              Is that a reference to Mackenzie? Who in all likelihood wasn't a Ripper victim.
                              But she can be roped in when convenient John. And apparently, if one person says that she was definitely a victim then that’s good enough. I’ll say it again…who needs balance?

                              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                              • Do you think Bury might have written the "From Hell" letter Herlock?!

                                The Baron

